Close to quitting

b215d Posts: 22 Member
My shins are still killing me! Going to runners shoe store to get fitted for shoes. If that doesn't do it I'm going to the doctor. If no answers or shins continue hurting then I'm quitting till I drop another 30 pounds!

I'm so frustrated! On week 2 day 3 and my shins hurt so bad by the end of each running interval, I'm barely running and I want to just fall down!

I want to be a runner so bad, but my body is failing me!



  • kimimila86
    I used to have the same issues when I tried the program 30 lbs ago, this time last year... Not to discourage you, but losing the weight and trying it again is so much better this time around. Definitely try getting new shoes, I know that also helped me! Just be careful, because stress fractures will take you out for a while if they develop, not to mention they're VERY painful. Have you looked into lower leg stretches? Good luck!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Shoes are so so so important! That cannot be stressed enough, I'd take a break and get some proper shoes, and then try again, make sure you stretch and do lots of walking to warm up and cool down, when I very very first started I was 40lbs heavier and I found the 5 min warm ups and cooldowns were not enough I had to do at least 15 mins of each.
  • NatashaRuz
    Ditto on the shoes.
    I know the pain you're talking about. Getting a good pair of shoes (in my case Asics) made the difference.
    A running store is the best place to go. We went to one a few weeks ago for my husband and they did a great job analyzing his gait and recommending the correct shoe. It's made a world of difference for him.

    Losing weight helps....but personally, I think the shoe is even more important. I'm currently around 227lbs and I started running a bit over 2 months ago at close to 240lbs....shins never hurt because I had the right shoe.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    Shoes will help. Weight is likely only a very small factor in your issues.

    You may also want to try this:
    (watch the video)

    Ice before and after runs can help. Also, ibprofen will help with inflammation and pain.

    Don't quit! Take an extra rest day or two, but don't quit. You can do this.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    My husband had bad leg pain too. We got him some compression sleeves, and he started running much slower (like I do). Whether it was that or more rest days or just building up to it, his pain has gone away.
  • wendytc
    wendytc Posts: 189 Member
    I had the same problem that you posted about. Go to and study the videos and the diagrams and BOOM, PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! I had shin splints in high school and college as an athlete and here I am almost 100 pounds heavier than then and I have solved the problem. Check out Brooks shoes which caters to heavier runners, but the website will help you tremendously. I am in the last installment of week 6!!!! And I remember wanting to die in week 1 and not ever believing I could make it, but now that I have run 20 minutes long and been able to also do 1.3 miles, I know it is not only possible, but with 100% certainty, I will do it.

    Don't give up! check out the website!

    (Feel free to add me if you want)
  • chayleah
    chayleah Posts: 51 Member
    I agree with watching the good form running videos. I had shin splints when I started and the combination of good shoes and changing my form has complete healed it. I was most definitely a heel legs would extend way out in front of me. Switching to make sure that my legs land under me has been a shin saver.