Made it through the first day!

Sheakat Posts: 29 Member
It wasn't so bad to eat what was on the list. I slept very well last night and am looking forward to stepping on the scale...and that never happens!


  • WonaBaFitmommy
    Yay ! Me to. Today was my first day. I find myself looking ahead at the meals....the father we go, the better the food gets :happy:
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    Yesterday was my first day as well, It was a tough one for me but I did it. So one day at a time, now day 2 so far so good!
  • Laurhop
    Laurhop Posts: 35 Member
    I started yesterday & I'm reminded at how much better I feel eating low carb!! My mind feels so much clearer, more energy, not as stressed,... I love the simple menu & feel quite satisfied which really helps! I get slight headaches from sugar withdrawals but I'm not craving sweets.

    Hope you all have an AWESOME week :smile: