Things that make you wonder, laugh, or go "hm"

sscad Posts: 73 Member
edited January 1 in Social Groups
Hi everyone, I thought I'd start this topic so that we can share little experiences and things we've learned on our journey while quitting. I think some of the things we go through and discover can be interesting, and maybe we can relate even more to one another, and also help others. I'll start with two stories of my own:

1. For a while, (I'm 1 month smoke free btw), I didn't have music on in my car while driving. I'm not sure why, exactly, but maybe driving just became an entirely different experience for me (for not smoking) that I no longer felt the need to? Or maybe I enjoyed the silence for once. All I know is that no buttons on my radio were pressed for about the first three weeks, until one day that I craved some tunes. Immediately (I'm talking seconds here) after the radio was turned on, I had a craving. My first real car-smoking craving since the first couple of days on my non-quit journey. I suppose the music cued the feelings during my previous driving experiences associated with smoking. I've heard about this happening and read suggestions of doing things differently (like even as simple as drinking your coffee black if you enjoyed having a cigarette with your cream-n-sugar filled coffee). This craving was different than any other one before because I recognized it as being totally 100% reliant on that trigger, so it was easy to overcome, but nonetheless, the experience was very interesting. Although I knew the possibility of something like this happening, I never imagined it to feel that way. (This could also explain my ability to overcome smoking-while-driving so easily - which is particularly interesting since I smoked the most in my car - something as simple as not having the radio on to complete my trigger!)

2. This is a much shorter story :) You know how your smell/taste abilities improve, and get particularly sensitive to smoke? Have you found it may also apply to cigarettes themselves (not burnt smoky ones, but fresh ones)? The other day I noticed I was able to smell the cigarette box in my boyfriend's pocket. I felt like a dog, haha :tongue:

3. OH let me add this one in since we're talking about smell/taste. My younger brother is a smoker, and has smoked way before I started. I remember back in high school how much SALT he put into everything. It was ridiculous! I remember being kind of sensitive to salt- probably because my mom hated/was sensitive also and didn't add it into anything, even if a recipe asked for it. Thanks mom (seriously!) I remember when I was younger, at the doctor's office, even being suggested healthy ways of adding more salt into my diet since I seemed to be slightly difficient- seriously? Is that even possible in America? :laugh: Anyway, somewhere down the road, I suppose progressively as I started smoking more and more, I enjoyed my salt. I wouldn't ever consider it overload, but I always added it into my recipes, and enjoyed my chips :wink: Well the other day (same day as me being a pocket sniffer hehe) my boyfriend and I made pesto, which when I tasted it afterwards, I complained about it tasting like sea water. Literally, I'm not exaggerating. And him (and his roommate) could not taste what I was talking about (both are smokers). This brought me back to the times when I used to dislike the taste of my brother's food for being so salty!

Please share your stories!


  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    my mom was a smoker for about 35 years and she seems very sensitive to salt in food, dont know if this started after she quit but i will have to ask her if there is a correlation there, interesting.

    i had a smell thing yesterday, i was in a meeting with a room full of people and i was relatively close to the door which was a jar, a woman walked in and sat about 7 or 8 feet from me and while i didnt smell smoke or anything i caught the smell you catch on someone who has recently been smoking and i was sure it was from her, it was really weird since i have only noticed that smell up close like close enough to be having a conversation with someone, it was very odd but seems like what you are talking about.

    i regularly notice now when the driver in front of me is smoking purely by smell which i dont think i ever did before unless i saw it
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