New to this philosophy!

Hey guys! I'm Tyra! I'm new to this whole philosophy, but I'm definitely trying to get used to it!

I'm... I guess I'll say it, OBESE. 223.4 pounds, 5'3, 19 (20 in December) and a female. I hate calling myself obese. >.< But it's the truth. I was r


Why is it so scary to think that I can eat more and lose weight? I know that I can, but psychologically, IT FREAKS ME OUT!

I've recently started watching a lot of the EatMore2WeighLess videos on youtube and listening to the fat2fitradio podcast... which are both so awesome! I love this philosophy because I LOVE FOOD. Food never lets me down (except for in the form of fat on my legs, etc)

I just need some advice!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there! I am glad you found us
    EM2WL is a slow process but it will definitely help you to lose your weight.
    If you have watched the videos I guess you know what to expect.
    Kiki and Lucia also have mad a great ebook where all the info is gathered together in one place to get you started.
    It is for a small fee of 5$ but absolutely worth it.
    Did you run your numbers, calculate your TDEE etc?
    Also important to chose the right activity level-most people tend to underestimate their burns.
  • I did do my TDEE on the scooby calculator. I will think about looking into that book.

    I put my activity level to lightly active. I rarely work out, but I am going to try to work out more. I have these Taebo videos my boyfriend's mom had laying around her house I am going to try and I also get in the elliptical every once in a while and I work at a McDonald's twice a week and usually work 6-8 hour shifts.
  • I agree that the mental aspect is the hardest part. It is really hard to make yourself eat the calories with good food. I can eat 2000 calories easy in junk food. In the beginning I had to force myself to eat but starting to feel a little hungry. It has been about a month for me and I have lost 14 lbs. But prepare yourself for the long haul. It isn't a diet. It is a way of life. It is about finding the solution that you are going to be able to live with to maintain your weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have found lots of encouragement from others in this group.