Is it me, or is junk food EVERYWHERE?

crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
I have candy sitting on my desk (but I am VERY happy to say it has been on my desk for over a week and it is fun-sized candy bars and at most I've eaten two a day, most days only one). I have cookies sitting on the counter at home from "boo"ing neighbors. My hubby and I bought cupcakes to eat because a new Publix opened by our house and their bakery is kind of really awesome. I want doughnuts. And hot chocolate. And macaroni and cheese and rolls and mashed potatoes. It's cold outside and I want everything warm and gooey and fattening and plumping!!

Instead, I am drinking water and about to eat some dry Cinnamon Life cereal for lunch. I can do this. I can do this. (I want cookies. I want doughnuts!)



  • cchhome
    cchhome Posts: 45 Member
    I think, maybe, possibly we come from the same sugar loving group! If I could eat chocolate pudding everyday I think I would be in heaven ( and yes, I did eat chocolate pudding lastnight, too much chocolate pudding:sad: ) But I totally feel your pain, and I have no solution, the closest I can come is to drink a lot of coffee in the day, it is very week coffee with soy milk or low fat milk and minimal sugar, but I know that is not the solution either.

    I will be taking my little girl out for trick or treating today, so we will hit the grandparents and a few close neighbors and that's it. She doesn't need to be eating pounds of candy either, so we will make a less nasty halloween inspired cut out cookie or slice later if she still feels that we haven't done enough halloween food stuff or else make a tissue paper pumpkin to decorate. I am on a gluten free diet which means the cookies we make will only be eaten by my daughter or someone coming over for coffee(hopefully I don't cave, it would not be a good thing!)

    When I was at work years ago, my desk was very conviently placed for everyone to use one side as a landing strip for any goodies that they wanted to share. So if there was a box of Timbits, etc sitting there, I just reached over whenever and got one, or two, or five :devil: It got bad enough thtat I ended up with high cholesterol for the first time in my life ( i was only 25) from previously perfectly healthy.

    So, any suggestions from the masses would be welcome

    :smile: my daughter says "HI!" :heart:
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    i know what you mean! yesterday i woke up and found my dad had bought me a big *kitten* cheeseburger from my favourite burger place. i resisted and he ate it instead, but god.... i want it now!
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    I think, maybe, possibly we come from the same sugar loving group! If I could eat chocolate pudding everyday I think I would be in heaven ( and yes, I did eat chocolate pudding lastnight, too much chocolate pudding:sad: ) But I totally feel your pain, and I have no solution, the closest I can come is to drink a lot of coffee in the day, it is very week coffee with soy milk or low fat milk and minimal sugar, but I know that is not the solution either.

    I will be taking my little girl out for trick or treating today, so we will hit the grandparents and a few close neighbors and that's it. She doesn't need to be eating pounds of candy either, so we will make a less nasty halloween inspired cut out cookie or slice later if she still feels that we haven't done enough halloween food stuff or else make a tissue paper pumpkin to decorate. I am on a gluten free diet which means the cookies we make will only be eaten by my daughter or someone coming over for coffee(hopefully I don't cave, it would not be a good thing!)

    When I was at work years ago, my desk was very conviently placed for everyone to use one side as a landing strip for any goodies that they wanted to share. So if there was a box of Timbits, etc sitting there, I just reached over whenever and got one, or two, or five :devil: It got bad enough thtat I ended up with high cholesterol for the first time in my life ( i was only 25) from previously perfectly healthy.

    So, any suggestions from the masses would be welcome

    :smile: my daughter says "HI!" :heart:

    It's funny that you mention coffee, because I only let myself drink coffee twice a week (Thursdays and Fridays) and I haven't eaten or really even wanted candy yesterday or today. I do use really sweet sweetener (Amaretto by International Delight) and I do use a LOT of it... but I budget the calories into my allottment. :)