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  • Maryann408
    Hello - I'm Maryann and just turned 49 a few months ago. Wow - how time has flown, it seems I was just 35 not long ago and starting to worry about my increasing waistline! Well, it has steadily increased the last 13-14 years and I'm finally ready to tackle it head-on. I just joined myfitnesspal yesterday and am committed to making the changes necessary to get this party started :). I look forward to meeting new people and learning from others here. Toodles for now :-)

    BTW: How do you add the tracker to your posts?
  • mcusumano95
    mcusumano95 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Margie and I am 54 years old. I have had a "love-hate" relationship with food since I was 13 years old. I love to cook and eat, but food becomes the enemy, as I will obsess over it. Whether it is cooking a gourmet dinner, or the latest paleo recipe, or what exercises I can do to counteract what I eat. I have probably tried every diet known to man in my lifetime, but over the course of my life, I believe that I have come to terms with my abuse of food. For the most part, I eat very healthy, but I go through my phases and, oh I am in a phase right now.

    Two years ago, I was at my strongest and at my best weight. I found the magic bullet...weight lifting! The transformation was amazing and a lot of work. It was only 13 pounds lost, but with the muscle. The muscle allowed me to fit into a much smaller size. The strength I felt was empowering for me and increased my confidence. This past year got away from me and priorities have changed. I am the new grandmother of twin girls. Working out and watching what I eat has become more difficult. Recently, I have been trying to not be so hard on myself, but I have while I am good all day, the evenings have become bad enough that I have put on around 15 pounds. The worst part, most of it has gone to my behind or the belly (perimenopause stinks!)

    I know what do to do, but I really need the support of people that understand what it feels like to love cooking and still want to look good and be healthy, while enjoying good food.
  • jzsunshine61
    jzsunshine61 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 53 and discovered myfitnesspal earlier this year. I convinced my husband to start with me. He has lost 20 pounds in the three months since we started which is very exciting. I've only lost a little less than 7 that's even when I have been exercising, doing major gardening and household projects for hours at a time. You can really build a sweat spending all day digging and pulling weeds in the garden! I'm 5'2" and hypothyroid which makes things a little more challenging. My doctor just switched me to Armor Thyroid so I finally started to see a little progress. I know weight loss is a little slower for women over 50 so I am determined to stick with it! I love myfitnesspal! It's so easy to track calories and activities. This is the first time we have experienced success without totally starving or paying outrageous amounts of money for diet programs. The latest diet program we looked into would have cost us $1500 a month! We have been on several to the tune of thousands of dollars, lost the weight but the second we went off the programs, gained the weight back and more. Changing my mindset to living a healthy lifestyle, eating right and moving more is a much more sustainable program. I'm excited to join this group.
  • slimhabit
    Hello I am from the UK and have been dieting on and off for more years than I care to remember. I love cooking and eating and have tried many diets which have worked in the short term.

    I used MFP before with success but just fell out of the habit. Really keen to start moving in the right direction. I am happy to loose the 2 or 3 stones I need to slowly so that it is a permanent change.
  • LifeofJanine
    LifeofJanine Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Janine. 53. Currently live in Atlanta, Georgia with my husband & three cats.

    My weight has gone up and down for about the last 25 years. I got to my goal weight on WW in 2006, but several extremely stressful jobs over the past 8 years helped me to put back on the 30 pounds I lost on WW, plus another 15. So the math means that I need to lose a good 40 pounds to hit the top end of my goal weight.

    I know what to do to lose weight, but as you all have experienced, it is SO much harder to lose once our hormones change and metabolism stalls. Every time I look in my closet stuffed with beautiful clothes, I feel disappointed in myself. I have a really hard time STICKING to my eating goals. I lie in bed at night and think, "tomorrow I will stick to my food plan" ... but by 6 pm all bets are off. Anyone else experience this?

    We have two vacations planned this fall - the first in 3 weeks - so my goals will be to be ON TRACK (and down 5 pounds) for the first vacation, and down 15 pounds for the second trip. I know that 10 pounds will make a huge difference in how my clothes fit, and that in itself will be a confidence boost.

    I started a new job in June and for the first time in many, many years I am actually able to go out and walk at lunchtime, and commit to working out after work. I coach a learn-to-run/walk/run group (which I love), walk pretty much daily, and recently began a weight training program. None of this helps with my two challenges - wine, and the food I eat after drinking wine ;) Oh, and I love to cook!

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to participating in this group - getting help from you ladies and maybe I can pass along some encouragement to others.

    PS - I wear an UP Fitness Band and love it. It's pushed me to improve my sleep habits!
  • gmdaniel
    gmdaniel Posts: 44 Member
    Hello Ladies, I am quite new to MFP. My brother actually told me about the site on 4 Aug so here I am 6 days in. I must say I am enjoying it so far.

    I did not start having a weight problem until menopause came on the scene. I am 50 now but about a year ago the flood gates open and I know I gained 40 lbs to date, now I need to put them back to sleep.

    I enjoy cooking. I think I love it because I see how much others enjoy it and it brings friends and family together. Who doesn't enjoy a wonderful hearty meal.

    I look forward to exchanging recipes and the support the group will bring as we aim to change.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member

    I'm 44 years old and new to MFP. I really love everything it keeps track of. Now, I just need to cooperate and eat right. That's my biggest problem. I'm 50+ lbs. overweight. I had a baby in January with my new loving husband and became a grandmother in March.

    I haven't always tried eating healthy but now I realize how important it is. I used to work in fast paced, physically demanding jobs that kept me in shape. I was active but slowly put on weight and started having gastrointestinal problems. I was on medication for depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and acid reflux. I felt lousy and was unhappy most of the time.

    Four years ago I met my husband and now I do not take any of those medications. I am in a much better place in my life except for my weight. I want to get control of my eating and look and feel better.

    I have been unemployed for two years and am now a stay at home mom. Last year, a blood clot formed in my eye and I really feel the effects of being out of shape and overweight. I don't want more health problems

    I'm excited to meet everyone here and I hope to get advice and inspiration from others like me. I will also give support and motivate anyone I can. I really love the support that is available through everyone on this site. I just have to remember to take each day as it comes. Big things happen one step at a time and anything is possible.
  • MamaRoob
    Hello! I am 49 yrs old, and over the last 4 years have gained quite a bit of jiggly (mostly belly) fat. I am not ready to buy big clothes- but not much is fitting anymore. After seeing a picture of myself looking old, frumpy and dumpy at my step-daughters wedding I decided to get serious about losing this weight. My brother lost 30 lbs last year using this website, and he looks 20years younger!

    I love to cook, go out and entertain- and I look forward to giving and getting support with other "Ladies Who Lunch":flowerforyou:
  • vannytmz77
    Hi, I'm Vanessa, just became a member of mfp.
  • labruzzo
    labruzzo Posts: 3 Member

    I just joined the group. I'm 57 and I HATE MENOPAUSE! I was a chubby kid, but I was thin my entire adult life until the past 5 years. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted. But I've gained 35 pounds. It's my own fault. I love to cook, eat, and drink wine. I have a closet full of clothes that I can't get into. I have borderline hypertension and my back aches. I have to get this under control! I know I will never be under 118 pounds again. But I would like to be fit and healthy.

    I am delighted to have found you all. Thanks for the support!

  • martij2001
    martij2001 Posts: 1 Member

    I think I have been a member of MFP for about a year, but never used it. That is changing! I am 48, and tired of being overweight and unhealthy! I am married and have an 18 year old son who has just started college. I have been on every diet around, but only half heartedly. Losing the weight, then gaining it all back + 5..over and over again! I know what to do - I just don't do it.

    I decided that it is time to start taking care of me, instead of all of those around me. I know this cannot be a quick fix - it needs to be a way of life. I love to eat, drink wine, and have fun with friends and family. Somehow I need to figure out how to incorporate my goals into my existing life so I am successfull at both - I know it can be done - just need to figure out how!

    I know it will be a long haul, and hard at times - but that is why I have joined - to get inspiration, and hopefully sometimes inspire those around me, and to be accountable. By logging it all - the good and the bad - I hope to learn and change - to start eating healthier, and excercising more, and in the long run, be a skinnier and happier person.

    Good luck to all of us - I know we can do it!

  • plumpfairy
    plumpfairy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    Have been on and off MFP for I can't tell you how many times...trying to do it by myself just isn't in the cards. :ohwell:

    I tend to lose 5lbs and gain 10lbs back whenever I go astray...which seems to be quite often these days. Have tried all kinds of weight lose programs only to get frustrated and stop. I can relate to so many stories out there of putting everyone and everything before ourselves, putting off today when I can do it tomorrow, etc.

    I dislike the word diet to the nth I'm hoping to change my eating habits while still enjoying the foods I love. I love to cook, I have 3 men in my family so meals are usually hardy and I grew up with dessert afterwards...I know change is gradual but immediate satisfaction is such a nice crutch.

    With all that rambling, I am excited to start a new journey and be part of such an amazing group of women who want to take control of their destinies :smile:

    One day at a time ladies and if we fall off, let's get up, dust ourselves off and continue if I'd only heed my own advise!

    Good luck all! :happy:
  • rjchristo
    rjchristo Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a return visitor to MFP. I successfully utilized MFP to lose 50 lbs and maintain my weight. I love the convenience of being able to use my phone and laptop to track food and exercise.
    Life took some crazy turns in the past 4 years - 3 major surgeries, attended grad school, 2 year internship working wonky hours, primary caregiver for my Dad with brain tumor and trying to maintain some semblance or normalcy with my family and home. Healthy eating and exercise went right out the window...stress increased...perfect storm for gaining all the weight back.
    Now is the time to focus on my own health and well being. When I'm healthy my family is know...put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on your child/dependent. It's time for me to walk that talk! I'm back and I know that I can lose the weight and get healthy with support and the help of MFP!
    I look forward to connecting!
  • xbeledi
    xbeledi Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am Michelle, 56 yo and I want to look like that photo of me fit and at an ideal weight. The angle of the photo makes me look lots better then I did, but is still good. That was 3-4 years ago. Many life changes have happened since then. I would like to lose 15-20 pounds. it is very difficult. I go to the YMCA and do some awesome cardio, step, and muscle conditioning classes, 4-5x a week, making for 6-7 classes. EATING is my problem. I'm Italian and French and LOVE good food - bread, chocolate categories mostly. :-) I really would like just fit into my clothes without the muffin top and prego looking belly. Looking for inspiration and motivation. BTW, that body was compliments of MFP & P90X. Blessings to all.
  • sheloske
    Hi, I am Grace, 48. I live in Maine. Over the past 3 years 20# has crept up on me! OUCH!! So I am hoping that I can get a handle on this befor too long.
  • jennquinteros
    jennquinteros Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Jenn and I live in the San Francisco East Bay. I am 41 and love to cook and entertain while maintaining a healthy, organic diet. I am married with 3 kids (2 in college) and a furry kid named Chewy who is a Shih Tzu. I love to hike, swim, dance and ride my horse, but have a traumatic back injury last July. I am rehabbing and hoping to get back to my pre-injury, pre-kids weight so I can take some of the pressure off my back and maintain an active lifestyle. I, of course, started on the 1st and plan to stick to it while still enjoying meals and great company. My highest post baby weight was 169 and I am down to 154. I am hoping to get down to 120 but exercising everyday for 30+ minutes (probably a moderate hike or brisk walk) and eating healthy, low calorie meals. I also hope to tone up some softer areas with low weights when my body is ready.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone. =)
  • crpowell55
    crpowell55 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Cindy. I'll be 57 on the 21st of this month. I'm 5' tall and started calorie counting a week ago. I found my soul mate in July of 2010 & we were married August 21st, 2012. I had maintained a weight of 115 to 118 for the last 2 years but cooking for my hubby & eating like him blew me up to 143 lbs! I am now down to 138. I'm determined to get down to at least 117 & stay there. That's about where I feel my best. I live in Shelby, NC & have 3 wonderful stepsons with 7 grandchildren courtesy of my wonderful husband. I'm in this for life. I know that I have to be conscientious of what I eat & that I do have to count calories. I also enjoy my wine! I am usually active and have been attending our local Y for about 2 years, but my mom & sister have been very sick & mom is in a nursing home 2 hours away & I'm also trying to get her moved closer to me. Moved my sister closer last July. She's on dialysis & I check in on her at least daily. Looking for some support on my journey to a healthy lifestyle!
  • Mauigirl62
    Hi everyone! My name is Mimi, I am 61 and am 5 feet tall. I have about 35 lbs. to lose (I lost 3 so far on MFP!). I was very petite and small when I was a kid and into my 20s but that gradually changed. I was at 147 lbs. for about 20 years, which while not ideal, was still OK. I always felt I "only" had about 20 lbs. to lose. After menopause that all went out the window because in about 4 years I gained another 30 lbs. Since then I lost about 6 lbs. but then got stuck so I joined My Fitness Pal in early January. I am really liking it so far and hope to lose 35 more pounds if I can. Even if I make it back to my 147 I would not be that unhappy! At least at that weight I could walk without getting out of breath and had energy and felt good! I also want to avoid getting diabetes; my sugar has gone up slightly and I think I am officially pre-diabetic. That cannot happen!

    I have been married for almost 30 years - no kids but have two rescued dogs and a cat.

    Glad to have found this group and look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • BigCyn1965
    BigCyn1965 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    My name is Cynthia and I've just turned 50, gulp! There have been a few years in my life when I could turn heads (oh yes, Santa Monica in the late '80s) but for the most part I've always felt like the big girl in the room. I grew up with two cute half sisters that were quite a bit smaller than me and a tall, thin mother...and then there was me; big boned and had an insatiable sweet tooth, now I'm guessing I really have been addicted to sugar all these years and thank God my overall health is good. From here on out, I really just want to age gracefully.

    Most pressingly, I am the wife of an American diplomat overseas and there are SO many functions to attend and I am SO tired of wearing the tired black slacks with what have you on top. I want to look the part of the diplomat's wife and if I could just shop at Banana Republic and fit into say their large, I would be so much happier, healthier and be the wife my nice hubby deserves. I don't need to be small, I just need to be 'not fat' which probably would entail me dropping about 30 pounds. Also, I live in a beautiful part of the world that is known for its beaches and so much of the time in the spring and summer is spent swimming around here. I am dying to get into a size 8 Michael Kors black bathing suit I couldn't resist that I saw on clearance online at Macy's!

    I am thankful for my big dog that I must walk twice a day to get her some exercise and out of our apartment, if it weren't for her I don't know how big I'd be. Also, I have two precious adult children, one is here with us going to college and the other just graduated. I have been so blessed in my life that actually began quite humbly as the shy, chubby girl from across the tracks.

    I am so thrilled to get to know you and can't wait to read all of your stories.

    Love and peace to all and best of luck in this quest we have set forth for ourselves to achieve optimal health in our lives and in turn in the lives of our loved ones.

  • beachcowgirl
    beachcowgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone and happy Saturday. My name is Renee and I'm from sunny Southern California.
    Love to cook, entertain, travel and find the best foodie restaurants. Love my bevies, especially red wine.
    Have got off track quite a bit, so looking to refocus and get healthy again.
    Thanks for allowing me to be part of the group.