Making it to 2400

Hi all,
I have some questions about adding more calories to my diet. A couple years back I gained an amazing amount of weight in a short time, which is unusual as I have been pretty slim my whole life. I am having a very hard time taking it off. I have been trying some sort of low-calorie diet for about two years with no results. I've also been exercising a lot, both cardio and strength.

I've tried all different calorie levels, but mostly stuck in the 1200-1500 range. I kind of knew this was too low for my stats, but I'm stubborn and a perfectionist. I've had pure anxiety about increasing, so I've been increasing calories a little at a time and weighing and trying not to freak out! So far the scale has me up no more than 2 pounds, which I know could be a simple fluctuation, so not a big deal.

As of two weeks ago, I had thought I was moving up to 2400. My TDEE is 2700, but my nutritionist felt like this was too high. My plan was to do a 20% cut on November 1. I was going to post on here and get an idea of what to cut (I eat pretty much the same thing every day). In preparing to ask, I realized that I am almost never go over 2000 calories. So, actually, I need to start doing that.

I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I really hate protein shakes and nuts make my tongue rashy. What can I increase? I'm eating 1900-2100 on average and am really satisfied and have seen a dramatic boost in energy and physical performance. If that's the case maybe I shouldn't? My diary is open. For the most part the calories you see in there are correct as I use an HRM to calculate my calories burned.

My stats:
30 years old, no health/hormone problems
177 lbs
Typical week: run 3x (15 mi), bike commute 3x (24 mi), rotating strength exercises (I like to switch it up) 2-3x, general activity (yard work, walking at work, hiking)
BMR--1747 via website, 1840 via nutritionist test
TDEE--2709 via website, 2400 via nutritionist recommendation
I feel best when I'm at 50%C-25%P-25%F. I've tried lower carbs and it zaps my runs.

Thanks in advance!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Hi! I'm a veggie EM2WLer so feel free to add me to check out my diary. I do use whey shakes and nuts but I'm also eating a lot more cheese now than when on low cal diets. Types like Dutch edam and light mozzarella have high protein levels but less fat than regular hard cheeses.

    Bananas, avocados, Greek yoghurt and soya based 'meat' and occasional Quorn products and wholemeal toast also feature in my diet to increase my calorific and protein intake.

    If you're still struggling, adding a bit extra olive oil or coconut oil to cooking will quickly add on more cals without needing to eat a whole lot more.

    I think I've gradually also got used to increasing my general portion sizes and eating a bit more at main meals as well as having snacks between meals to get all my cals in. I usually still have some cals left at the end of the day to allow a treator a drink on a night out.

    Hope this helps.