Some Clarification Please

angelam82 Posts: 61 Member
So I have spent the morning looking over all of this and it is making sense. I am 29 (30 in 10 weeks), 161cm and this morning weighted 88.1kg or 194lbs.

My BMR is 1655 and my TDEE is 2564 to maintain or 2054 with 20% cut.

I have customised my diary to be at 2000 calories per day.

My exercise consists of using my bike on a stationary trainer with 2 different training podcasts. They are 40 mins or 35 mins in duration and burn either 640 calories or 560 calories according to MFP (they are vigorous stationary cycling exercises and I burnt the same amount at the gym on the exercise bike). I try to do these 5, possibly 6 times per week.

After reading the "TDEE & BMR: What they are and what to do with them" topic, I created custom exercises for each of these with 295 calories for the 40min podcast and 195 for the 35 min podcast in order to allocated back some calories in order to net my BMR on the days that I exercise.

Does this all sound correct? Hope im on the right track.


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Just depends on what works for you. If you mark them for those cals, then you have to make sure you eat that much back on gym days to net BMR.

    The way I do it is set my target to my cut.. and I eat to my cut amount, but on workout days I just ensure my NET number is above BMR. I always mark my exercise cals for what I burned..

    Just depends on how it works for you:)