family time vs. gym time



  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    I struggled with this also, just recently. I'm the father of two kids and love being with my family. I used to work 7-4 and was able to do my home exercise in the evening and still have a couple hours or more before the kids have to go to bed. However, my hours changed recently to 8-5 causing all sorts of chaos in our family schedule. Now, by the time i get home it is dark outside and if I go for my 20+ minute jog and do my other exercises when I get back, it's past dinner time before I get out of the shower.

    So, I've started doing my jog and exercises (just push/sit-ups and plank) in the morning before I leave. I get up at the same time I used to, which gives me the time to do this. I may do some inside exercises with the kids and/or wife in the evening, but that's optional.

    Anyone can friend me, anytime.
  • This a concern for me as well. Both my wife and I work full time. we have 2 children one gets on the bus at 7 the other 8:30. generally the older has after school activities that someone has to pick them up so that puts us home between 5 and 6. I leave for work as soon as I put the 7am son on the bus so I that I can be in a position to leave at 4 to get him on days when my wife works. I would honestly rather spend time with my wife an kids then anything else. BUT I want to get healthier as well. This is a struggle not just for me but for my wife as well. If we go to a gym then that's 1-2 hours out of the evening, if you get home at 6 plus 1-2 hours then your pushing 7-8, kids still need fed, home work and stuff before they go to bed. I know so many people are going to say "you have to take the personal time" but what do you do if you'd rather have your "personal time" with your family? if I take the "personal time" then I lose the family time and then that puts more pressure on my wife to do everything. Suggestions?
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    This a concern for me as well. Both my wife and I work full time. we have 2 children one gets on the bus at 7 the other 8:30. generally the older has after school activities that someone has to pick them up so that puts us home between 5 and 6. I leave for work as soon as I put the 7am son on the bus so I that I can be in a position to leave at 4 to get him on days when my wife works. I would honestly rather spend time with my wife an kids then anything else. BUT I want to get healthier as well. This is a struggle not just for me but for my wife as well. If we go to a gym then that's 1-2 hours out of the evening, if you get home at 6 plus 1-2 hours then your pushing 7-8, kids still need fed, home work and stuff before they go to bed. I know so many people are going to say "you have to take the personal time" but what do you do if you'd rather have your "personal time" with your family? if I take the "personal time" then I lose the family time and then that puts more pressure on my wife to do everything. Suggestions?

    That is why i made this thread. For suppot and suggestions. The most obvios answer to your situation would be to get a good quality home gym. This is not cheap though. You just have to find a solution for you that works. Good luck man. It's a balencing struggle that always stays a struggle. But both are good things and there is nothing wrong with either one.

    Sometimes i like to run around the house and "play" squat, run, push-up, run, crunches, run with my little girl. She seems to love that but it's really not the best workout. It's better then nothing though. : )
  • dave0628
    dave0628 Posts: 102 Member
    I second the ideas of working out at home and getting in your workout before eveyone gets up if this is possible.

    I got used weights and a rack on Craigslist, and now workout in my garage before everyone gets up. This is my alone time, and I've really started to go from viewing this as something I have to do, to something I really like doing. To make this fit in my life, I've pretty much given up watching TV during the work week - I now go to bed soon after my kids!

    I know this isn't an option for everyone, but it is working really well so far for me.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I like the idea of not just letting the day happen.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    I have the same type of issue. 3 kids and a wife. The wife doesnt want me out every night. so i do 3 nights per week. any other time i get, whether its workout during lunch or if she takes the kids out or whatever, then that is a bonus.

    at the moment its 1 night of karate and 2 nights per week of c25k, which is a 3 day a week program so i will obviously take longer to complete.