Annoying comments



  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Most people just tell me how great I look. Some have said that they never realized I was so big. A few of my family members and a few friends (who know I had surgery) tell me I now look sick because I am too thin, or I am melting into nothing and they are worried. And the biggest one that I just laughed at was when a friends husband asked if I was doing drugs!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Everything is relative I guess. I've had a couple of people tell me they were worried because I was getting too thin. I weighed in this morning at 301! There aren't many "too thin" folks out there at 300 pounds.

    But really, it's when people say nothing that I should worry most. As Newbody said, they won't say anything when you pack the weight on. But when it comes off, they really do mean to compliment you. My favorite recently was my friend's 93 year old grandmother, who told me I looked "almost handsome." Hey, I've been called much, much worse.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I have not had surgery yet but one of my favorite pre-surg comments...."You have such a pretty face, just think of how you would look if you lost some weight!"....thanks *kitten* hole!! I have pretty much decided I am not going to tell "people" I am having it. Of course my parents and husband and a few close family members know but that is going to be it. Everybody in my life pretty much knows how I have changed my eating habits and exercise regimine over the past few years. Since I look at this as another tool to help me become healthier I am going to respond to their questions/comments with a kind smile and affirmation that I have been working my butt off. Hopefully I can get away with that!

    I tried not telling anyone, but one of my sons told one person at my church and then the whole world knew. Sad that most of my weight was lost pre surgery. By the time I had the procedure, I only had about 60 pounds left to lose.
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    I only told two or three people that I was having the lapband surgery which I had in April, 2011. I was afraid that I would be a miserable failure even after the surgery. I did have a problem for the first nine months. They just couldn't seem to get the band tight for some reason. The reason I had the surgery was because of a compulsive eating problem and I quickly found that I could still eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I complained every time I went in for a fill which they would only do once a month. FINALLY on that ninth visit it started working. So, I was glad I didn't say anything because people would have expected something I really wasn't able to deliver.

    Happily, my compulsive eating issue has completely resolved since the lapband has been correctly tightened. I don't have the constant desire to eat all the time that I once had. I know what it feels like to have enough! And now I'm out of the 200's for the first time in more than 20 years. Still have about 50 pounds to my goal. If I went by the weight charts it would be nearly 80 more pounds to go but I can't see myself being that skinny and still being strong and healthy.

    Good luck to those still waiting for their surgery. I was scare, too, but now I think it was the best decision I've made for my health and sanity.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    My husband and I were just talking about comments and compliments today and how even if someone says something positive I sometime add my own negative sub text. I think for many people it's a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario... just look at your comments above. Let me just lay it on the table. When I was 100 pounds heavier I was morbidly obese and even though I thought I had good self esteem I AM prettier now, I DO have a better shape, I have lost a TON of weight, and even my husband and I can look at my work badges or last years family Christmas pictures (which also happen to be on our Christmas photo cards) and not only did I not feel as fat or see myself as being as fat as I really was in those pictures, but my husband didn't see it either. I can't expect my friends, family, coworkers, general acquaintances, etc, to speak perfectly, but I can take the best parts out of the comments and compliments and ignore the misspeaks or subtexts, because frankly they probably aren't thinking about it as hard as I am. They are trying to offer a compliment, imperfect though it might be, politically incorrect though it might be, it's still a compliment; so I do my best to turn off the suspicious, negative voice in my head, and just be proud of my hard work, and accept in the spirit it is meant that others have noticed too.
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    I havent really had anyone notice the weight i have lost. I do remember a comment that was made to me close to my heaviest weight. A friend of mine said "this girl would have made you look small." I wasn't even in the conversation, but was just plain shocked when they said that. The worst part was, she was only about 15 to 20 lbs smaller then me..... oh well, maybe one of these days I will lose enough to get noticed.
  • mandynsnuf
    mandynsnuf Posts: 81 Member
    I had this said to me yesterday "Some people are beautiful when they are fat but I didn't realize how pretty you were" LOL people kill me !!