Are there any Crunchy Mamas Out There?



  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    im in uk and its pretty much the normal here to have un medicated births, i have had 3 babies with no drugs but all in hospital, im planning on using the birthing pool at the hospital this time as i have high risk births so cant have a home birth and im no close enough to a hospital if anything was to go wrong :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm active duty Air Force so I don't have a choice, but seeing's how the military is paying for everything I won't complain too much about being in a hospital. Especially since the military hospital (Army) I'll be at supports limiting unnecessary interventions, doesn't follow artificial timelines, etc. I'm being seen by a military certified nurse midwife for every appt and she said to bring in my birth plan during my week 32 appt for us to review and she'll sign off on it to give more creedance to what I want for when I get to the hospital. I'm shooting for non-drug pain management care and stress relief, and I really want to be able to move around, eat, drink water, shower, bathe, etc. I've got a doula and will more than likely have a chiropractor there as well. I'm also excited about the military hospital I'll be at because they've got one of the lowest c-section rates and look at surgery as a worst case, last resort option as they acknowledge we recover faster birthing vaginally which means they get us back to work faster LOL. I'll be breastfeeding as much as possible, but will have to pump when I go back to work.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm active duty Air Force so I don't have a choice, but seeing's how the military is paying for everything I won't complain too much about being in a hospital. Especially since the military hospital (Army) I'll be at supports limiting unnecessary interventions, doesn't follow artificial timelines, etc. I'm being seen by a military certified nurse midwife for every appt and she said to bring in my birth plan during my week 32 appt for us to review and she'll sign off on it to give more creedance to what I want for when I get to the hospital. I'm shooting for non-drug pain management care and stress relief, and I really want to be able to move around, eat, drink water, shower, bathe, etc. I've got a doula and will more than likely have a chiropractor there as well. I'm also excited about the military hospital I'll be at because they've got one of the lowest c-section rates and look at surgery as a worst case, last resort option as they acknowledge we recover faster birthing vaginally which means they get us back to work faster LOL. I'll be breastfeeding as much as possible, but will have to pump when I go back to work.

    It sounds like you have an awesome support system! Most women don't get the birth that they want because they aren't supported by their caregivers, and I know from experience, that you have to be really stubborn to refuse interventions! I had many arguments during my first labor! I am so happy that your "team" is really working on your side! The last hospital I delivered at had a 95% epidural rate when my midwives began delivering there (I was one of the first deliveries that they did there). The nurses all though that I was crazy and when I delivered my own baby in the tub with my midwife standing by to talk me through it, I thought that they would die! They weren't used to the natural birth culture at all! Babies aren't meant to be born while lying on your back!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm active duty Air Force so I don't have a choice, but seeing's how the military is paying for everything I won't complain too much about being in a hospital. Especially since the military hospital (Army) I'll be at supports limiting unnecessary interventions, doesn't follow artificial timelines, etc. I'm being seen by a military certified nurse midwife for every appt and she said to bring in my birth plan during my week 32 appt for us to review and she'll sign off on it to give more creedance to what I want for when I get to the hospital. I'm shooting for non-drug pain management care and stress relief, and I really want to be able to move around, eat, drink water, shower, bathe, etc. I've got a doula and will more than likely have a chiropractor there as well. I'm also excited about the military hospital I'll be at because they've got one of the lowest c-section rates and look at surgery as a worst case, last resort option as they acknowledge we recover faster birthing vaginally which means they get us back to work faster LOL. I'll be breastfeeding as much as possible, but will have to pump when I go back to work.

    It sounds like you have an awesome support system! Most women don't get the birth that they want because they aren't supported by their caregivers, and I know from experience, that you have to be really stubborn to refuse interventions! I had many arguments during my first labor! I am so happy that your "team" is really working on your side! The last hospital I delivered at had a 95% epidural rate when my midwives began delivering there (I was one of the first deliveries that they did there). The nurses all though that I was crazy and when I delivered my own baby in the tub with my midwife standing by to talk me through it, I thought that they would die! They weren't used to the natural birth culture at all! Babies aren't meant to be born while lying on your back!

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm active duty Air Force so I don't have a choice, but seeing's how the military is paying for everything I won't complain too much about being in a hospital. Especially since the military hospital (Army) I'll be at supports limiting unnecessary interventions, doesn't follow artificial timelines, etc. I'm being seen by a military certified nurse midwife for every appt and she said to bring in my birth plan during my week 32 appt for us to review and she'll sign off on it to give more creedance to what I want for when I get to the hospital. I'm shooting for non-drug pain management care and stress relief, and I really want to be able to move around, eat, drink water, shower, bathe, etc. I've got a doula and will more than likely have a chiropractor there as well. I'm also excited about the military hospital I'll be at because they've got one of the lowest c-section rates and look at surgery as a worst case, last resort option as they acknowledge we recover faster birthing vaginally which means they get us back to work faster LOL. I'll be breastfeeding as much as possible, but will have to pump when I go back to work.
    It sounds like you have an awesome support system! Most women don't get the birth that they want because they aren't supported by their caregivers, and I know from experience, that you have to be really stubborn to refuse interventions! I had many arguments during my first labor! I am so happy that your "team" is really working on your side! The last hospital I delivered at had a 95% epidural rate when my midwives began delivering there (I was one of the first deliveries that they did there). The nurses all though that I was crazy and when I delivered my own baby in the tub with my midwife standing by to talk me through it, I thought that they would die! They weren't used to the natural birth culture at all! Babies aren't meant to be born while lying on your back!
    I considered a water birth as from what I'd read I could only see positives for it, but the Army hospital doesn't have a birthing tubs. They do however offer showers and have no issue with allowing us to get up and move around, try different positions from standing, leaning on SO, squatting, and using items like a birthing stool, birthing ball, etc. all of course providing the baby is doing well and not showing signs of distress.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm active duty Air Force so I don't have a choice, but seeing's how the military is paying for everything I won't complain too much about being in a hospital. Especially since the military hospital (Army) I'll be at supports limiting unnecessary interventions, doesn't follow artificial timelines, etc. I'm being seen by a military certified nurse midwife for every appt and she said to bring in my birth plan during my week 32 appt for us to review and she'll sign off on it to give more creedance to what I want for when I get to the hospital. I'm shooting for non-drug pain management care and stress relief, and I really want to be able to move around, eat, drink water, shower, bathe, etc. I've got a doula and will more than likely have a chiropractor there as well. I'm also excited about the military hospital I'll be at because they've got one of the lowest c-section rates and look at surgery as a worst case, last resort option as they acknowledge we recover faster birthing vaginally which means they get us back to work faster LOL. I'll be breastfeeding as much as possible, but will have to pump when I go back to work.
    It sounds like you have an awesome support system! Most women don't get the birth that they want because they aren't supported by their caregivers, and I know from experience, that you have to be really stubborn to refuse interventions! I had many arguments during my first labor! I am so happy that your "team" is really working on your side! The last hospital I delivered at had a 95% epidural rate when my midwives began delivering there (I was one of the first deliveries that they did there). The nurses all though that I was crazy and when I delivered my own baby in the tub with my midwife standing by to talk me through it, I thought that they would die! They weren't used to the natural birth culture at all! Babies aren't meant to be born while lying on your back!
    I considered a water birth as from what I'd read I could only see positives for it, but the Army hospital doesn't have a birthing tubs. They do however offer showers and have no issue with allowing us to get up and move around, try different positions from standing, leaning on SO, squatting, and using items like a birthing stool, birthing ball, etc. all of course providing the baby is doing well and not showing signs of distress.

    If you are really interested in a water birth, check and see if the hospital would let you use a portable birthing tub. There are tubs that are designed specifically for waterbirth that are often used for homebirths, but some hospitals will use them. Who knows, you might change the way that the hospital thinks! My waterbirths were beautiful!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I had three hospital/epidural births.
    Then #4 was a "natural" hospital birth. The only interventions I had we're an amniotomy (at 42 weeks) and a saline lock.
    After that I stayed home. This will be my third home birth with a midwife, once again planning on using the birthing pool. That is so much easier for me. And baby! I don't think it's any coincidence that my home-birthed babies have also been my calmest and happiest.
    We are pretty crunchy all-around. We do herbal home remedies before seeking medical interventions (which means we rarely see doctors. I do take the kids in for a yearly checkup with the ped, just so she'll "know" us in case we ever need her.)
    We use cloth diapers and I use a diva cup instead of paper feminine products. We homeschool.

    But I'm not one of these militant crunchy people. I just do what works for us, and I share what we do only to offer suggestions that folks may not have considered before. I have plenty of medicated-birthing, disposable-using, formula-feeding friends, and I love them just the same.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I had three hospital/epidural births.
    Then #4 was a "natural" hospital birth. The only interventions I had we're an amniotomy (at 42 weeks) and a saline lock.
    After that I stayed home. This will be my third home birth with a midwife, once again planning on using the birthing pool. That is so much easier for me. And baby! I don't think it's any coincidence that my home-birthed babies have also been my calmest and happiest.
    We are pretty crunchy all-around. We do herbal home remedies before seeking medical interventions (which means we rarely see doctors. I do take the kids in for a yearly checkup with the ped, just so she'll "know" us in case we ever need her.)
    We use cloth diapers and I use a diva cup instead of paper feminine products. We homeschool.

    But I'm not one of these militant crunchy people. I just do what works for us, and I share what we do only to offer suggestions that folks may not have considered before. I have plenty of medicated-birthing, disposable-using, formula-feeding friends, and I love them just the same.

    I love it! Super crunchy! My hubby still hates the idea of cloth diapers!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member

    I love it! Super crunchy! My hubby still hates the idea of cloth diapers!

    Mine was not at all sold on the idea of cloth diapers, but I just went ahead and started using them. We were in dire financial straits, and I thought it would help. It did. Some of our cloth dipes have lasted through FOUR children!
    Now he tells the expecting gals at his work about cloth diapers...I don't think he's gotten any converts. :tongue:

    BTW--I am also a nurse! Hi!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member

    I love it! Super crunchy! My hubby still hates the idea of cloth diapers!

    Mine was not at all sold on the idea of cloth diapers, but I just went ahead and started using them. We were in dire financial straits, and I thought it would help. It did. Some of our cloth dipes have lasted through FOUR children!
    Now he tells the expecting gals at his work about cloth diapers...I don't think he's gotten any converts. :tongue:

    BTW--I am also a nurse! Hi!

    Awesome! I was also thinking about just buying some and working them in... he won't even know what hit him! Awesome to meet you!!
  • Do any of you fellow hippy mama's have recco's on a brand that fit/work for newborns? Lots of my pals had a hard time making them work on small babies and kind of gave up once they were used to the ease of good ole pampers.

    Also - did any of you all have to go to daycare with cloth? How'd that work out?

    I'm thinking I'd have to go home cloth/daytime pampers, but I'm scared I'll get lazy with my efforts! Lord knows I'll probably have a hard time finding a 'crunchy' childcare in Tennessee ;)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Do any of you fellow hippy mama's have recco's on a brand that fit/work for newborns? Lots of my pals had a hard time making them work on small babies and kind of gave up once they were used to the ease of good ole pampers.

    Also - did any of you all have to go to daycare with cloth? How'd that work out?

    I'm thinking I'd have to go home cloth/daytime pampers, but I'm scared I'll get lazy with my efforts! Lord knows I'll probably have a hard time finding a 'crunchy' childcare in Tennessee ;)

    I am having our first child in Febrruary 2013 and will be using cloth diapers as well. I have several friends who use them. I think a lot depends on the type of baby you have - some are long and skinny while others are chunkier, lol. Rumparooz makes Lil Joey Preemie/Newborn diapers that fit babies from 4-13 pounds. They're tiny! I have several covers and diaper types picked out to try in my Amazon registry - Thirsties size 1, Bum Genius (heard they're great for overnight when the baby gets a bit bigger), regular Rumparooz and Best Bottoms. The Lil Joeys come in a two-pack but from my understanding you won't be using them very long, the baby will grow out of them quick!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    I'm a little crunchy. I had a planned homebirth with my son. He is on a alternative vac schedule. I'm vegetarian. I nursed my son til 20 months. I've had a few non-labor related losses since my son's birth and am super nervous as a result so I will be delivering this beautiful baby in a hospital but I am planning a natural birth and am supported by my very experienced OB. Also, I plan on cloth diapering this baby and bought 36 new bumgenius cloth diapers to add to my stash of 2.
  • final10
    final10 Posts: 69 Member
    I guess I'm super crunchy but don't think of it that way and people probably wouldn't know unless you asked. Since you asked. Three drug-free births with midwives. 1st with Bradley Method, last 2 with Hypnobabies. Extended bf, over 2 1/2 years each. Elimination communication alternating with cloth. Co- sleeping, no vax. Food direct from farm most of the time. Don't even know how I got this way. LOL
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I guess I'm super crunchy but don't think of it that way and people probably wouldn't know unless you asked. Since you asked. Three drug-free births with midwives. 1st with Bradley Method, last 2 with Hypnobabies. Extended bf, over 2 1/2 years each. Elimination communication alternating with cloth. Co- sleeping, no vax. Food direct from farm most of the time. Don't even know how I got this way. LOL

    Love it! What state are you in? I selective vac because the state of New Jersey won't allow my kids into school with no vaccines! My 2 year old hasn't had any vaccines yet, but my girls are in preschool and the state freaks out if you don't have them vaccinated! I hate it! I have written to my congressman, but I am sure that nothing will come of it, because NJ has lots of pharmaceutical plants, so they more pull than some crunchy mamas! When my daughter had to get a vac for school last year, she told everyone that the government made her do it!
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    I just had my 33wk appt yesterday and my doctor said that I did not need a birthing plan. I am going into it wanting a non-medicated birth and am going to breast feed. I know as soon as the baby is born they put some sort of ointment on his eyes, give a vit K shot, and start the hep B series. This all is very overwhelming to me. I'm not sure what the ointment is for and don't understand why a newborn, fresh out of the oven needs to start the hep b series???My dr. also tried to push the flu vac and pertussis vac on me, saying how important it is to protect the baby. She looked at me like I had 14heads when I refused both vac. Any insight? Thanks! I also work in healthcare, NMT!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I just had my 33wk appt yesterday and my doctor said that I did not need a birthing plan. I am going into it wanting a non-medicated birth and am going to breast feed. I know as soon as the baby is born they put some sort of ointment on his eyes, give a vit K shot, and start the hep B series. This all is very overwhelming to me. I'm not sure what the ointment is for and don't understand why a newborn, fresh out of the oven needs to start the hep b series???My dr. also tried to push the flu vac and pertussis vac on me, saying how important it is to protect the baby. She looked at me like I had 14heads when I refused both vac. Any insight? Thanks! I also work in healthcare, NMT!

    #1 make sure that your healthcare provider is on board. That fact that he/ she doesn't seem to care about a birth plan is alarming. It is easy for docs to do what they want and throw your plans out of the window. #2 The ointment is bogus unless you have STD's (it protects the baby from blindness if you have STD's it can cause it). My kids didn't have it, but unless you are firm about it, some hospitals do it automatically and that can delay bonding. The Hep B isn't needed either. I did the Vitamin K, but that is all. I also made sure that the baby went to my chest and I was given a chance to breastfeed before they took the baby for weight and assessment. Make sure that you are firm and precise with your practitioner and have a black and white birth plan to go over with them. Let them know that you mean business! Good luck!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    So glad this thread was started, it's good to hear about all the things that hospitals automatically do so I can plan to tell the doc I don't want it. I love my OB but I'm moving accross country at 6.5 months so I'll have to find a new one in CA quickly and make sure he/she is on board with my plan. Luckily CA is a bit more crunchy than NJ so that should be a bit easier.

    For those of you who use cloth diapers, what would you suggest to have on hand to start out with? I really want to do cloth but hubby isn't on board and I'm afraid he wont change any diapers if they are cloth :laugh: Also what method do you use for cleaning them. I researched it and saw that you can swish it in the toilet, have a wet pail to put them all in....this all seems a bit cumbersome and messy. What do you all do?
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks Nicole!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks Nicole!

    :smile: Anytime