Driving myself crazy with the numbers

Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
Hi I have been on MFP almost a year now and most of the year I have been stuck with the same 2-5 pound weight loss. My consistency is lacking and it is going to be my main focus in year two. I just keep getting crazy with the numbers. My BMR ranges between1350-1500 depending model and my TDEE ranges between 2100-2300. I'm 5"1,172 and 41 years of age. I exercise 3-6 hours a week. Cathe and other DVDs. Mix of strength and cardio. I'm not seeing anything scale, tape or clothing and its really annoying. But I'm sure this all user error. I thought about a reset but I'm not sure how and gaining is not on my to do list. I just needed to vent. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks a bunch.


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I use Scooby, because it comes real close to what my BodyMedia reads.
    Using your numbers I get:
    BMR: 1490
    TDEE: 2310
    15% cut: 1965

    What are your Macros set to? 40/30/30 (CPF)? Some folks are having better result with more protein, fewer starchy carbs (30/40/30).
    Also, a cleaner diet (read few processed foods), sodium under 2500, 6-8 hours of sleep (that's when you lose the weight).

    You might want to read "The Smarter Science Of Slim" by Jonathan Bailor. It explains how your hormones dictate weight gain and loss, and gives you a better idea about food choices.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How variable is that 3-6 hrs?

    Because if that is like 3 hrs of extra walking up to 2 mph, big whoop.

    If that is sometimes 3 hrs of heavy lifting extra, that is a big deal.

    So you could pick avg of say 4.5 hrs to calc TDEE as plumsgrl did, but that means if you do any extra workout, you better eat about 200 more on that day.

    So you could do this 2 ways.

    What is the for sure regular routine that you will hit, figure out a TDEE and deficit for that much, and anything done extra you must eat extra on that day.

    Or use a revised MFP method if all the works are iff, but based on better BMR estimate, deficit % not straight calorie difference, and then eat back your exercise calories with the same % deficit from them.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    Or use a revised MFP method if all the works are iff, but based on better BMR estimate, deficit % not straight calorie difference, and then eat back your exercise calories with the same % deficit from them.

    heybales, can you explain the revised MFP method again? i'm interested, but maybe am a little slow tonight... thanks! :-)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Or use a revised MFP method if all the works are iff, but based on better BMR estimate, deficit % not straight calorie difference, and then eat back your exercise calories with the same % deficit from them.

    heybales, can you explain the revised MFP method again? i'm interested, but maybe am a little slow tonight... thanks! :-)

    That's in the spreadsheet on the MFP Tweak tab. Didn't really get into it here enough to understand, true.

    Basically you find your best BMR using BF% and Katch BMR calc.
    Then pick your activity level multiplier for non-exercise TDEE, just like MFP.
    But then you take appropriate 10-20% deficit instead of simple 500 or 1000 deficit.

    The spreadsheet then shows how to tweak MFP settings so it recommends about the same daily goal as that final figure.
    This way when 10lbs is lost, MFP auto lowers the goal amount based on new weight. Should check anyway at 5lb lost as things may change enough.
    Then you log your exercise calories, also minus the same deficit. (because if you had done true TDEE with deficit, that's what would have happened anyway).
    Then you eat that much back that day, or at least after your workout and before the next one.

    I included a table to enter in exercise calories from some source, and time spent, and it subtracts out the activity level calories that were going to happen during that time anyway, so you are only looking at NET calories burned in exercise above and beyond normal, and then takes deficit off, and shows you what that amount is.

  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    awesome! thanks so much!