Sweet Transvestite...



  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    I actually went to my first RHPS movie night yesterday for Halloween!
    I went with three of my girlfriends and we all dressed as Magenta (as you can see in my profile picture)! :) I'd never seen the movie before that, but I thought it was pretty fun and had a great time.... I may have snacked on one of the props though ha ha. >__>

    Welcome to our world my 'Unconventional Conventionist'.. I take it that eating that prop is a rather 'tender' subject?!?! lol
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    I was 15 the first time I was dragged. I went back every Friday and Saturday night for a couple of years running, and joined the cast. I haven't actively been in a cast since '93 or so, but still go see my friends play in Lips Down on Dixie (Atlanta's cast) every time I'm in town. So of course I know the lines, both the movie and the AP. :)

    I recently went with a friend to NYC and got to see their show, and I've been thinking about getting some folks together to see the monthly show that happens in my area, just to get a local fix.

    Ahhh, to be back in the right shape for that old gold bikini! :D
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    I most frequently played Rocky, though occasionally did Magenta. Played Janet a few times.
    Ok, so we have Riff Raff (Woof Woof), Columbia, and Magenta...
    We still need a Janet (Slut!), Brad (*kitten*!), Frank N. Ferter, Dr. Scott (Great Scott!!), Rocky, Eddie, The Narrator (F**k That Chin!!), Ralph Hapshat (Half Sh** (will travel)), and Betty Monroe... then we can do this up rite!!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I saw it first when I was 13 at a friends birthday party but didn't see it again until my friends took me to a midnight show in S.F. last October. It was AWESOME! We went again this year and I'm eagerly anticipating going again. Eventually I will even dress up, probably as Janet.