Daily Plans and/or Logs

Hey Gang...I am just going to post my log here...what I have eaten for the day. I tried logging every bit of food in diary...and it does not seem like a good fit for me. Well, at least for now I am going to give this a try.

Of course, you are all welcome to join me.

Saturday, October 13, 2012 Log

B: 2 cups black coffee, carrot juice, hb egg, two clementines

L: lunch out salmon and salad-light vinagrette dressing, Marie Calendar, water

S: small honey crisp apple, 2 light babybels, diet snapple

D: Kansas City AHA sirloin steak, roasted butternut squash, steamed eggplant w/parm-reggiano, water, one cutie aka clementine

D: HC fudge bar (this is the plan for dessert...will try for just ONE and no almonds)

ETA: did not go back for another HC fudge bar...but add two babybel lights, when trying to fall asleep. -sigh-


  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Are you having problems finding foods in the database, or is it just to much of a hassle to log in the diary?
  • Too tedious. A saland with three cherry tomatoes? one stalk celery...I am not interested in logging that kind of stuff.

    That is just an example.

    I just had dinner with one oz of microplaned reg/parmesan...I measure...I go for as many veggies (the unlimited kind) I can eat in a day...

    It just seems to be something I do not want to do forever and posting what I have had in menu form is something I would do forever.

    But that is just me.

    ETA: Bottom line, not a fan of counting calories.
  • Sunday, Oct 14


    B: coffee-black, carrot juice, hb egg, coachs oats oatmeal with 1 tsp smart balance
    S: two light babybels, one cutie

    L: tomato soup
    S: cuppa cauliflower soup
    D: poached chicken breast with nsa bbq sauce, water, 2 cuties, cherry toms, water
    D: HC fudge bar
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    This is a great idea! I decided to take a week off of logging while I retry P1...I think trying to be perfect, logging, exercising, having a FT job, fur-kids, household chores, etc...it all becomes overwhelming and I tend to just let it all go.

    I'll log here with you for my first two weeks of P1! I'm not worrying about fat content right now, just doing everything I can to kick those carbs!

    Sunday, October 14

    B - coffee with whole milk, two eggs in Pam and bacon

    L - (probably a repeat of breakfast)

    D - grilled salmon, beans, veggies

    *note: even though bacon is really high in fat and sodium and I don't eat it more than once every few years, I got one today because I hate turkey bacon, I can't have my yummy soy bacon while trying to conceive and when I'm in the first few days if P1, I crave really high fat foods. I definitely cannot be eating bacon as a staple, though!
  • Welcome, and I love the company. :drinker:
  • Monday Oct 15

    B: coffee with hot frothed skim milk, carrot juice, cherry toms, hb egg, two cuties
    S: one more cofeee with HFSM
    S: diet snapple
    L: pulled poached chicken in nsa bbq sauce, cherry toms, sweet bell pepper strips, cuppa cauliflower soup, radishes, snapple
    S: small honey crisp apple, light babybel
    D: two ounces penne, ground turkey, nsa marinara, skim milk mozza, baked ... water
    D: HC fudge bar walnuts...way more than one ounce...darn!

    Working m - f this week...everything is prepped.

    Just need to make a quick stop at TJ's for salsa especial. Yum.
  • chancegardner
    chancegardner Posts: 12 Member
    Good idea - Nancy
    I haven't logged for 3 days - and I've behaved myself -
    I agree with you - all that logging can be tedious and South Beach doesn't really have us counting calories.
    but when I try to be accurate in my logging- I would save all the components of a meal together and that would save me from the repeated effort of entering each component of a salad (for example)
    Since I usually repeat my menus while using up ingredients in the fridge, it saved me SOME time.
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    I also like this idea as it is an easy way to come get some ideas of what people are eating and what I can maybe add to my menu.
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Yesterday - October 15

    B - coffee

    L - salmon, beans

    D - cabbage roll (no rice), corned beef, sautéed cabbage

    S - 2 poached eggs
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    October 16

    B - latte

    S - protein bar

    L - bacon, eggs

    D - cabbage rolls
  • Tuesday October 16 Log:

    B: two coffees with hot frothed skim milk, carrot juice, cherry toms, two hb eggs with tablespoon light miracle whip, tsp mustard, smashed and eaten on lettuce wrap, two cuties

    S: diet snapple, three sugar free hard candy

    L: poached pulled chicken with nsa bbq sauce, cherry toms, two cuties, one light babybel, diet snapple

    S: sweet red bell pepper strips

    D: taco salad (ground turkey, black beans, light Mexican cheese, tomatoes, onions, salsa, light sour cream), water

    Dessert: one healthy choice fudge bar one ounce walnuts

    Very good day...they all need to be like this.

    Sleep well everyone. :yawn:
  • Wednesday Oct 17


    B: two coffees with HFSM, carrot juice, hb egg
    S: diet snapple, sf brachs
    L: fage plain ff, natures hollow nsa syrup, cherry toms, two cuties, diet snapple (I have five small plain ff fage yogurts to be eaten in the next five days)

    S: two light baby bels, coffee with HFSM

    D: 2 taco using Ezekiel tortillas (ground turkey, light Mexican cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, salsa, light sour cream, corn salsa from TJ's -personal choice), water

    D: 2 hc fudge bar and walnuts

    night all...nighttime is my worst time...sigh
  • Thursday, October 18

    Morning everyone (evening, Claire -- :laugh: )...(still using the plan/log deal here...still not sure what I like best, this or exact food MFP diary...but just as long as we do something along those lines, it's a good thing)...otherwise, it can go into a free fall ...and we sure don't want that.

    Anyhoooooooooooooooo, here is my plan for today which will be a log by the end of the day with changes along the way.


    B: coffee with HFSM, hb egg, cherry toms, carrot juice

    S: diet snapple, 3 sf brachs hard candy, light mini babybel

    L: gotta use up my yogurt...fat free plain fage with nature's hollow nsa maple syrup, cuties, diet snapple

    S: cherry toms, left over bake eggplant with parm/reg

    D: tacos (ezekiel tortillas -- not the corn one, even though I do have some of those delights in my freezer -- ground turkey, cabbage, tomato, onion, light MExican cheese, salsa, corn salsa-TJs, light sour cream) water

    D: HC fudge bar on the stick in a bowl with walnuts

    Okie doke...pretty much just like yesterday...using up what I have made for the week.

    Note: I am aware that corn is not on P2 just in case the food police are stopping by... :bigsmile: (reference to a time gone by...:glasses: )
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    I hear you about the corn "police" ...... but I never saw anything wrong with eating corn or pineapple ...... that stuff didn't make me fat ...... it was the cookies, cakes, potato chips, candy, pizza, boatloads of pasta & fried stuff ....... day in & day out !

    So, didn't it figure that Mr GrumpyPants wanted pizza for dinner tonight during the football game ...... so I had a slice ..... yes, it fit into my daily calories ...... but I know those particular type of calories aren't my friends !

    So much for good intentions :laugh:
  • Nanc,

    I hear you about the corn "police" ...... but I never saw anything wrong with eating corn or pineapple ...... that stuff didn't make me fat ...... it was the cookies, cakes, potato chips, candy, pizza, boatloads of pasta & fried stuff ....... day in & day out !

    So, didn't it figure that Mr GrumpyPants wanted pizza for dinner tonight during the football game ...... so I had a slice ..... yes, it fit into my daily calories ...... but I know those particular type of calories aren't my friends !

    So much for good intentions :laugh:

    Hi there MA...and you know what, I think a change of pace (within reason) is good to keep us moving forward. Now that may sound like a copout to some, but the way I see it, it is to release the pressure just a bit so we don't blow a gasket.

    The pizza was your pressure release. I know you and I know it will not drag on for days, leading into weeks and months.

    The thing that I do have to be careful about is real sugar...that one can send me into a spiral. So I am with you on that ban on Halloweenie candy...none for me...not now...not so close to the Eating Season.
  • October 19 (my mom's bday, may she rest in peace :heart: )


    B: two black coffees (out of skim milk...sigh), one hb egg, carrot juice, tomato slices

    S: diet snapple, sf hard brachs

    L: BLT (real bacon from TJ...the precooked without the nitrates and nitrites)...three slices 100 cal...not sb (just keeping me honest), two slices ezekiel toast, light mw, lettuce tomato...two cuties. That's it.

    S: one small honey crisp apple and one mini babybel on the way home...so when I get in the door afterwork, I can at least change my clothes before heading to the fridge. LOL

    S: baked eggplant with part skim mozza on top and nsa marinar sauce.

    D: tuna salad (tuna in water, onions, celery, eggs, light mw) in lettuce cups, cherry toms, water

    D: two HC fudge bar and two ounces walnuts.

    I WILL come clean if I go over on dessert...nighttime snacking is my area that needs major improvement.

    I now feel great (especially when I get enough sleep)...and that has a lot to do with limiting the ADDED SUGAR in my diet...as well as the white potatoes (which I do miss), white rice (which I do not) nor do I miss the white pasta...I am fine with brown rice and whole wheat pasta.

    Toodles for now, gang. Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Good job today! I'm back to regular loggin, but this was a great kick-start!
  • Good job today! I'm back to regular loggin, but this was a great kick-start!

    i am back to regular logging as well. In my diary. We'll see how long that lasts. As long as I log each and every day...I think I am good.

    Happy healthy eating today, EVERYONE! -nanc
  • Hey everyone!
    I wish i would have weighted myself when i first started this diet approx two weeks ago but a group of girls i work with also joing with me and my whole thing was i WANTED TO SEE THE RESULTS PHYSICALLY, nothing worse then looking at a scale and just seeing a number but not looking at my body and actually seeing results.... well now im getting to the point i wish i did have that number because i feel like day and day goes by and nothing more. I am trying to go one more week of no carbs because im not ready for phase 2, especially because phase 1 did not help me lose as much as i imagined, however it did help me lose weight. Notcing some of my clothes are fitting bigger :):):)

    I just wanted to know what did everyone eat during Phase 1,
    maybe hearing what others are eating will help change up my routine and help me shed some more before i go into phase 2!