Just Started This Two Days Ago - Advice

Hi everyone, I want to make sure I am doing this right. I read the stickies, watched a few videos, bought NROLFW....

My only "caveat" is that I have a Fitness Planet "Zuma" gym, and hope I can get all the strength training done with it.

Height: 5'7"
Weight 167.2
Age: 40

---YEARS of yo-yo'ing (36 years to be precise), most fit was 2002-2008 (martial arts, ate anything I wanted and bodyfat was 18% 128 lbs). Started gaining whilst still working out and couldn't understand why - tried WW, Atkins, Cabbage Soup Diet, Nutrisystem, 3 Hour Diet, phentermine... nothing was working (gained 6 pounds on cabbage soup diet!). Diagnosed hypothyroid a couple of weeks ago. On T3 meds. Have bodymedia fit - which says my TDEE is 2120.


day 1: 30 min. strength (NROLFW)
day 2: C25K (watching my cal. burn to stay at TDEE I will eat the difference)
day 3: 30 min. strength
day 4: C25K
day 5: 30 min. strength
day 6: C25K
day 7: REST

I will eat this way for 8 weeks, then drop 15%

Does this sound like I'm doing everything right? I know Scooby says TDEE is higher, but was going by my BMF reading. Suggestions? I have to buy some dumbells today to supplement my Zuma machine. The C25k is preparing for a run in Nov. However, if people have had more success doing no cardio - I won't do cardio. I am seriously committed. I am unable to join a gym at this time, though.


  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Sounds pretty spot on to me!! Sounds like you've really done your research. Awesome work :smile:

    I got my BMF a month ago, and have since tried eating at the TDEE that it tells me. After 4 weeks I have appeared to have made a bit of gain with my muscle size but all clothes still fit perfectly so doesn't really look like I've put on any fat. So I would say it's been pretty accurate reading.

    I'd say personally to go with your BMF number, and if you find you're losing a few weeks into the reset, you can increase your cals as necessary.

    Good luck!!
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    Oops - just realized I said I was dieting since 4. Not entirely accurate. Started really at 8, starvation @13 and various diets after that. I don't know why my mind said 4! Not that 8 is leaps and bounds better hahahaha!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I did a google and couldn't find anything on Fitness Planet Zuma whats all included in that? One thing you will hear and I am sure you will read in NROLFW (i think its in there) is try not to do 15-20 reps.. if you do its too light, if your a beginner you can get used to it but if you can do that with no problems its time to increase weight as you proceed.
    Second you should probably adjust your macro's if you haven't already, increasing your protein number at the expense of your carb number.. outside of that if your BMF says 2120 try that and see, as long as you have worn it for numerous days and have that average from doing your activities with it on as well as day to day items.
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    Oops - Pacific Fitness Zuma. Yeah. Too many calories frying my brain, ahahaha!

    Okay my macros are 40c-30p-30f as per recommendations here and NROLFW.