Hey fellow nerds and geeks! I realized we don't have an intro thread, so I'm here to start one! I thought it'd be nice if we could just have a place to post who we are and whatnot. Feel free to share your nerdy interests and any info you want about yourself. C: As for me- Hello! My name is Samantha and I've been a nerd…
Doctor Who
So who wants to geek out with some Doctor Who chat? :D Did you cry when Amy and Rory left like I did? Do you already hate the new companion but know you will grow to love her? Favorite Doctor? Favorite companion? I'm still in love with Rose and Ten personally. <3 Oh and let's keep spoilers out or please link to an article…
Staying on track at conventions
Hi my fellow nerds and geeks :) I am going to a gaming con in a few hours. Nothing huge, but we are staying over at the hotel. Mostly board gaming, although I wouldn't mind getting into an RPG if time allows. :) It occurs to me that every time I do one of these, I end up eating garbage non stop. I think its the non…
Hi Sweet People!
I got married, went on honeymoon and decided to take a break for week to relax and enjoy it. That was in April 2013. So. HI! Longer than anticipated break, but I am back. 20 At some point I was very embarrassed that I had given up. I removed many of my supporters except for the 2 I know IRL. I guess I thought I was…
I love how everything we knew from the first two seasons has just been undone by the first two episodes of the third. kapow.
The Tomorrow People
Okay, first off, am I the only one here who used to watch the old series from the 70s? I so wanted to be able to jaunt! Second, did anyone catch the remake on the CW last night? I thought they did a pretty good job, not quite what I would have envisioned in a couple of ways but a decent revival. S p o i l e r s Love that…
Comic Books/Graphic Novels
I love graphic novels and comic books. I'm only allowing myself to enjoy them when I'm at the gym, so that is a nice little incentive to go. I can't read on the treadmill, but if I crank up the resistance on the stationary bike I get a good workout and I can still see the pages. I'm reading the Buffy comics- Season 8,…
Arrested Development
We're getting more! AND SOON! There are pictures of production, and tweets and stuff. I'm starting to actually believe it now. This is not like the never-gonna-happen Dr. Horrible sequel. We're actually getting it! Any fans here? Do you think Netflix realizes they've just become the fall-back guy for all fan-beloved,…
The Walking Dead: Season 3 (Spoilers)
So...who's all caught up with Season 3? I'd love to hear other thoughts on: Michonne and her bad *kitten* self! Laurie's big pregnant belly! Rick going postal and killing some of the inmates at the prison! Hershel getting bit & Rick chopping his leg off!! Ahhh!!! We're in for one helluva ride this season folks!
Orphan Black
Is anyone else watching this show? It's on right after Dr. Who on BBC America. Do you think Sara's going to leave? Do you think we'll see more clones? Any thoughts as to why the angel clone has blonde hair? Is it dyed or is it "natural?" Is the she original specimen?
Reading Apprentice Adept series
I discovered my local library has a new source for eBooks, and among the new ones was "Split Infinity" by Piers Anthony. I had read this series many, many years ago when it first came out, and I'm really enjoying re-reading it now. Anyone else remember this? It's split between two versions of the world, Photon in which…