Being on EM2WL and having PCOS

prisan512 Posts: 38 Member
Hello All!
I am quite new to the group and looking forward to success on this new journey I have chosen to go on. I wanted to post my first topic on PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and wanted to know if there were any women out there that have been successful on this program, EM2WL having PCOS. Below is a bit of a description of why it is hard to lose weight in a healthy manner having this condition.

Women with PCOS frequently have insulin resistance, meaning their body does not respond as quickly to insulin. The sluggish response will cause larger and larger amounts of insulin to be required before glucose is taken into the body tissues, and eventually a change in the way the body deals with sugar. Consistently high levels of glucose in the blood can lead to diabetes.

If there are any women out there that are on EM2WL and have PCOS please contact me or post back so I can get a better understanding and find the right way to succeed in this.
Thanks in advance!
