Introduce Yourself!!



  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm a 54 yo single Mom of two 20-somethings, one who lives with me. I am working to lose weight and be healthy for myself and also hoping to inspire my daughter who should also work on it.

    I joined this group knowing I cannot do most of these challenges since I just had surgery and am not allowed to exercise for 6 weeks, but I love the ideas and enjoy looking at all the inspirations!! I will definitely work on any of the non exercise challenges!

    Nice to meet you and feel free to add me as a friend.:smile:
  • kellykaz79
    kellykaz79 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, guys! I'm Kelly, 33. I started a weight loss challenge with three other family members on 3 August that ended 27 September. (I won!) I'm happy with what I lost, but still have a ways to.

    I always do better when I'm tracking, so I was happy to find a FREE app for my phone (that didn't crash it!) Using MFP has really helped me to stay honest and accountable with myself.

    I'm not a fitness junkie, but I did start walking my dogs three months ago (about 4-5 times a week.) That seems to help. I tend to prefer to get my exercise in outside of the gym. I don't burn nearly as many calories that way, and I'll never be SUPER fit, but I'm trying to find a way to SUSTAIN these lifestyle changes, and I know I'll never be a gym junkie.

    Anyway, other than that, I work full time, have a 5 year old, and am an Air Force wife! I love to travel and hope we move back overseas after our time in SC. Glad to meet you guys!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    Any newbies here that would like to introduce yourself??
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I realized that I never posted to this topic...I just kind of barged in!

    HI! I'm Linli. I'm 30, mom to 2 great kids (6 and 4) and wife to a loving husband of 9 years. I work full time as an accountant (read: desk job)

    I have always batteld with my weight. I have no idea what my actual weight was in high school, but I was wearing a size 16/18 US. When I was 20 I joined a weight loss program that was an extremely restricted diet - probably close to 800 or 900 calories a day. My starting weight was 235 and in 7 months I dropped down to 165. I don't think I maintained that weight for even a month. But, I was able to maintain my weight around the 175-180 mark for a bit more than a year. Once I settled in to college, and late nights, the weight came back.

    In 2006, when my first was born I knew that I needed to get back to a healthy weight, especially now that I had another life who depended on me being there. I joined weight watchers online in the summer of 2007, and successfully got back to the 180 mark and was wearing a size 10. I felt confident, healthy and it was a weight I could maintain.

    I was doing fine maintaining my weight, when we conceived out son. I packed the pounds back on with that pregnancy (2008). It did seem to come off pretty easily after though, although I never did quite have the same body shape as I did after I lost weight in 2007.

    Here we are 3 years later, and I find myself back up over the 200 mark. While I may not be as heavy as I was, I could feel my weight getting out of control again - my portions were growing and I was doing a lot of mindless eating. I suffered some pretty severe post-partum depression after my son was born, and it wasn't until the last 18 months that I feel like I have actually conquered that.

    So, here I am, on MFP, watching my portions, modifying a few recipes to lower the fat/calories and wanting to get back into those 10s. I had originally hoped to reach 190 by the end of 2012, but realistically I will probably be just under the 200s, maybe mid-190s by then, but that is A-OK. I'm working on building a sustainable lifestyle here, and I'm striving to learn to understand my body and eat when I'm hungry not because I'm bored/sad/angry/moody etc.