How much do you eat daily?

imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
I'm on week 3, Paleo. It was easy at first, but the voice in my head is telling me I'm doing something wrong, because I don't eat as much as I used to or "should." I guess it has been drilled into my head that if I go under 1200 calories a day, I'm destroying my metabolism.

The first week, I ate around 700-900 cals a day. I didn't feel hungry, and lost 5 lbs. That was alarming as that was a big loss. I honestly just needed to look at some Paleo cooking blogs to get some ideas, and went grocery shopping. I struggled with the cost of the grass fed meat, and such, and was able to get a few things. I ate more the last 2 weeks, but even getting to 1200 most days is not easy. I have upped my fat this week, and bought some coconut flour and cream for recipes, so that might help.

I've been really tired, too.

I was told not to count calories, and to just eat when hungry, but I'll admit to some fear (eating too little). I track to see where I'm at with my macros, etc., and that's how I knew my cals were way under.

If any of you can offer info on what you did when you began, what you eat, how much, etc. I would appreciate it! Thanks.

ETA: I have my calorie goal set to 1300-1400. I'm 5' 3", 167 lbs, Workout 3-5 x a week, but not so much this week.


  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Eating more fat and protein will help. Always cooking with a tablespoon of coconut oil (preferably), or olive oil. Snack on avocado, olives, nuts. Eat more meat. At least a palm-size portion with each meal. If you can't afford grass fed meat, buy regular but drain the fat out after cooking because that's where most of the bad crap is. If you're tired, you're probably still in the middle of your carb flu. This will pass. Your body is working through not having sugar and carbs to burn for energy. Once you start burning fat for energy your energy will soar, I speak from experience. It's awesome!! I also believe that your body is tired because it needs more fuel (food). Try eating more (good) carbs, such as sweet potatoes, squashes, bananas, etc. That will help get you through. Hope this helped. :)
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Feel free to add me for support. I am currently in the middle of doing the Whole 30 challenge and LOVING it. :D
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I eat about 1500-1800 a day. I stopped calorie counting mostly (sometimes I'll just check to see where I am) even though I'm not close to my goal. Counting doesnt seem necessary for me since I started paleo and I'm still losing by focusing on a clean diet. I consume lots of fat, protein and all the veggies I want sometimes fruit and nuts. I definitely noticed a decrease initially in the amount of calories I was eating but that really changed once I upped my fat intake. What kind of things are you eating?
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Actually I eat far less (in weight as well as calories)
    now I'm primal. The foods I eat are more calorie dense I guess but I'm just full really quickly. The tiredness will pass once you're out of carb flu. Don't worry about the food just listen to your body and eat when hungry.
  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I never thought it was carb flu, as I thought if I hat that I'd feel sick.

    What I' eat: Meat: Chicken breasts, ground chicken, ground turkey, eggs, bison, lamb, sardines, tuna, salmon, shrimp, a little lean pork.
    Veggies/fruit: kale, carrots, beets, spaghetti squash, salad greens, apples, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, bananas.
    Also some almonds.
  • ricestephanie11
    ricestephanie11 Posts: 25 Member
    Eat more fat. Add coconut oil or olive oil to your veggies and meats. You'll be eating roughly the same volume, but adding some additionally calories.
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    Actually I eat far less (in weight as well as calories)
    now I'm primal. The foods I eat are more calorie dense I guess but I'm just full really quickly. The tiredness will pass once you're out of carb flu. Don't worry about the food just listen to your body and eat when hungry.

    I so agree with this. My appetite comes in fits and starts, at the moment I am eating under 1,200 calories a day, tomorrow I could be back up to my regular 1,500. It all depends I think on what you are eating. I stopped giving myself mealtimes, and now I eat when I'm hungry. I am also Primal, so have lots of cream, full fat Greek yogurt as well as meat/fish and veg. I also agree with the carb flu, also known as Atkins flu. Your body is changing from a carb fueled machine to a fat fueled machine and it takes a few days for this to happen. Once your in fat burning mode, you will have more energy than you know what to do with. <smile>

    Good luck and keep going, it really is worth it.
  • Zaphyre13
    Zaphyre13 Posts: 51 Member
    MFP set me up for the standard 1200. I tried 1500 but wasn't really losing. I think being a shorty works against me. Lots of days I'm under 1200 but if I'm feeling hungry I'll eat more. I'm trying to get in tune with my body and not eat when I'm bored etc. Once you're past the carb flu stage you really do have more energy. I had a cheat day (craving apple danish and ice cream ) it took me 3 days to get back into ketosis! So I try to stay 100% on plan since I have a ways to go.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    It depends on the day...I usually have some form of breakfast - usually some form of egg (egg cups, hardboiled eggs) and some form of meat (usually turkey sausage)

    I usually have a mid morning snack of nuts

    Lunch is usually some form of veggie and protien (or in todays case Chili so basically protien)

    I will have an afternoon snack like guacamole with carrots or red pepper, almond butter with a small apple (if I dont' have nits as a morning snack) or some good quality greek yogurt

    Dinner is usually some form of protien and a veggie (with some form of good oil thrown in the cooking mix)

    I usually have 2 cups of coffee with some type of creamer (half/half with a splash of flavor creamer) during the day, and a cup fo decaf tea at night (really loving Celestial Bengal Spice right now)

    I drink a bunch of water throughout the day (75-100 ounces on a typical day - more on workout days) which keeps me feeling full
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I would sell my SOUL for being able to feel full on 700 cals a day! Whenever I try to do the 'even' calories, I inevitably roll towards 1500 cals if I exclude fruit and tubers (and I get pretty hungry) and to ~ 1800 cals if I allow fruit and tubers. When i calorie cycle I can manage to pull off 4 days in a row at a plus/minus 1000 cals a day, and that's with gum, diet pop and no-cal jello. Otherwise I start crawling the walls and getting depressed with hunger. And that's with a huge carb load and then 2 days of good, solid 1300-1500 cals a day. I tried every macro in the world, but I always end up eating too much to lose fat. And, yeah, I know, it is mostly because I am at the annoying set point where my body is technically healthy, but still. I would sell my SOUL for being able to not be hungry at 700 cals a day. Heck, I would sell my soul for not being ravenous on 900 calories a day. Too bad nobody is buying!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Look at other diaries to get ideas of how to add cals. It will come from your fats since paleo is pretty low cal otherwise. Feel free to view my diry. I have some low days, but generally am over 1200 if not closer to 1400. I'm only 5'1 and i dont workout every day (thou i should) so I don't need a ton of cals.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I eat roughly 2100-2500 a day, I think. I really don't get how some people can eat so little (~1600)... I'd be ravenous,
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am happy for you to look at my meals if it gives you any ideas! Add me.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I generally take in about 1700-1800 calories a day. Sometimes higher, sometimes (rarely!) lower. I've been primal for 3 months now and calculated that I've lost 14 lbs! Not the drastic weight loss a lot of people experience with this eating style, but steady, which I will take.

    I'm thrilled I'm able to lose on this high amount of calories. I LOVE eating, and I thoroughly enjoy the meals I eat. I'd be sad if I had to cut back!