Honey or...?

My throat is sore, and normally I'd chug tea with copious amounts of honey. Tastes good, feels good on my throat. However, 1 Tb of honey has an obscene amount of carbs and I use FAR more than 1 Tb. Should I suck it up or do you all have something else that helps and feels good on a sore throat? And tastes good, LOL.


  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    I don't think a small amount of honey is a bad thing. Why not just try a tsp in your tea with some lemon? You may not need copious amounts. :) Hope you feel better soon.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Thank you! I know honey is pretty much pure sugar so I wasn't sure if I should aim to avoid it.
  • If you can find some ginger tea, I heard that is also helpful with sore throats and colds. Or maybe try making some chicken broth?
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Ginger tea might be a good idea, as is the chicken broth. I feel it moving into my chest so I should hit the grocery on the way home to get what I need in case tomorrow or the day after is a sick day. Ugh!
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    I had a day of light coughing due to the seasonal change so I had a half of lemon in a hot water cup. I took 1TBS of raw honey first before I finish my lemon tea. In next day, my coughing were all gone.
  • garlic cloves (a little harsh though)
    lemon juice?
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Bone broth.