do you follow a plan?

squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
Im not on anything specific but try to watch the carbs and sugar.......Ive been on a no candy challenge for the month of october and have suceeded! ready for another challenge for november and Im thinking of no baked crackers chips that sort of biggest downfall@


  • penguinjlynn
    penguinjlynn Posts: 29 Member
    I do follow a plan, but it's something I tailored to fit my needs. I eat every 2 hours 200-300 calories to keep my metabolism going. I don't tell myself I can't have something cuz that leads me to binging, but I try to make healthy choices. I focus heavy on serving sizes. When needed I have a journal and will write out how I'm feeling to explore why my emotions are so heavily linked with food. I try to do a lot of my own cooking so I know what I'm eating. I like to set lots of mini goals to keep me focused forward and looking toward something. My biggest tip is staying accountable. I make myself accountable for every bite. Everyone around me knows my current goal. Even if THEY don't care if I stuff a donut in my mouth, it makes ME think twice.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    I find that I do better when following a plan. Most of the time when I do follow a plan I give myself a "free" day where I can eat whatever I want once a week (usually the day after weigh in). I find having a day to look forward to helps me not indulge on the day to day. I am not very good at eating yummy food in moderation so it works better for me to be more strict throughout the week and have a day to relax on the weekend. I have restarted the 17 day diet (sounds very fad-like but is just low carb type lifestyle-- I am only on day 2. My sister told me about a guy who did a 60 day juice fast to reset his metabolism. I was fascinated by this idea but pretty sure I am not ready for that type of restriction.
  • squeekersmom
    squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
    Lissa I tried to do the *onedaya week* day and it just kept getting out of control....and it often turned into a weekend binge now i just try really hard not to eat it. \I will make things like fake and bake onion rings, and oven fries ,,,,that sort of thing and think of them as my treats!
    penguinjlyn Im making little goals for myself too...its too overwhelming to look at the whole picture right now
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I just try to keep the calories down---I am aiming for 1500-1600 and not eating back the exercise. I DO try to eat healthier---and have really cut back on breads and potatoes----the starchy -salty things get me.

    I do eat a lot of popcorn
    I LOVE to pop it in a paper bag, no oils, in the microwave---then I spritz it with PAM and shake on some of those great flavored popcorn salts-white cheddar, jalepeno.

    I NEED to eat more veggies and fruits---i really need more balance with the food groups. I LOVE to read the food diaries for inspiration.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    LOL Yes! I hear you about a free day getting out of control. It's funny though because for me the "fake fries" and stuff like that gets out of control. I find myself eating more because "it isn't as bad" lol. Finding what works for us as individuals is half the battle! :smile: