First Timer

itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
I've just reset my caloric intake to 1800 calories. I've been eating Clean for the past 9 months and have a very healthy metabolism. I work out 4-6 times a week, but do not do leg work due to knee injury.
I'm in the pool once a week and lift heavy 4x a week as part of the 4-6 workouts.

I would say that I work out a total of at least 5 hours a week. As such I've set myself up as moderate exercise level.
I'm 42 years old, 5'3 and 169 lbs. For the last 9 months I have been eating at 1200 calories and have lost significant weight.. until July. I have been yoyo'ing since then and am frustrated. My macros are typically 40/30/30.

Aside from last night when the power was out and I ate what I could find, I've been right on the macros consistently.

If I understand correctly, this will help me to feed my muscles and allow me to lose weight while I am doing it. Am I set up right with my numbers. I set my TDEE as 2299 and did the math backwards to get to my 1800 calories.

Thanks in advance! I really want to cut this last chunk of weight and not starve.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Welcome to the group and congratulations on deciding to fuel your body properly - it will thank you! As you get closer to your goal it is important to reduce your deficit so your can keep your BMR high in preparation of getting back to eating at TDEE once you reach your goal.

    Using your TDEE of 2299, a 15% deficit would put you at 1954. It is not recommended you take more than a 15% cut so I would suggest you set your goal to 1950. You do not need to eat back your exercise calories as they are taken into account in your TDEE calculation.

    As you've been eating at a large deficit for quite a while it may be worthwhile doing a metabolism reset, i.e. eating at TDEE maintenance) for 6 to 8 weeks to give your body a break and get it used to eating properly again. If you are not prepared to do this it is at least recommended that you take a 'diet break', i.e. eating at TDEE for one week every 8 weeks or so to give your body a rest and keep your metabolism fired.

    Hope this helps.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Thanks! I'm terrified of eating that much, and have difficulty eating as much as i need to, but will give it a try. I'm working out a lot now so this is probably only going to help. I feel great after just 3 days.
    So if I understand you correctly, I should eat at 2299 cals until after Christmas.. then basically in the new year, kick it down to 1950. That's based on about 5.5 hours of workouts a week, both heavy lifting and cardio.

    I know that my metabolism is great and I'm eating every two hours to ensure that I'm keeping it active. The challenge I'm having now is eating enough clean food to fill up that gap.. I can fill it easily with crap I am sure.

    I will keep you posted. Thanks..
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You've got it!

    It is scary upping cals at first but you soon get used to it and wonder how you got through the day on so little before. You'll have more energy for your workouts which is especially noticable when you're lifting.

    There's heaps of info in this group, it's been a great support network for me. I spent a lot of time reading through the 'stickies' when I first joined.

    Also check out the EM2WL website ( where there's lots more info and the group founders Kiki and Lucia have recently compiled a downloadable comprehensive guide if you want to find all the necessary info in one place.
  • rherington
    rherington Posts: 85 Member
    eat nuts. I like walnuts myself. they are calorie dense and healthy.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I eat walnuts, cashews, almonds and then move into seeds.. pumpkin seeds on my salads..
    It's great to have these again. Just to be able to have a snack.

    I am catching a bit of flack already for eating more. I actually didn't say no to a cookie for the first time in a year. It is Halloween after all.

    My choices are generally very good. Diary is open to friends. I feel great too, but will watch carefully as I don't want to gain.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    This has been very difficult! Eating enough food is a real challenge.Eating the right foods not so difficult except on Trivia Tuesdays and Fridays when Absolut wins the battle over water!

    I really wonder if I'm working out enough to support my TDEE.
    Here's what I'm doing..
    Monday - 1/2 hour with the Personal trainer doing HIIT
    Tuesday 1.5 hours in the pool - Physical Therapy - mostly cardio to strengthen my knees
    Wednesday - off day
    Thursday 1/2 hour with the Personal trainer doing HIIT (some days I add in 20 mins on the elliptical)
    Friday Off day
    Saturday 1 hour with the Personal trainer doing HIIT and add Elliptical
    Sunday 1 hour of Yoga (fast transitions)

    I'm 5'3" 169 lbs and 42 years old. Female for sure :)

    Ideas? Are my numbers set right?