Talk me in from the ledge

jfus14 Posts: 30 Member
I had been eating erratic for months now. High calorie, low calorie all over the place. This was after a year of having trouble losing on weight watchers which worked perfectly for me before having my daughter 2 years ago. So I figured out my TDEE and BMR last week and started eating 1500 calories a day(15% cut off of my TDEE). I felt great. Didn't feel starved or exhausted. I was eating back my exercise calories too. My pants felt loose this week even with my time of month. I worked out 4x this week so I have been sore. This morning (10 days in) I decided to peak at the scale. I was up .8!

I know that's not much but I guess coming of of weight watchers I was expecting a loss especially with this being the first week. I am really upset today feeling like nothing is working at all :( I have 20lbs to take off still from my 55lb gain during my pregnancy. I need some encouraging words!!!


  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Hi and welcome! I know that you understand this, but I'm going to remind you that you can't judge anything by one week - it's not enough time! Also, with your calories all over the place your body does not know what to expect from you right now. Consistency is key. You need to stick with something for a good month before evaluating whether or not it's working.

    Also, if you don't mind sharing your stats - age, weight, and height it might be a good idea to double check your numbers. Also, what are you using for activity level?

    AND your pants felt loose - this is AWESOME! Scale weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons, but the way your clothes fit is a reliable indicator of progress!
  • jfus14
    jfus14 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I am 33
    I selected exercise 1 to 3 hours a week for my activity level. Exercise varies for me. I have been doing 5 minutes warmup of cardio/ 5 minutes cool down then about 30 minutes of lifting heavy weights on machines. I try to switch it up with an exercise video thrown into the mix (Did Jillian Michael's 20 minute kickboxing video the other night which incorporates some weights too) I get bored easily so I am trying to mix it up!

    Hmm I selected the 1 to 3 hours a week of light exercise. Maybe my exercise is considered moderate??
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I agree. If your clothes are loose and you feel better, who cares what the scale says? put it away and don't let it dictate your self esteem. It's a number. Take out a measuring tape and go by that. I upped my cals to 1600 4 weeks ago, hid my scale, and took pics and measurements. I know the scale is likely up, but I measured my waist last week and 1.5 inches gone!!?? That's what truly counts. The number on the stupid scale can be affected by absolutely anything. It's the worst gauge of success.
  • jfus14
    jfus14 Posts: 30 Member
    It's so much easier said than done to put the scale away. I feel like I have to care because I am at an "OBSESE" weight right now. Why can't I break out of the 150's???? Sorry to sound like I am whining LOL.
  • Something to keep in mind...if you're muscles are sore due to exercise, you're liking retaining a little water as well which would cause weight "gain". I've noticed that whenever I start any kind of strength training after a few week's off, I'll be sore, and my weight will jump a little. It usually comes back down after my body has adjusted to the weight training again.

    Like Sweatpantsreb said, give it some more time. One week is not nearly enough to truly judge if it is working for you.

    Also, start taking measurements. Clothes and measurements are better indicators for progress. Although I do understand how good it feels to see that scale go down. :smile:
  • jfus14
    jfus14 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words!

    Here's some background info....

    It's really been messing with my head the past 2 years since I gave birth to my daughter (her birthday is actually this Saturday) I gained so much and I wasn't really out of control but I was all back to weight watchers I go. I was convinced it would fall off. No matter what I did, it DID NOT FALL OFF. It has been a constant battle and messing with my head because I feel like something is wrong with me.

    Had the thyroid tested last year. One doctor found nothing, the other told me I should do injectibles of a diabetes drug to lose weight. Another doctor found my hormones out of wack so I did some shots for a few months lost about 10 lbs and I was feeling better so I stopped the shots. This past winter I started eating clean sorta paleo-ish. I felt awesome feel like some body fat has melted away but the scale hasn't budged. I finally started making sure I move more the past few weeks so I'm hoping this all gets my butt into gear and takes some of this weight off.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Yes, I think you're more likely moderate. Most people end up falling into the moderate category. I ran your stats and here's what I came up with (per Scooby).

    TDEE - 2292
    15% cut - 1948
    10% cut -2063

    So I think you could still be eating more! Another thought I have for you to consider is whether or not you need a full reset. When you did lower cal, how low are we talking? And did you do that for an extended period of time? If you feel like your metabolism might need to be reset, then go up to TDEE for a good month or so before dropping to cut. If you feel like that's not the case, then you could try 10 or 15% cut. I included your number for 10% because some people find more success with a 10% cut vs a 15% cut. It does take some tweaking to find your sweet spot and numbers do need to be recalculated after 5 lbs. loss. I would encourage you to pick one of the above numbers and stick with it for an entire month before tweaking.

    I know that it sucks to see an "obese" number on the scale - trust me - I really really know!! BUT this is about long term health and fitness. I've lost this same weight several times in my life, but here I am. If I had known this slow and steady route ten or so years ago I wouldn't be here today. So which route is really the slowest in the long run? I KNOW it's hard, but your mindset about the scale and that "obese" number will trip you up. This EM2WL thing isn't just about changing our bodies - it's about changing our whole way of thinking.

    You can do this. It's hard, but so worth it!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Just saw your last post. If you feel your hormones are out of whack I would definitely get that looked at with a doctor that knows what they're doing. It makes a huge difference. Once again - I really know from personal experience!

    Also, when the doctor tested your thyroid, which labs did he/she do? Just TSH or all thyroid levels? My TSH looks like I'm hyper, but my free T3 and free T4 show that I'm definitely hypo. If I had a less knowledgeable doctor I would not be getting proper treatment.
  • jfus14
    jfus14 Posts: 30 Member
    I was doing a 1200 calorie diet for awhile then I took a stab at "Paleo" and I wasn't counting calories at all. Then August I went on vacation and all hell broke loose when I discovered Krispy Kreme in Myrtle Beach. Since then I have been all over the map. HIGH some days lows others. Not tracking at all. So I'm not sure I need a total reset either.

    But I agree I am in the moderate category. OMG how am I going to eat more calories???
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Nuts, avocados, get rid of low-fat and light products. You will feel stuffed at first, but your body and appetite will adjust!
  • jfus14
    jfus14 Posts: 30 Member
    Seems like the stuff I am already eating. But more!! OMG. I fear I am going to blow up!!! This is so nerve wracking for me.

    Who has had success from eating this way? Has it caused things to get moving again? I can not accept staying at this weight any longer!
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    Hmmm how did you all get moderate because she only said what she does but didn't say how many days a week she does it, and what exercises when.
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member

    I'm over 200lbs and did a 12 week reset - you think you can't eat more - but you would get used to it - the bloating only lasts for a few weeks.

    I would definately recommend a reset to everyone, it is very challenging mentally, but it really sorts out your head and relationship with food - and helps you to realise that there is no quick fix for losing weight - it took me over 20 years to get the body I've got now, and it won't (however much I wished it, and whatever I did) be fixed in 6 weeks (although it won't take me 20 years to get the body I want).

    This is not a diet to fix something, it is a lifestyle, a way of life for me to get the body I want and for it to last me for my lifetime.
  • evilmonkee
    evilmonkee Posts: 55 Member
    I second getting your hormones retested, then doing a reset for a month if everything comes back normal.
    I only did a short reset (3 weeks) because I did not do VLCD, but it did wonders for my physical and mental health, and it broke my plateau. 5 months in, I am losing very slowly but surely, I am killing it at the gym, and I feel good about myself. Most importantly, I can enjoy a nice dinner out without feeling guilt, but I am also able to stop eating when I'm not hungry any more, and I broke the emotional eating circle. I still go back to TDEE for 2 weeks after 6 weeks of cut, just to shake things up.

    Try not to eat too much junk when you up your calories. When I eat junk I feel horrible, regardless of my caloric intake. Nuts and nut butters (if you are not allergic), some healthy oil on your salads, some dried fruit added to your cereal, an extra oz of meat, full fat dairy are all good ways to add calories without adding too much bulk.