
crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member

Have you had one of those days where you feel like you will be on a diet (and also feel like you'll be breaking it) for the rest of your life?

I went over my calories yesterday and the day before and today I am feeling so blah, which is a blessing in disguise because at least I don't feel tempted to go over my calories again today... but last week I was feeling so motivated and now today I feel like why try?

I gotta get over this feeling quick!!


  • molliepw
    molliepw Posts: 74 Member
    Hey girl!
    I totally know that feeling. I was listening to Jillian Michael's podcast one day and Bob Harper was her guest. They were talking about how sometimes clients will say to them, "I can't wait to stop counting calories and watching what I eat" or "Will I ever get to stop worrying about my diet?" And they were like, unfortunately the reality is is that even WE have to watch what we eat, it never ends.
    For me it was like a light bulb moment to realize that that will likely be the case for me too and it made it feel less like a "bad thing" after hearing how those 2 super fit people are also still continually aware of what they're putting into their bodies. Does that make sense? Hope it helps you feel better like it made me feel better!
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    I guess once you realize it becomes a "way of life" and not a "diet" it changes your whole mindset. I was feeling really discouraged yesterday and when I weighed this morning I had basically "maintained" through my three days of going over my calories... which was a HUGE relief that I hadn't put some back on! 2 days until our first weigh-in together!!
  • 1plumpmom
    1plumpmom Posts: 15 Member
    I am in a family where all 6 of my tiny inlaws never have to watch what they eat. They are all under 110lbs, lazy, and eat like a pig. They have kids and shrink back to nothing. For me I not only have to watch what I eat, but I have to exercise like a crazy lady. It feels unfair that some people have to live the rest of their lives depriving themselves if they want to live a healthy life. I am one of these people. I gained 3 lbs by quitting exercise for 2 weeks. Who does this??? I dont understand why we have to have the cravings, the rapid weight gain, the depression. This website is so valuable because of the support when in need, with the exception of some people criticizing.