Just like to say hi to everyone in the group

Biggyzee Posts: 3 Member
Just started to train again after a really long break. Always looking for advice on the best way to train. I have inherited a bit of a stomach after hitting the lagers on a weekly basis but managed to get rid of it after doing workout sessions of 45 min cardio sessions. I now want to start building muscle. Would you recommend still doing cardio before my workout or should i just cut it out completely ? any advice will be welcomed. Once again hi everyone.


  • AnthonyBarbaria
    Hey what's up sorry for the delay I haven't been on in a while - just started a new job. I would say that it depends on your body type and how easily you put on muscle vs. fat. If you are a hard gainer (CANT GAIN WEIGHT), then I would not recommend doing much of any cardio. If you gain weight easily and get a belly quik, then I would definitely add in some cardio into your routine. Also if you gain easily then try to reduce the carbs and add more protein to your diet.