No change in 23 days

I know that "not that heavy girls" lose a bit slower than people with a little more of a challenge ahead of them. However, today I logged in and I am told that it is my 25th consecutive day. Yay for me.

What is not so fun is this:

I dropped off about 2.5kg in the first few days - which I assume was water retention etc. I have lost several cm around my arms and waist over the 25 days... but my scales just go between 60.5 to 62 (1.5 kg fluctuations / 3 pounds). Usually I'm sitting around the 61kg mark.

Any ideas? Am I eating too much? Am I being impatient? I think my diary is open for viewing.


  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    Height? Weight? Sorry I don't know kgs! Weight goal? Calories? Also how are you gauging the calorie burn during workouts?
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Sorry yes, that would help:

    Height 168cm / 5'5
    Weight between 60.5-61.5 kg / 133 - 136lbs
    Goal between 58 - 58.5kg / 127 - 128

    I have no idea what I burn - I go by what MFP says. I would like to get a heart rate monitor but they are quite expensive and I am not financially in position to buy one at the moment.

    It tells me that if I am to run at my usual pace - 6 mph (10 minutes for a mile) that I burn 303 calories. I usually run for about 40-50 minutes each morning and most of that is actually up hill. I take the short sharp hill that goes down back home so I can make the most of the hills rather than running on the flat.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    What kind of activities do you do? Run? anything else? If you are also doing bodyweight or strength training, then you are replacing fat with muscle. if that's the case, then the muscle is denser than the fat and might be why you are losing inches but not weight.

    for me, i found that a combination of weight/strength training and cardio is what works best for me. Muscles burn more calories. More muscles burn more calories. Don't get discouraged if you're only 25 days into it. The first weight loss could have been water weight. I have found that it takes about 1-2 months before you see real progress. And try not to weigh and measure every day. maybe weigh once a week and measure only once a week, or every 2 weeks. Realize that although weight is a good goal, it's also about how you feel, and how you feel when you're in your clothes that is the real indicator of success.

    Good luck! you can do this!
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Thanks for your comments. A wee spark of motivation. I have no intention of giving up but just people saying "keep at it" does help.

    I don't have a gym membership so the "weight training" I do is stuff like press ups, sit ups and lunges after my running.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I've notice from your diary you seem to be having quite often cakes, scrolls, biscuits, lollies, bars etc... maybe try to cut back on all the refined carbs and sugar and replace them with more fruit and veggies. It may make a difference.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    LOL, trust me, I don't have a gym membership either. I have some dumbbells. 7's, 10's and 15's pounds. i also have ankle weighs at 2 pounds to add to the weights when one set gets too easy. I also do a lot of bodyweight exercises. pushups burpees lunges squats and variations you own exercise vids? they are a good and usually cheap resource.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I got a HRM and what I have noticed is the calorie count was way off. I'm sorry you are struggling! You are taller than me and pretty much my same weight. It can be very frustrating! I have noticed working on lowering sugar and carbs and upping protein is helping a bit.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    For example when I ran the other day this was the outcome. 40 min treadmill running at 6.0. 322 cals burned per HRM. Now you run outside you said which is much more difficult. They are expensive though so I totally understand that. You are doing great though!
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    I've notice from your diary you seem to be having quite often cakes, scrolls, biscuits, lollies, bars etc... maybe try to cut back on all the refined carbs and sugar and replace them with more fruit and veggies. It may make a difference.

    Yup definately fell off the wagon there. You know when you can feel it coming - that you're going to have a binge? Tuesday was a seriously bad day. I went home and ran until I had blisters - an hour - I would have gone for longer but my feet were burning. So not only did I have a binge, in addition to that I now have blisters so the two runs I have been for since hurt like hell :-( That in itself is motivation enough not to do that again!!!

    Thanks again for all your help everyone.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    When I run outside I burn about 400-500 calories every hour. Flat ground it's around 400 (11 mph pace) and when I run uphill it's more like 500 because I'm working harder if that helps.

    I've been working out consistently so my burn rate is probably lower than someone who is new to running, and my stats are 5' 6", 135 pounds.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    I know how you feel. I am also stuck. I cannot seem to get out of the 130 to 134 range. I have been here for almost 2 months. It is aggrivating. Don't give up.

    To find some motivation take physical measurements. I have noticed a lot more activity in the tape measure than I have on the scale. I may be stuck weight-wise but I have lost half inches and inches all over. :) It is rewarding to see 4 inches lost in my waist and 2 in my bust when the darned weight scale won't cooperate.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I often have 2-3 week periods where the scale doesn't budge. Keep at it and be patient and it will happen for you.