When Pride bites you on the bum!

livlovra Posts: 139 Member
Ok I just wanted to share as I am suffering the consequences of my own pride today.

So I have had a rubbish couple of weeks with injury. First sprained my thumb so couldn't lift anything, uber frustrating as I was on my final week of stage 1 before AMRAP. So a week of enforced rest but I thought I would count it as my between stage 1 and 2 rest and it wouldn't be a problem. So a week later and I break my finger on my other hand - another week of no lifting! So finally yesterday I decide it doesn't hurt too much and its time to get back in the gym. Procrastinating all morning I finally make it into the gym to find out that a cross country comp is taking place that day and the briefing is going on in the weights room.

I am that stubborn that I refuse to be deterred or intimidated by 150 blokes watching me while I set up the squat rack. I had thought I would go back to the level I was at the week before I last lifted but with everyone watching I got all over confident and lifted the same weight as last time - 15kg on each end of the oly bar. 3 good sets of 8 reps

Thankfully by the time I had finished that the briefs were over so I could finish the rest of the work out in peace.

Today I can barely walk! I ran down the stairs to answer the phone earlier and collapsed at the bottom as my legs gave way. All the previous times I have lifted since starting the program I haven't ached this much. Can't wait till I'm back in the gym tomorrow - NOT! but perhaps i will take it a little easier.


  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    D'Oh! and Wow! I can relate, but that's some weight you started with after such a long break! Was that with or without warm up sets???
    Glad you didn't break anything else after your fall at the bottom of the stairs!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    I did remember to do warm up sets - with just bar, set with 5kg then a set with 10 and 3 sets of 15.


    just a lovely collection of bruises - to go with all my other ones.