New here!!!

cjfogh Posts: 15 Member
I have been on MFP for a while and have lost about 13 pounds. I am planning on quitting smoking tomorrow since I am having a wisdom tooth removed and the dentist says no smoking for 3 days. I figure if I have to quit for 3 days maybe I should just push through and quit for good. I have quit during my pregnancies easily but seem to jump back on the wagon not long after I give birth. I have been a closet smoker since my first child was born 6 years ago. Only my husband knows the truth. Any advice for for me???


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Things that helped me go cold turkey:

    1. Don't say you are *trying* to quit. You already quit the second you put out that last cigarette. In my mind, saying you are *trying* is giving you an out to revert back to being a smoker. Along the same vein, as soon as you put out that last cigarette, consider yourself a nonsmoker and keep that mindset!

    2. Be prepared for the giant monster cravings that will hot. Acknowledge them, then move on. As much as they suck, they will pass in just a couple of minutes.

    3. Remember cig cravings and hunger pangs feel eerily similar. Don't start eating to fulfill that nicotine craving.

    Good luck, you can do this if you want it and we will be here to cheer you on!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    1. Don't say you are *trying* to quit. You already quit the second you put out that last cigarette. In my mind, saying you are *trying* is giving you an out to revert back to being a smoker. Along the same vein, as soon as you put out that last cigarette, consider yourself a nonsmoker and keep that mindset!

    2. Be prepared for the giant monster cravings that will hot. Acknowledge them, then move on. As much as they suck, they will pass in just a couple of minutes.

    3. Remember cig cravings and hunger pangs feel eerily similar. Don't start eating to fulfill that nicotine craving.
    these are all really good points to remember
    i quit 77 days ago and have lost 13 lbs in that time and i was a closet smoker for most of the 25 years i smoked. i think being a closet smoker can make it much harder in some ways because you dont have the community support and you have more rituals built in to your routine that make it harder to break. when i quit i did it after a camping trip. i knew that i couldnt smoke on the camping trip so i used that as the jumping off point and when i got back i already had some momentum going in the right direction.

    one other note i give to most people is that oranges seem to really help when you have a craving and are a good treat so think of your favorite cigarette of the day, mine was after a workout, for you it might be with your morning coffee or after dinner, whenever it is plan to have an orange at that time.

    to change, add, or get rid of habitual behavior you need to shake up your routine, so set up a new routine in any many ways as possible. really think about when you smoke and find ways to be doing something else at those times

    i dont say good luck to people since there is no luck involved in quiting smoking and saying there is gives you an out or an excuse to start again, it is mental, you have to convince yourself and your mind that you really really really dont want to smoke anymore. the rest is handling the side affects.

    grab your goal by the horns and dont let go
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    The comment about the oranges is so true!!!! Can't explain it but my first week cold turkey I ate clementines like crazy- around 6 every day while at work. I think one reason they helped was because I'd get a bad cig craving and by the time I peeled it and ate it once section at a time, the craving usually had gone away. Plus they're small and healthy so I figured if I'm going to end up munching all day instead of smoking, might as well make it fruit! This is my second time quitting with any decent time under my belt (23 days so far) but the first time I lost 20 lbs while quit, partially because I could finally work out without feeling like hell.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    moxie - 23 days???? YEAH!! That is awesome!
  • cjfogh
    cjfogh Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Today is day 3 of my quit and I doing good so far.