Advice! Please :D

conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
As I am new to the world of supplements, I have already cut down 45 lbs just on diet and workout alone.
At this point I am needed some advice on exactly what I need to buy!
As their are so many options I never know what the right one is.
I want get bulk up and lean up, while losing this
fat % and gain muscle %
I am working toward this amateur bodybuilding competition in my local city. So any advice is welcome, and appreciated it.


  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member is a great guide for mass gain, but I want to highlight
    Let me summarize the above a little more briefly: trainees should set a bottom and top-end for acceptable body fat levels. For males, 10-15% is a good range, for females 19-27% or so works. Diet down until you hit the low end, stabilize for two weeks, gain until you hit the high end, stabilize for two weeks, then diet back down while keeping the muscle. Over many months or a year of training, you should end up with more muscle than you started with which is the whole goal.
    I'm going to guess, based on the amateur in there, that you're currently above 15% body fat (You'd need more than 200 lb of lean mass to currently be sub 15%), so you should start by cutting fat. If you're an untrained lifter, you may have some small newbie gains, but for the most part, you will be cutting body fat while attempting to preserve muscle and then do a bulk cycle after that.

    To answer your actual question, here are their supplement recommendations:

    I have tried some things on and off, but I haven't found anything that makes a noticeable difference to me. It is kind of daunting because so many people make so many recommendations and I don't have the time right now to read the primary literature to see what the right answers are. I don't eat fish, so I take fish oil, I take calcium and vitamin D because I'm lactose intolerant and scared to not get enough, and I occasionally take BCAAs when I do fasted lifting (I'm an IFer), even though I think it is probably unnecessary. I also own L-Arginine, CLA, and DHEA, that I take intermittently... but it ends up being too many pills if I take all of these things.

    I have tried pGNC1-7072391t300x300.jpg and I felt less hungry and lost slightly more than expected based on calorie deficit, but it could just be a placebo effect. I bought it because it was on sale and I was curious :) Haven't bought any subsequent bottles, but if it were on sale again, I might.