Insanity calories question

On my rest day after week 6 of P90X I wanted to try the insanity fit test. A friend at work just started it and I wanted to see what it was like.

My crappy HRM stops working sometimes when I get too sweaty, so I have no idea how many calories I might have burned. Any suggestions? I beat the guys (Chris?) 60 day numbers in 7 of the 8 tests. I'm 48 years old 5-11 and 180 lbs. My heat rate was definitely high the entire time and after the workout I was as soaked as I am after any of the full P90X workouts.


  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    I don't have any suggestions. Traffic to our little group seems to have died down quite drastically. It's hard sticking to P90X for very long. I know from past experience :)