calorie advice please

The book says my calories should be 1971 for a no workout day; 2217 for active workout day and 2464 for a strenuous work and workout day.

I do cardio and weights 3 days a week, and just cardio 3 days a week and have one rest day. Should I aim to eat 2217 or 2464 on my cardio/weight days? I also am on my feet working for 8 hours those days too, nothing crazy though.



  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    You should try the higher number for 4 weeks and see how things go for you. After 4 weeks, you can go down to 2217 if you don't like whats going on on the 2464 cals.

    Or you can start with 2217 cals. and adjust after 4 weeks. If you are maintaining on that number and your goal is to loose , then cut down 200 cals. and see how things go.

    It's all just trying and seeing what works for you!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    What do most of you guys end up eating? Closer to the higher number or closer to the middle number? I'm still trying to figure mine out, but I definitely think I haven't been eating enough. What do you consider to entail strenuous work and workout days?
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 153 lbs. My TDEE is 2007. I choose lite exercise -1-3 workouts a week. I do 3 heavy lifting days-I'm doing NROLFAbs right now. Sometimes I do kettlebells in between-1 day lately and the rest of the days I don't do much. I'm a stay at home mom with kids at school, so mostly hose work and errands, but not much else in the days off of lifting. On my lifting days I eat around 2000 cals. On kettlebells day I eat the same. On rest days I eat around 1800 cals. I try to hit my macros- 40% carbs/30% protein/30% fat, mostly I try to hit the protein. I don't stress too much about the scale #, if it goes down great, if it doesn't great too. HTH!
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I think it depends on your goal. If you are trying to lose weight then I wouldn't go for the strenuous day cals of 2400. You definately want to make sure your body is getting enough fuel, which is why getting enough protein is so important. If your results are more geared towards body recomposition you could go for the high end of calories. Either way, stick with whatever you decide for a good 4 weeks and assess before you decide if something is or isn't working for you.