Starting Phase 1...buddy?

eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
Hi, all...

I totally fell off of the SBD drives me nuts because I KNOW it works, I KNOW the first few days are rough and I KNOW I feel 100% better on it.

Anyway, my point is's time to ask for help, because I need it. Is anyone out there still on P1 or wanting to start and need a buddy? I seriously need some one-on-one encouragement and I want to offer the same in return.

Any takers? I'm a hard-core SBD fan, just having a hard time for some reason...

Oh, and anyone is free to add me as a friend, if they want!


  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Sorry to hear that you had troubles ....... but things can get better, if you want them to ...... you know what to do :drinker:

    You can add me if you'd like ...... I'm not doing Phase 1 anymore, but maybe I can help ...... and tomorrow's a brand new day !

    Sweet dreams !

    Mary Ann
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    add me xx i love low carb friends i can relate to, xx go with it - stage 1 is tough I had troubles in the second week, went back to the book (2nd book supercharge SBD) and he said if you cant cope have 1 portion of fruit and protein, I have nuts or cheese, so i went with that been great ever since and sticking with it xx im now on p2 havnt introduced breads yet, I sometimes have porridge and stick with the fruit and nuts or cheese x
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    eddymeese, I need to start phase 1 all over as I never got through it the first time. I made it 7 days and then had a planned cheat day and that was all it took. I never got back on phase 1 after that. We can buddy up if you still are looking for someone. I need someone to whip me into shape!! Lol
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I'm not one Phase 1 (thank goodness!) anymore, but I can sympathize. I started South Beach on August 20. I am losing and I definitely feel. Enter eating this way. After the first few days, it should begin to get a little easier, at least it did for me. Now I honestly don't have those big cravings for sugar. Feel free to add me, if you like. Best of luck!!
  • I would love to be your buddy I need one as well. I am having a hard time getting started. thank you. :happy:
  • I understand completely. I am in the same boat. HELP!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    I'm going back to phase one, feel free to friend me. I've had a rough few weeks here, two funerals, a new car, work stress, and I feel like I need to reset, and phase one is just the thing. I just need to get rid of all the left over funeral food in the fridge. I didn't make it or pay for it, but I still feel bad for throwing it out.....
  • I'm starting phase 1 if anyone wants to add me!
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    I'm starting phase one TODAY! ADD me if you like. I'm hoping I can stick to eating healthy this go round. I did SB about 4 years ago and was very successful. But, I went back to my old eating habits and here we are again. I tried to do SB a couple of times within the past year, but phase one gets me. This time - I WILL DO IT!
  • valpipkin
    valpipkin Posts: 6 Member
    I've been researching different diets/eating plans and I've read the majority of the SB book and I think I may start on Monday. I'm glad I found this group! My husband does a lot of the cooking b/c I work and I'm in grad school, so I'm going to spend the weekend trying to convince him to join me :). I did buy one of the cook books and I'm a pinterest fan, so I have access to some good recipes. Feel free to friend me.
  • alexalaurel
    alexalaurel Posts: 27
    I started phase 1 yesterday and I would love to buddy up if anyone wants to add me!!
  • kmkelly68
    kmkelly68 Posts: 3 Member
    I started phase 1 today. So far so good. Tonight will be day 3 of the shred. I have a lot to lose - about 40 lbs but determined. I have never done SBD before but I have been at goal. I am journalling everything - that is something I haven't done very well for the past 2 years and I believe it is essential to success.