What was your postpartum (early) weight-loss like?



  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Hi there just saw your post
    pre prego 132
    day of birth 202

    70 lbs!!!!!!!!
    Day got home from hos i had lost 15lbs
    then another 15lbs in the next month then up until now 13 lbs
    I still have 27 to go. Im pumping still so will see what happens after i stop
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight - 168lbs
    Day baby was born - 201lbs
    2 weeks pp - 168lbs
    Goal weight - 150lbs

    I've stayed at 168 for the last 7 weeks. I don't fit into my pre preg clothes yet, because my fat % is way higher than it was. But I'm working out consistently again now and hoping that will change. I've lost 2 inches from both my waist and hips these last 2 weeks, so progress is happening, even if its not on the scale. :)

    I have quite a few friends who get scary skinny breastfeeding, but I think I'm one of those body types that will hold onto some extra fat just in case.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've lost 33lbs10 days PP, but I also gained around 60. When I came home from the hospital it was only 13, but then obvsiously lost a lot more water weight.
  • shellebelle79
    shellebelle79 Posts: 52 Member
    I lost 16 lbs 12 weeks after without trying, but gained 4 lbs when I went back to work. That darn snack machine! But since I started MFP now am down 2 lbs. But I'll take those 2 lbs with a big 'ol smile on my face!
  • Robyn173
    My "happy" weight is 120. I was 127 when I got pregnant (we conceived the day after Christmas- holiday weight gain!). I was 155 when I delivered. (28 lbs gained). I am now 10 weeks post c-section and have lost 27 of those lbs through diet and breastfeeding. The first 20 came off quickly in five weeks, and then it's been a steady clip of 1-1.5lb a week if I stick to my diet of 1500 cals a day.
    I just got cleared to exercise last week, so now I'm doing light treadmill runs and weights daily. It was a little terrifying to start again- I was on bedrest my last trimester so while I didn't gain much weight, I certainly hadn't had any exercise in ages!
    I'd say wait until you're 6-8 weeks before you take a true assessment of where you are. Your hormones are all wonky those first few months! Also, if you're breastfeeding, your breasts certainly weigh a few lbs. I went from a small B cup to a heavy D cup thanks to the little guy's appetite, and I know those weigh a few pounds! :) And besides, 15 lbs to lose is not bad at all- you made a person, after all!
  • sarominski
    2nd child, pre-pregnancy weight 155, when I delivered I was about 196. The weight took longer to come off the second time around. (baby was 8lbs 4 oz - I weight pretty much the same after giving birth as I did before...) At about 5 weeks post I found that my body was done losing weight naturally on its own. I was at 168 at 5 weeks post. I started counting calories at that point and then at 6 weeks post I started going to the gym doing light exercise about every other day. Today I am at 158 (10 weeks post - 10lbs in 5 weeks). I did not breast feed. I have another 18lbs to go to be at my goal weight. Don't stress, everyone's bodies take a different amount of time to adjust.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    Same story as many others. I gained 37 during pregnancy. I lost 22 almost without effort in the first month. Then I was stuck, gaining 2 losing 2 for 7 months. leaving me 15 pounds to lose. No matter how much I worked out, what I ate... nothing helped.
    Then I stopped breast-feeding. 5 pounds dropped of within the first month and I've been steadily losing about a pound ever 2 weeks since then.
    I'm not doing anything different, same work-out patterns, same food, it's just coming off now since I've stopped breast-feeding.
    I agree with others, anyone who says breast-feeding helps you lose weight is making a blanket statement that certainly does not apply in every case. It should start going away once you wean though, don't lose hope!!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    No matter how much I worked out, what I ate... nothing helped.
    Then I stopped breast-feeding. 5 pounds dropped of within the first month and I've been steadily losing about a pound ever 2 weeks since then.
    I'm not doing anything different, same work-out patterns, same food, it's just coming off now since I've stopped breast-feeding.
    I agree with others, anyone who says breast-feeding helps you lose weight is making a blanket statement that certainly does not apply in every case. It should start going away once you wean though, don't lose hope!!
    So TRUE! I gained 70 lb with my first baby, and everybody told me it will easily come off if I breastfeed. Well, the first 40 lb come off with a couple of months, but the remaining 30 lb stuck until I weaned him age 2 ysr. Once I no longer breastfeed I could lose weight and I lost all reaming 30 lb + 20 lb more within a year.
    Now with baby #2 on the way, I fear that will happen again. Since the this pregnancy is totally different from the first, I hope I have a totally differ breastfeeding weight loss as well. Well, finger crossed. :)
  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    I am 12 days PP and down 26 pounds- been losing about a pound a day- hope it keeps up because I got a long ways to go! I want to be 155/160 by June 1.
  • Srgale
    Starting weight= 135 pounds
    Goal Weight Gain = 25-30 pounds maximum
    Actual Weight Gain= 45 pounds

    New Goal Weight= 130 lbs (5 lbs lower than starting weight)

    On Due date= 180 pounds
    1 month PP= 152 pounds
    2 months PP= 140 pounds

    Miss Jacqueline was born 7lb 3oz on October 16 (so 8 weeks ago to the day). Took about 10 days for all the swelling in my limbs to go down, but I think I was still holding on to some water weight for about the first month since the weight came off pretty consistently on it's own. I got stuck at about 150 pounds 3 weeks ago, or at least it felt like it, so I started working out as soon as possible. BREAST FEEDING really helps, this is like exercising, you burn upwards of 500 extra calories a day producing milk. I've also been eating better.

    On the other hand, I was a surrogate, so I'm pumping milk and don't have the responsibility and time consumption that goes along with having a newborn. You mom's are incredible. You just went through something so awesome and I know it's hard to find the time to work out and eat well, but kudos for all those of you who are trying.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I gained 30 pounds this pregnancy, which was my goal! I'd gained 40 with my first daughter, so I was pretty proud of myself;)

    Pretty quickly, 20 lbs dropped off. However, these last 10 seem to be just hanging around and it's starting to frustrate me. I'm 7 weeks postpartum today. I've been counting calories, recently started working out (just 3x a week), and am exclusively breastfeeding. Yet for some reason, the last 3 weeks there has been ZERO change. Anyone experience this before/have any advice on what I should do? HELP!

    *Just to let you know- I have been eating back my breastfeeding calories, but not all my exercise calories if I work out.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I am 6wks PP with my first baby. I was cleared for normal activity this week, but I had a large 2nd degree tear and an episiotomy and I've noticed that if I do some form of cardio two days in a row the scar tissue gets a bit sore so I haven't been as active as I would like (not to mention some days it's hard to find time!) I did 30DS on Wednesday and went for a walk yesterday, so probably not going to be doing anything today. Luckily (?) I have lots of stairs in my house so I do get a bit of a workout going up and down them all day.

    I have lost 20lbs of baby weight, but my body fat % is higher than normal right at the moment, so I am wearing pants that I wore when I was at my highest pre-pregnancy weight. I've been losing slow and steady (about 1lb/week), eating 1470 calories plus 500 breastfeeding calories per day (and exercise calories). Like others, I have friends who dropped a ton of weight from exclusively breast feeding, but I don't think that will be the case with me.

    Pregnancy starting weight: 139
    40 wks: 175
    6wks PP: 155 (but wearing pants from when I weighed 169, my heaviest non-pregnant weight) :ohwell:
    Goal: Get to pre-pregnancy weight and eventually to 135 (or a nicely toned higher weight that fits into my favourite jeans)
  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    I gained 40lb but most of it was water since I had a condition. After 5days when I went home and weighted myself I had already lost 30lb, the baby was big as well almost 1/3 of that 9lb :tongue: . Needless to say that the last 10 pounds stayed with me untill I seriously started dieting, 6months after giving birth. My baby is 12 months now and I still breastfeed.
  • aya619
    aya619 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 9days post partum and I know I need to be patient. But it's hard when I see other people's weight loss or compare it to my first pregnancy. I was at my fittest and healthy weight when I got pregnant this time and gained a total of 49lbs this pregnancy which is way more than I wanted. But I ate right and exercised three days a week, even day before I had my daughter. I've only lost 8lbs in 9 days which is frustrating since my daughter was 7lbs 2oz. I don't get it!! I know there's other stuff lost during birth right? I've been breast feeding, drinking a ton of water and eating healthy. Anyways, just wanted to vent. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully it'll just come off all of a sudden. I'm anxious to exercise but my dr said no way until 6weeks. Anyone else experience just a lil bit of weight loss post partum?
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I lost 14 lbs in the first week and a half (my baby was 4 lbs 15 oz), then slowly going down since then. I am still breastfeeding however.
  • ljervisleah
    ljervisleah Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5' 4"' and was 134 lbs. (just got back from vacation and a few lbs up from 130 goal, lol) when I found out I was pregnant. I weighed 176 at my last midwife appt prior to birth (46lbs). Four weeks postpartum I was 156. If I don't drink and eat ENOUGH my weight stalls. If you are breast feeding and trying to lose you should be consuming at least 1800 calories or more. I'm fairly active chasing two other kids, so I need around 2000 and I'm not exercising. If exercising I'd probably need more. It is also important to get enough protein 70 to 100 grams. Also, a good ratio of carbs to protein is 2:1. It's not the best time for a low carb diet. You can also use MFP to track your calcium, which should be at 120%. Many women find if they add in more calories of QUALITY food, they start dropping weight again. Also during 4-6 months, the baby will demand more of your calories and if your weight stalls you again may need to add more calories.

    Friend me! And keep me accountable to all I've said lol!
  • Heathervescent
    Heathervescent Posts: 22 Member
    Pre preg- 115
    Delivered at 155, so gained 40
    I am ten days PP and have lost about 22 lbs.

    I had a c/s and I've been walking on the treadmill for the last 2-3 days, easing back into the workout routine. Hoping to keep the ball rolling.

    Looking for more friends, so add me everyone :) I like to motivate and be motivated!!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I delivered about 12 days ago and already have lost 24lbs. Only gained 7lbs the whole pregnancy so I am excited to lost the extra weight so far I definitely needed to.
  • Abowman12
    pre preg 173, 41 weeks 190 (17lbs gained) 3 days pp 171, 6 weeks pp 154...i think breastfeeding helped me but like everyone said everybodies body is different! i just started jillian micheals 30 day shred today because i still want to lose 29 lbs! anyone else doing 30 DS?
  • MamaTeter0912
    MamaTeter0912 Posts: 14 Member
    I lost all my baby weight with both of my kids within 5 days of giving birth. However I gained back 7 lbs after my first.