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  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Hello! I am a transplanted Chicagoan currently (and permanently) living in the Appalachian Mountains. I will turn 50 in September and plan to look awesome by then.

    I'm a computer programmer, I raise chickens, turkeys and pigs, AND make my own wine. Which makes me very popular with my friends!:drinker:

    I have lost 17 lbs in 4 weeks and have about 60 to to.
  • Msfitnfab
    Msfitnfab Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm Chrystel, I'm 40 years old, married and currently living in Houston. I'm just beginning my journey of a healthier life style "better late than never" so I will need all the positive support and encouragement I can get and I will definitely give it back! I'm amazed with the support system in this group and look forward to interacting with all the beautiful people here!
  • snowfallgently
    My name is Joanne and I am from Wisconsin. I am really excited to be apart of MFP and The Ladies who Lunch. I just started MPF and have about 25 pounds to lose. I really need encouragement and would like to give the same to others. It is really good to track my food and helps a lot to keep me aware of what is going in my mouth. Unfortunately, I have a foot problem and can't exercise for about a month. I can do some things (sit ups, arm, and leg exercises and long as I am not putting pressure on my foot) so I hope that helps me lose weight a long with decreased food intake. I want to be healthy. I would love to hear from somebody and get connected. thanks, Joanne
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    How rude of me! I joined this group ages ago and never got round to reading and checking in. I'm in the UK, I work and have a teenager and a cat at home. I'm trying to be fitter and healthier and so have been exercising and (slowly!) losing weight. I have heart disease so it's important for me to be fit. (It's important for everybody, of course, but you know what I mean!). I don't do loads and loads of exercise, but a bit of strength/resistance training, ballet and some walking or exercises videos. I've recently joined a gym and am hoping to improve my squats and deadlifts. I'm delighted to meet you all!
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I just found this group. My name is Dottie, and I will be turning 42 next month. I joined MFP in April when I finally decided I was ready to lose weight and get healthy. I'm married (23 years) and we have a son with autism. He keeps me pretty busy during the day. I also love to write. I think we eat mostly okay and have for a little while now, its just portion sizes and being sedentary (as well as getting older) that has been the problem. I have been more active now though, since joining MFP, and I'm pretty vigilant about serving sizes, but still learning about better choices when eating away from home. I look forward to getting to know you all and learning better how to care for myself as I get healthier.
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My name is Christine and I'm 42 and loving life! I have two daughters, ages 10 and 13, and a triathlete/chef/diplomat husband. We currently live in Qatar, previously lived in France, and are moving to Taiwan in July. I have been able to maintain my job as a creative services consultant for several California wineries as I've moved around the world, and I'm so grateful I haven't had to forfeit my career as a "trailing spouse."

    I ran my first marathon at age 40 in France but suffered a stress fracture in my lower tibia shortly thereafter. In January, I decided to quit fooling around and have dedicated myself to getting in the best shape I've ever been. Now, I am running three times a week and doing heavy lifting three times a week. I try to eat clean and I drink three things: water, black coffee, and wine!

    I'm excited to have discovered this group and I would love to gain some new friends who have similar fitness goals!

  • wycolemama
    wycolemama Posts: 1
    Hi, my name is Donna and I live in the San Francisco East Bay burbs. I just completed my first half marathon in 2:19! When I started to train, my goal was to just make it to the end. My next half marathon is scheduled for August 11 and I know that losing some weight would help prevent injury and improved my PR. I'd like to lose 10lbs. by then and to gain more strength, especially in my upper body and core.

    I love to cook fresh off the farm food and I enjoy my wine. I gained a total of 20lbs. since before my kids (13 years ago) and I take medication that doesn't help with weight loss. Add that to being 45 and you can see that taking weight off is a struggle.

    I'm hoping community and regular monitoring and check-ins will aid in my efforts.
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Well, MFP shows me as having been a member since last year, but thats when I downloaded the phone app, I really just recently started using the actual website.

    I'm 42, living in Washington state, and am just tired of being the fat girl. Plus, recent extra motivation comes with planning a wedding next May. Fulltime working mom of 3. I have a very active social life, and very busy children. . .trying to find ways to make exercise fit in to my life at this point, but starting mainly with healthier eating, and making better choices.

    I just am frustrated at this point, and need to figure out how to stay motivated and focused on what I really want: beautiful wedding pictures where I don't judge my size :)
  • maltor711
    maltor711 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Kim and I am 46. I am new to the FP site, but not to weight loss and using the app. I have been involved with a challenge at work for the last couple years. So far I have lost 47 pounds and would like to lose about 20 more. One thing I have learned that accountability, support, movement and fun are KEY factors in the weight loss journey. Slowly, I am changing the way my family eats (gotta give them time to adjust !:happy: ) At least they are willing to try anything I make! Through this trial and error we have all found some YUMMY but healthy new things to add to our regular meal rotation. I am hoping to continue my journey here with you wonderful ladies and keep the healthy trend going.
  • Ginastern1
    Ginastern1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I am 57, and have just rejoined MyFitnessPal after my brother's friend has lost over 100 lbs since January with this program. Very motivating. I just started keeping track of my food, and found out that I usually run out of calories by mid afternoon...need to get a grip on that. I am interested in losing about 50 pounds, so I can be my old athletic self instead of the couch surfer I have become. I am interested in clean eating and not putting any more processed stuff into my body, due to separate health issues....arthritis....thanks for organizing this board.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I just wanted to share an exercise tip with those of you whose knees are reminding them they're not 25 anymore. I walk 20-30 minutes ever day on my hill, followed by some sort of aerobics/pilates/yoga for 30-40 minutes about 4-5 times a week. My house is on three levels, which is a lot of stairs. My knees have been killing me!

    The other day I was doing one of The Firm exercise DVD's, and instead of mindlessly going through the motions, I actually listened to the instructor tell me to keep my weight in my HEELS instead of the ball of the foot. INSTANT knee pain relief! I've been deliberately changing how I walk the hill, take my stairs, do lunges - pretty much everything that used to hurt. When I keep my weight in my heels, there is no pain!

    I'm going to start paying more attention to the video instructors! I guess they're there for more than looking good!
  • cgarliepp
    cgarliepp Posts: 14
    Hi, I'm Caron from Santa Barbara, CA. I recently joined MFP and just joined this group (because I love to lunch, and wine, and have fun with my women friends!) I'll be 60 this year, and my goal is to lose some weight and become more fit before then (November) without losing the ability to lunch and wine! LOL I am happily married (22 years), have one son and a 3 /12 year old granddaughter (the joy of my life).

    Feel free to friend me if you're willing to share your daily diary (as I like to get ideas about how others manage to stay within their daily calories quota).
  • wahine2dah
    wahine2dah Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am Monica Heidkamp. I have been married for 15 years - have a 6 year old son, 10 year old daughter and a nearly 40 year old weight struggle :) I am 45 years old and literally have been battling "overweighted-ness" since I was very young.

    I have decided that I need to track what I eat and that is where I am starting. In order to see how to fix the issue, I need to understand where it lies. I have around 100 pounds to lose, so I know this is going to be a LONG journey. But it starts with a step - right?

    I am looking forward to seeing everyone's ideas and learning about healthy eating and exercise! Thanks for letting me come along for the ride.

    If there is anyone in a similar situation - I would love to share food and exercise diaries and see what is working for everyone else. THANKS!
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathryne, 43 years old, married no kids, living in Vancouver, BC.

    I started my journey a couple of months ago becasue I was sick of not being able to do things. I'm an adventurer (scuba diver, kayaker, skier) but never really paid much attention to my physical well being. I've lost about 10 lbs so far (in 10 weeks or so) but just joined here.

    I love to cook and generally avoid restaurants and take out, though I have been known to order in a pizza every few weeks just for variety. I'm a big believer in whole foods, avoid packaged and processed foods where ever possible, and am trying to keep my carb intake down by avoiding those "white" foods. That said, everything in moderation.

    I'm 5'3", currently weigh 199 lbs (down from 209 when I started) and am currently basking in the glory of my first 10 lbs lost. That will be short lived. My goal is to lose another 30 lbs by November, and a further 20 thereafter to get to my goal weight of 145-150. I look forward to interacting with you all!
  • cgarliepp
    cgarliepp Posts: 14
    Hi. I'm fairly new to this. When I open up these discussions, the OLDEST posts are first (some going back a couple of years) . . . is there some way to change it so that the NEWEST posts show up first? Thx.
  • Matthew112830
    Matthew112830 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello ladies! My name is Carmen and I'm 42 years old. I'm married and have two teenage daughters. I've been on MFP for almost 2 years. I've lost 40 pounds, but recently my body has decided to rebel hormonally and I've gained back 10 pounds. I'm starting a Whole30 with my family tomorrow and I'm hoping that by eliminating all the foods that I'm allergic to I'll be able to push the "reset button" and get back to my lowest weight (or even lower). Mostly, I just want to be healthy. That's been my goal all along. I don't want to be obese and unhealthy as I enter the second half of my life.

    Thanks for inviting me to join! :)
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi all..My name is Kathy, all my friends call me Kat. I live in the beautiful province of New Brunswick. I am 55 years old. I have been with MFP for 6 mos or so, but have only lurked on the boards, never really participating. Like others, Menopause has caught up to me. What weight used to come off fairly easy, does not move now. I am currently 193 lbs at 5'10. I don't feel good, my clothes don't feel good...... I want to rectify that. This sounds like a place that I want to be ...... Kat :)
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    Hi. I'm fairly new to this. When I open up these discussions, the OLDEST posts are first (some going back a couple of years) . . . is there some way to change it so that the NEWEST posts show up first? Thx.

    Hi and welcome!

    I'm not aware of the ability to change the sort order. MFP is really great and a few things, but intuitive functionality doesn't seem to be one of them. ;c)
  • pwtaa
    pwtaa Posts: 18 Member
    Hi my name is Wendi,

    I am 44 years old 5'10" and currently teeter between 185-190 lbs. After my fight with cancer I gained up to 270 lbs and I was miserable. I didn't like myself any more it took some time for thyroid and other things to start working again but I got back on track. I have been on a constant roller coaster for the past year or so not being able to get accross the threashold of the 185 mark.

    I would like to get below 175 or in a real size 8 whichever comes first. I look forward to hearing all your stories and getting insprired to keep on fighting the good fight in my weightloss journey.

    Thanks for having a group that I can relate to. :)
  • ladydy911
    ladydy911 Posts: 126 Member
    Just joined the group today. I am Dyanna. I am 45 and I live in a semi-small Alabama town. I work for 10 hours a day sitting at a desk crunching and analyzing numbers. I have arthritis in my knees and hips so movement hurts, but I MUST MOVE. I have been "overweight" my whole life. I was 10 lbs when I was born. At my highest my weight was 500. I am now at around 353.7 lol. I have a LONG way to go. Due to a hysterectomy at age 30 I only have one daughter whom I have spoiled rotten. She is 23 and a mommie herself to a 3 year old little doll. Also due to the hysterectomy I had to have stomach surgery because my scar tissue wrapped around my intestines and part of my stomach they had to cut much of my stomach off as well as part of my intestines-so I basically had a non wanted gastric bypass like surgery. I lost down to 250 a few months after that and felt great. Then the effects of not having the portion of my intestines that absorb nutrients hit. I became severe anemic, hypoglycemic, and my body stopped producing blood. I lost all my teeth. This was really hard because I always had perfect teeth. Never had a cavity. Even when I was at my heaviest people would always say I had a beautiful smile. With all this going on, I crept back up to 480 lbs. I think I am now on the right mix of iron and b12 injections that my blood levels are finally getting as close to normal as I will ever be. I still have to have iron and blood transfusions about every 6 months but it is much better than the every 2 months I was doing. I have my hypoglycemia under control with my diet. I have brand new beautiful teeth, and I have decided that I am tired of being fat. No more excuses. No more “DIETS”. I want to be healthy. I want to be around to see my grandbaby get married and have kids. Well now that you have read the story of me, let’s be friends and do this together---(I know cheesy) But for real, I have a VERY dry sense of humor and can be a little crass so if I ever say anything out of the way or hurt anyone’s feelings, please know that I would NEVER do that on purpose. Sometimes my tone on paper does not come out the way I am really thinking it.