Calorie calcs from Book to MFP Goals

girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
I'm relatively new to weight lifting and have nearly completed the book. I've been lifting with machines for roughly a month, started with a trainer 1x last week and will see her again on Thursday. So, my actual start of NROL4W workouts will start tomorrow. Here's my question and I'll try to be as clear as possible:

When I work through the guidelines (from the New Rules book) for calculating calories, what figure do I enter into Net Calories in MFP? Do I enter the non-workout day number subtracting ~300 cals or so because I'd like to lose fat? Or, do I enter the workout day number subtracting 300? It would be silly to try to switch the numbers every day I do weights.
So, which do I use as my Net Calories? What do you ladies do?
New Rules of Lifting for Women suggests using these guidelines for calculating how many calories to eat each day:

Step 1: Find your weight in Kilograms
Take your weight and divide it by 2.2 = your weight in kilograms.
For example, I weigh 131 lbs, so in kilograms I weigh 59.55 kg

Step 2: Calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate
Multiply your weight in kilograms by 7.18
(MY example:) 59.55*7.18 = 427.54

Now add 795
795+427.54 = 1222.54
We'll call that number X

Step 3: Calculate your BMI
Use this chart:


If your BMI is 18-24.9:
Multiply X by:
On non-workout days: 1.6
On workout days: 1.8

If your BMI is >25
Multiply X by:
On non-workout days: 1.5
On workout days: 1.7

... the book says that if you are also trying to lose lbs, you can subtract up to 300 cals from both days.


  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    the book also strongly suggests keeping at those calculations until you see how it will work for you; before subtracting 300. I am working on losing but left mine at the numbers given by the calculations. I will re-evaluate in another month to see where I am at and if I need to lower my intake.

    I got the number for my lifting day amount subtracted the daily amount I eat and manually enter those cals into weight training when I enter my exercise so I am still working off the numbers given by the program instead of what MFP would give me for weight training for whatever length of time. if that makes sense.