Medication not working...?

When I was diagnosed, my doctor said most people suddenly "wake up" and feel 100% better. But she also warned me that I may not feel any effects. I've been on 25mg of Levothyroxine for about a year and haven't felt better. I don't have terrible symptoms, but I'm always cold, have thin hair and am always tired. It may not all be related to my thyroid but I figured I'd start here. I haven't done blood work in awhile but all my Thyroid levels were normal at last check. Should I be doing something else?


  • tokataro
    tokataro Posts: 52 Member
    There's a pretty wide range that's considered "normal". You may still be at one end of that range, or you may be one of those folks that just has better luck with either armour ("natural" thyroid hormone) or cytomel. I don't know much about cytomel, but armour has both T3 and T4, whereas synthroid (aka levothyroxin) only has T4. Lifestyle changes are also something else you could try- eating better and working out every day.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    My endo added cytomel to the synthroid and is great now. Take both in a.m. and then more cytomel about 1 P.M. that gives me a lift. Are you going to an endocrinologist? If not you need to see a specialist. I have found that primary doctors say they can handle thyroid issue, but CAN NOT. Try another doctor who has more knowledge of thyroid disorders. Keeping looking until you find someone to help as you may need to go through a few doctors.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I am one of the unlucky ones who no matter what my levels say I always feel like crap. My endo has tried to keep me at all different levels just to see if I need to be somewhere that is not "normal" but nothing works. I am 32 and have felt like death for at least 10 years now. My best years have been wasted and it doesn't look like it's ever going to get better. I am on 200mcg of synthroid and 25mcg of cytomel currently. It seems a lot of people feel so much better after they get on the meds, but that doesn't hold true for everyone. Maybe if you can get on cytomel or armour in addition you might feel better? Good luck, I know how you are feeling!