how should I feel after just beginning?

sarafil Posts: 506 Member
I'm sorry if this topic has been done to death, but I really feel like I need some guidance. I just started, having done Stage 1 A and B workouts each twice (hope that makes sense). I have increased the weight used when I did the workouts for the second time. Here is my question: I do not feel exhausted afterwards. Is that a problem? I feel like I am using heavy enough weight, because by the time I get to the second set I really have to work for those last reps....but I don't leave the gym feeling completely wiped out. I feel like I could go for an easy run afterwards, or an easy spin class. Is this an indicator that I am not lifting heavy enough, or should I just be patient and assume that the program will continue in its intensity? I am not completely new to strength training, but was only running for quite some time as I was training for a half marathon, so I am not particularly strong, especially in my upper body. I do feel muscle soreness the day after doing a work out, but once again, I am not feeling like I am wiped out after the work out itself.

Anyone have any thoughts? Is this an indicator that I need to add weight, even though I do feel like I am working with the weight I am currently using?


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    If you can barely get out the last 1- or 2- reps, then your weight is probably just fine.

    Stage 1 REALLY is about working on your "form" and making sure you are very comfortable with what you are doing. Developing some mind-muscle memory, too! So, it's okay if you aren't feeling 100% "spent" when you are done lifting.

    If you feel like doing some light cardio, at the end, do it! (For me, I'm always time-crunched, so I liked doing some stretching and getting the HECK outta there!)

    The work-outs *do* get longer in the later won't see ANYONE commenting on "short work-outs" after Stage 1!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I agree with Beeps, esp. that if you have time and want some cardio after, then I'd go for it. Starting in Stage 2, there's HIIT after every workout B through Stage 5 anyway, and the stages definitely start to take longer. For me, some of the longer workouts took 90-120 minutes, and I almost always do my HIIT the next day instead of right after lifting.

    Stage 6 workouts are shorter though. Definitely under an hour, including a 10-minute cardio warmup. :happy:
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    hiya, im realtively new to this,but i'll give you my experience...

    i feel im lifting heavy enough, have upped the weights twice now and have some more on order as i feel i could push myelf a bit more, that said, i do struggle with the last few reps on each set, so i know im not lifting too arms and legs have the slight jelly feeling and i feel the muscles have woked..but i do always feel like i could do more, but i put that down to feeling energised rather than having "not" worked hard enough in my workout, if that makes sense......