A Vital Necessity: Chapter 2



  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Oh Ali! I CANNOT wait to see what God has in store for you all! It is when we trust and obey that we see God! All of you in one accord in the CAPITAL CITY of this so-called muslim country! The name above all names being lifted up! I have chills of excitement. Praying for you to jump feet first into the peace Jesus gave us...oh you know that peace! Get that armor in size UK14 and strap it on! We will pray for your heart to be strong...do not letletlet it be troubled.

    Loving you,

    P.S. :wink:
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    I feel very inadequate as I sit here reading all of your comments and beautiful testimonies.....I truly believe that I am surrounded by women of God and once again, I find myself humbled to even be counted as one of the members of the body of Christ.

    I do believe that I may come from a different perspective...and that is that over the last few months....actually, the last year....my whole life has changed. My thought process has turned into an internal prayer life. Not 100% of the time, but a vast majority of my "me" time is spent being aware of the presence of God in my life. I don't say that to boast. In fact, I cling to His presence as my one and only life line...I am ever aware of how utterly lost I was....how directly bound for hell I had been before I met Jesus "on the way to Damascus" ...I don't boast at all, but if I do, it is only in HIS mighty power to change lives.

    I am constantly using my surroundings in an effort to keep my mind on Jesus...and that results in my being aware of my actions. I find that I'm more cautious in my speech, more cautious in my reactions and definitely more cautious in my eating....my thoughts become speech, speech becomes action...action becomes external witness.

    I feel absolutely responsible for guarding my witness...because all the enemy has to do to render you ineffective for the Kingdom of God is to get you to damage your own witness. (Rev 12:11)

    Percy, my so Jesus made adequate friend :love: I am so very grateful you are here. We need your words and to learn from your walk. I love how we all can inspire and encourage each other. Your words"My thought process has turned into an internal prayer life." Are so inspiring me. It is my heart desire to let my thoughts be constant conversation with God. I LOVE IT! I love how you have made a conscious decision to seek God first. You live your life very intentional. That is so effective in becoming transformed. It helps us to like Christ and become Christ like. You are so very lovely! :heart:
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    Joseph Prince chuckles often saying, "Whoo, I preached myself happy!" The words we speak that are true and pure and noble and righteous and of good repute are a dwelling place and I want to live there! When we say what He says, we speak the truth. Jesus never grumbles or complains. He never is discouraged and never says it's not worth it. He never quits doing right. He never errs, lies, fibs, tells half-truths, omits facts. He never whines, manipulates, frets. He doesn't get flustered or desparate or distracted. He speaks the truth...the whole truth.

    The enemy speaks lies. I do not want my dwelling place to be among the tombs. (This is where we used to live...) I will say of the Lord He rescued me and is making me whole. Every day He is here in me, cleaning me, perfecting me. He is all there is. I trust Him. Surely He will deliver me and I wont be afraid for I have called the Lord my dwelling place.

    My Dearest Most Precious DonnaLynn,

    Boy, did I need to be reminded of this today. I am being bombarded with high priced tombs ads. :wink: I was tempted to dwell in some of the nicer "feeling ones." Your post reminded me that the Lord is my dwelling place! THE LORD IS MY DWELLING PLACE! Praise God! No dwelling in deception! I want to say what He says, to dwell in His truth! Jesus is my Truth, my way, and my life! Truly, God used you in my life today. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I also adored your analogy. It is awesome! Totally Holy Spirit inspired and very relevant to me! I wish I could buy a shock collar for my wild beastie thoughts!:laugh: I love it that we have the Holy Spirit whisperer. I love how He used your creativity for an awesome object lesson. Way to be taught of the Lord. Please keep sharing.
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    In addressing everyone I feel so privilege to be part of this study group, I know that God has something special in store for all of us. The reason I feel this way or the reason that I know this is because my house have been under attack and it started day 1 of my joining this group. Things that has not come up as issues in my household for over 6 months. The devil is very busy in his attack. This is just encouragement for me to persevere through this even stronger. I want to address Ali, I am so drawn to your feelings and cry. First, I am so glad to see that your husband is a Christian, I asked because I know or at least I think there are a lot of Muslims in Mali. You therefore I know that you do have a lot of support from your husband with your feelings of spending time with God. My husband became a born again Christian around the same time as myself and that's what is keeping us grounded. I am walking a journey of Faith I have put my whole life in God's hands without doubt that he will bring me and my family through, but I for the first time in about six months I started doubting. Wow, so reading all of your thoughts and feelings, I am so back to basics of spending more time with God and His Word. I know that is our answer!!

    Beloved Gwen, She who walks in obedience,

    Here is what I am hearing as I am praying for you. This is from Psalms 18

    Vs19 For you have brought forth Gwen into a large place. You have increased her ability to walk in her calling. You have delivered her because You are pleased with her.

    Vs 43 You have delivered Gwen from the strivings of the people.

    Vs 28 For You cause Your light in Gwen to be lighted and to shine. You are her Lord and her God. You illumine all the places that she is facing darkness. She will be able to clearly discern your way and the path she is to walk on.

    Vs 29 For by You and through You does Gwen rapidly advance through the enemy's forces. Through you does she breakthrough every stronghold. Sometimes, just needing to leap over the blocks of the enemy. You empower her.

    Vs 33 For Your God makes your feet like hinds' feet, able to stand firmly or make progress on the dangerous hieghts of testing and trouble. This trouble that has come is your ladder to higher ground. He is setting you securely upon this new high place.

    Vs 34 &39 He is teaching your hands to war, so that you can bend a bow on bronze.....For you have girded her with strength for the battle.

    Vs 36 You have given plenty of room for Gwen's steps she is taking now, so that her feet will not slip.

    :heart: Take courage friend. Be encouraged. You can not only do this but this situation is meant for you victory....because Jesus always conquers. He is training you to be more than a conqueror.
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    Dearest Ali,

    God is directing your path. You have in you all that you need....BIG JESUS! Because He has been preparing you for these moments. You go in His power. BIG JESUS.....small Ali who's weakness is a perfect platform for His strength. You are going in absolute victory and power. GREAT IS THE PEACE of Ali's heart.....to keep her family safe and to accomplish His plan and to keep her safe in Bamako.(PS 28:7) You are a woman who is lead by His Holy Spirit. You hear His voice. You walk in obedience. You can do this. Fear not! Neither be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you everywhere you God. You will have what you need in the moment you need it. This is your Abraham moment.....the moment of offering up your Isaac. It is a huge sacrifice to go. Yet you are walking in obedience. God will honor this choice. I am so excited to hear of your "ram in the bush." God always provides. I love you dear friend. I will continue to hold you up in prayer. You are never alone. For God always moves upon the heart of those who love Him to pray for you because He love you.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Amen and thank you Sis Jenni!

    I want to pray for Sis. Ali, as Ali take this trip Lord please put a shield of protection around her and keep her safe Lord on her travel. Lord you know that Ali trusts in you and we praise you now as being Ali's shield and her refuge. Let her find rest in you Lord as she meet with her fellow Lawyers in Jesus name Amen.
  • Yes Father.
  • right2b
    right2b Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Beautiful Ladies:

    First, I would like to say how grateful I am to be part of this amazing group of women of God. Each unique, gifted, humble and loving individuals who desires to seek the word of God's truth in their life. We are different but we share the same love for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit...a true refection of the Body of Christ's church...His Bride. We can not all be the same parts of the body but together we make one whole body, united. A vessel where God can dwell and His love abide and flow out to enrich others He brings into our life. "Remember me"...one of the last versed where Jesus addressed the disciples...not because He would ever forget us...but that we would remember He has gone before us in this battle and overcame so that we can be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus our Lord! Remind me Lord Jesus...I have said this all week! Remind me, again...and again, Lord!

    I will be praying for each of you daily...remember don't look at the obvious answer...look up to the only answer...Jesus...and there you will find the Truth, the Way and the Life! Stay strong in Faith!

    Love to all of you...Z:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    Amen Zoey! Yes, I need to keep in my constant focus that He has gone on before me in this battle and has already defeated the enemy! My position is walking out that victory. I am not fighting for victory, it is already mine! HE has given me the victory! Our God is so amazing! How my heart loves Him. I too, am so blessed by all of the wondrous ladies that are here. I really feel like God hand picked each of us for this place, for this purpose. My heart is overwhelmed in the joy of this experience. I cherish each of you.

    Today, I got the privilege of getting up to go work out at 5:00 am. I really love working out. It makes my body feel so well. All day long I felt so much more energy. I guess you could say I felt a new sense of vitality. Then it hit me......God is not only my vital necessity but HE is necessary to my vitality. I had to look up that word. Here is what I found on Dictionary.com

    1. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vitality.
    2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence: the vitality of an institution.
    3. power to live or grow: the vitality of a language.
    4.vital force or principle.

    My vitality, my power to live or grow, my mental vigor and yes, my exuberant physical strength flows out of Him being the vital necessity of my life. I can exercise because He gives me the strength and the discipline. I am learning how to honor Him with my thoughts and words and actions because He is teaching me. He is growing me. Lol! Making Him my vital necessity is like putting Miracle Grow on my heart. He is overflowing through me.

    A TV (Thought Victory!) I have been really struggling to fit exercise into my day. I have found that if I do it at 7:00pm it revs my metabolism high and makes it hard for me to sleep. I was fretting over this. Not really realizing that I was doing so. Then the Lord brought to my heart this verse.

    PS 37:23 KJV
    The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

    God wants to ordered my exercise time.....So I sought Him and He showed me how to make it work. Then He gave me the strength or vitality to do it. So, my exercise time is blessed.

    When we choose His way, His life, His vitality flows in and through us to do it. No matter if it seems really hard and difficult, if He says we can do it, we can.

    Dear Friends,
    You can do it! Whatever you have been concerned about, let God order it for you. His order is perfect. He knows exactly when things should be done and when they shouldn't. There are no limits to God. He can do anything. He Reigns! I just pray over you all, that as you continue in this week that it would be from the position of victory in this situation. The enemy's attacks are to deceive us from walking in that truth. Jesus has given us the victory. We are His vitality Sisters! We allow His power to flow through us giving us His vitality!:heart: Onward in victory!
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    Hello lovelies! I am on board. I am catching up with my chapters and reading responses. This chapter 2,. though short, was a major one for me. Several things came to me while reading the chapter and working in the workbook. Really in depth conversation between my husband and I. It led us to conversation (learning), that sometimes was really not about what the chapter was about, but that is OK. Obviously, it was the Holy Spirit working in us to show us what he wanted us to know and learn.

    I have read several responses in this posting and several have used the word GUILT. Feelings about guilt about one thing or another. That is a major NEGATIVE word in my daily thought process. :cry: I have always had it, since a young girl, feel it, and worry about it daily. It is a ugly, depressing word and thought and really does no one any good. Someone usually feels guilt if they BELIEVE they have been responsible for doing someone wrong, or did not do something good enough, or a situation did not turn out the way we wanted it too. Think about it, it is a word that is used in court when jurors or the judge condemn a person for committing horrific crimes. It is a demon of a word. :mad: Today, it hit me in the face- GOD DOES NOT WANT US TO FEEL GUILT! Why would he? He is a loving God. We have, over the years, learned how to "feel" guilty for what ever reasons, by "fleshly, worldly reasons". This is another word from God that has been coming to me lately, "FORGIVE THEM FATHER, FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW". He forgives us. We are his children and are in a learning process. There is no reason to feel guilty forever for doing something that we think is wrong. Yes, we can acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness if we need too, and learn from it, not to do it again and live the way God wants us to.

    That now takes me to this: Some things and people are too hard to forgive, BUT, our loving Father forgives us. And the same statement comes to me, "Forgive them Father, for they do not know". People may know who our Father is by hearing stories, or by what others tell them, they may know that Jesus is His son, by what they hear or read. BUT, do they really know Him, do they really know the Holy Spirit? If they are someone that has a bad fruit bearing tree, most likely they do not know the Holy Spirit. I would think, that if someone knew the Holy Spirit, they would not cause harm to others. Yes, they may stray and live in the flesh, but I do not think they would cause great harm to others- at least not intentionally. I do not believe any of us, here in this group fit that category. We do not deny the Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, we are all in a learning process and will continue to be as we are here in the flesh. We should not feel guilt for not living a pristine life - though we could strive for it, devote our time to having a personal relationship with Him and live in His word, that is all He wants from us. He knows we are weak, he knows we are not perfection. When we strive to be like Him, others will take notice, will learn, and hopefully by our example, will catch on and do the same.

    Now with that being stated, I believe we are all here in this group for a reason. I know someone on MFP may have invited us, but it was not by chance. It was a calling. He used that person to call us to His word. Jenni, I am not calling you out here embarrass you, I just feel I need to share it, so that others can learn too. You mentioned in one of your postings that you can not express yourself as one of the other members. HOW WRONG YOU ARE HERE! :flowerforyou: I read your posts, your words, your thoughts, your insight and know that God is using you to speak is loving words. I was feeling the same way you were feeling about that very thing when I read your posts and some others posts! "Why does He not use me in that way?", was my thoughts (another negative thought process) That was another slap in the face this morning. :noway: WE ARE ALL UNIQUE, right? HE CREATED US AS UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS. :heart: Well of course!!! He is going to use us each individually different! He knows what each of us understands, and how we understand it. He knows what each of us needs in our course of learning. He knows what to put in our hearts to share with others. He is so awesome like this! :smile: Thank you Jesus for doing all of these wonderful things so that each of us can learn and understand you more. Thank you for teaching us by using your children you have called.

    I have more inside of me that I may want to share later, I have to ponder in it for awhile. I believe what I wrote here today was to share with others.

    I apologize that I have been absent, but there are reasons, and I am working through them as I see things more clearly. My mind has been in a fog for a very long time and the fog is starting to clear. My negative thought processes- my bad fruit is falling from the tree and waiting for new fresh fruit to arrive!

  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    Dearest Michelle,

    So wonderful to hear your heart. I love how the Lord is moving in and through you. I am so glad this study is provoking in depth conversations with your husband. I also really believe in what you are sharing about guilt. I am daily learning to live out
    Romans 8:1(AMP)

    8 Therefore, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.

    I recognize that the tools of the enemy are guilt, shame and condemnation. So when those feelings show up I know who is at work. I also know that I am no longer under that authority so I don't have to submit to it anymore. I immediately recognize it as a place I can repent and receive God's forgiveness and His restoration. It is kind of like my signal to open my heart up to God. No more guilt for me. Guilt leads to remorse not a humble heart. Repentance does. A humble heart is what God can use. That is what I want.

    You truly spoke my heart when you said, "He is going to use us each individually different! He knows what each of us understands, and how we understand it. He knows what each of us needs in our course of learning. He knows what to put in our hearts to share with others. He is so awesome like this! Thank you Jesus for doing all of these wonderful things so that each of us can learn and understand you more. Thank you for teaching us by using your children you have called." I love how God is using each of us. Thank you for being the vessel today. Big hugs to you. :flowerforyou:
  • newness4life
    newness4life Posts: 20 Member
    So this is the third time I've written on Chapter 2. (A side note, I also wrote on the introduction a couple times before I got it posted) It’s very interesting that since I started reading this book, “The Battlefield of the Mind,” how my life really did become a battlefield. I stopped doing this study because of it. The first time I wrote about this chapter was a few months ago. I spent a couple hours writing and responding, and when I was finishing up, I somehow lost all that I had written. I cried, got mad, felt defeated, and walked away from it. Today, I spent another two hours writing, and as I was writing a prayer at the end, it somehow went to another screen and I lost it again. Yes, I threw another fit! I screamed for my husband to come help me and try to find it, but as I've learned many times on this sight, once it’s gone, it’s gone. I began to sob and right away started to feel that I must not have anything to share anyway. My negativity became overwhelming to me. The defeated, negative, unhealthy thoughts were flooding my head. If God wanted me to share, it wouldn't keep getting deleted. I decided that I was done and I wasn't going to do this study. My husband then said, “Are you serious?! Can’t you see that God had nothing to do with this? The enemy does not want you to share because of power and strength your words give.” I told him that I had spent enough time on it and I was done. I have way too much to do today to take another hour and try to retype anything I just said. He then told me, “If you stop now, you are letting the enemy win. You are believing the lies that your words don’t matter. You need to rise up and show the enemy that you will not be defeated. That you will continue to speak truth and will continue to achieve what God has set in motion. There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God!”
    So I say again… interesting. First of all, interesting that for whatever reason my words keep disappearing, but also interesting that I had just written out a page on, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7 I was put to the test, and I failed. My mind turned straight to my flesh, my mind became flooded with negative thoughts, my mind did not ask the Spirit what to do. My mind flailed, and I believed every thought that entered it. It took my husband’s words to calm me and point out truth. I then realized how irrational I was being and was able to get control over my thoughts again. So all the things I wrote about earlier were good, but I have lived out an example that I have not mastered this thing called, “The mind of the flesh vs. the mind of the Spirit,” or “As you think, so you are.”
    My thoughts are the foundation of what I do in my life. My thoughts have dictated how I live for Christ. Good and bad. My thoughts have challenged me, knocked me down, lifted me up, renewed me, defeated me, had me make good decisions, bad decisions, ripped others apart, loved on others, made me depressed, made me happy… and the list goes on and on. This proves that my thoughts are a witness to how I act and the choices I make. If my mind is filled with negativity, then I do and say negative things. If my mind is filled with God’s Word and His truth, then I say and do God’s will.
    My mind is a battlefield, and through my own strength I can do nothing. Only by the Lord and His Holy Spirit can I achieve anything! “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit… says the Lord.” Zechariah 4:6
    So, this is and may always be something that I have to work at. It is so simple, and yet for me, so hard. I cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. My life has been in a state of chaos because of years of wrong thinking. This includes my food. How I think about it, how I dwell on it, how I feel deprived if I don’t have it. How is my thinking affecting my food intake? That’s huge! I must not only change how I think about other things, but my way of thinking about food MUST change if I want victory in this area!!! As you think, so you are? Well, I've thought about food for way to long now. Because even though I've lost a lot of weight, my thinking is still working for my flesh and for staying fat.

    Help me to draw closer to You! Call my name each day Lord to seek You out and to worship You and rely on You for all things, including checking all thoughts that come into my mind. Help me Lord to take every thought captive, that I may produce Your fruits and grow victorious in all I do for YOU. Show me Lord when my flesh starts to take over and show me how to produce thoughts and behaviors that are pleasing to You. Lord, help me with my food!!! Show me when I have thoughts that lead me to turn to food and not turn to You. I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind and also over the women that are doing this study. I pray for your hedge of protection around us and help us all to stay in your Word and learn Your truth.
    Thank you Lord for your mercies, your grace, and your love.
    In Jesus name, Amen
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member

    My thoughts are the foundation of what I do in my life. My thoughts have dictated how I live for Christ. Good and bad. My thoughts have challenged me, knocked me down, lifted me up, renewed me, defeated me, had me make good decisions, bad decisions, ripped others apart, loved on others, made me depressed, made me happy… and the list goes on and on. This proves that my thoughts are a witness to how I act and the choices I make. If my mind is filled with negativity, then I do and say negative things. If my mind is filled with God’s Word and His truth, then I say and do God’s will.
    My mind is a battlefield, and through my own strength I can do nothing. Only by the Lord and His Holy Spirit can I achieve anything! “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit… says the Lord.” Zechariah 4:6
    So, this is and may always be something that I have to work at. It is so simple, and yet for me, so hard. I cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. My life has been in a state of chaos because of years of wrong thinking. This includes my food. How I think about it, how I dwell on it, how I feel deprived if I don’t have it. How is my thinking affecting my food intake? That’s huge! I must not only change how I think about other things, but my way of thinking about food MUST change if I want victory in this area!!! As you think, so you are? Well, I've thought about food for way to long now. Because even though I've lost a lot of weight, my thinking is still working for my flesh and for staying fat.

    Oh My Friend,

    Your words are truly powerful! Yes, they need to be heard. I am so proud of you for passing this test. For overcoming the enemy! For enduring in the midst of trial and actually learning. Every step you take, large or small, He is leading you. I love how your heart was open to the leading of the Lord. It just took a few words from your husband and you were right back on track. Your heart is so lovely! I am so sorry that this chapter was such a trial to you but so happy the enemy was defeated!

    Truly, it is not by our strength or by our own power but by His Spirit! Isn't it wonderful that He always gives us the strength we need? That includes helping us to know what to think about. I know that as you seek the Lord about how to think, He will guide you how to think about food. This, and many other areas are hard for me also. But God is faithful and teaching me how to think and I am seeing results as I practice what I am learning. I know that God will redeem the time that was stolen from us in wrong thinking. That is what I am believing by faith.

    God loves you and wants you to have the victory. He is helping you to receive it and walk in it. Today's experience shows me how amazingly humble your heart is. I love that about you and I love you. :love: