Metrosexual Men (high maintenance men)



  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    Also exceptable is birth of your child

    Or this...


    Can hardly bare to look at it. :cry:
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Sorry i was like 4 months old lol so I'll take your word for it


    I think favorite sports team winning world series/super bowl/world cup/ etc etc should be added to list.
    son/daughter getting married

    If the Vikings ever win the superbowl you can make a safe bet that I will be streaking the streets of St. Paul screaming profanities of joy for all to hear.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Sorry i was like 4 months old lol so I'll take your word for it


    I think favorite sports team winning world series/super bowl/world cup/ etc etc should be added to list.
    son/daughter getting married

    If the Vikings ever win the superbowl you can make a safe bet that I will be streaking the streets of St. Paul screaming profanities of joy for all to hear.

    Streaking? .... Naked? *crosses fingers*
  • bruintamer
    bruintamer Posts: 183 Member

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.

    Wahahahah!!! I live in SoCal too and I also had a salon tanner. Before him, I'd never met a white boy darker than I am. My friends nicknamed him FnB for fake n bake. He also shaved his entire body and had a pair of pink tweezers he claimed he stole from his sister.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.

    Wahahahah!!! I live in SoCal too and I also had a salon tanner. Before him, I'd never met a white boy darker than I am. My friends nicknamed him FnB for fake n bake. He also shaved his entire body and had a pair of pink tweezers he claimed he stole from his sister.

    LOL, we may have dated the same guy XD
  • bruintamer
    bruintamer Posts: 183 Member

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.

    Wahahahah!!! I live in SoCal too and I also had a salon tanner. Before him, I'd never met a white boy darker than I am. My friends nicknamed him FnB for fake n bake. He also shaved his entire body and had a pair of pink tweezers he claimed he stole from his sister.

    LOL, we may have dated the same guy XD

    Hahah! Who knows?! He was a Marine and stationed in SD lol
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Sorry i was like 4 months old lol so I'll take your word for it


    I think favorite sports team winning world series/super bowl/world cup/ etc etc should be added to list.
    son/daughter getting married

    If the Vikings ever win the superbowl you can make a safe bet that I will be streaking the streets of St. Paul screaming profanities of joy for all to hear.

    If my Jets ever win the superbowl you will be able to hear me screaming like a maniac all the way from Miami......
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Huh. I kinda feel that saying so adamantly no to the crying is painting men into a bit of a corner here and upholding traditional and perhaps unfair stereotypes of masculinity. We want men to help around the house and be good with kids..but they had better not cry.

    Crying in general makes me very uncomfortable - not just men. I don't like it when my man cries, when my best friend cries, when my sister cries or even when I cry. Crying makes everything awkward. If I'm at the point where I have to cry it means I withdraw from the situation until I can get a hold of myself and come at it with fresh perspective and logic.

    That isn't to say there aren't perfectly good reasons to cry - I feel like that list was pretty accurate (we also have to add those damn commercials for the ASPCA that Sarah Mclachlan does). Even in those instances I am very awkward (I never know what to say), it makes sense for that to be a reason to cry so it's not quite as bad.

    Crying in general pisses me off (excepting small children) I find that most people use it as emotional blackmail with me it just backfires... I had a Boyfriend in high school who would cry like a 3 yr old every time we argued. We would get especially wheepy because I wouldn't sleep with him (I was a virgin) . Best part is when I finally got fed up and broke up with him he had his MOTHER call me and try to get me to go back out with him.:noway: :huh: Mind you he was a senior and I was a sophmore.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    We defintiely have a definition problem.

    To me 'High Maintenance' has NOTHING to do with doing your hair or ironing your clothes... a 'high maintenance' partner (whether male or female) is someone who takes a LOT of effort to keep happy. Someone with whom you are constantly walking on egg shells and someone who requires a disproportionate amout of time, effort and sometimes money to keep happy.

    I can't stand high maintenance women. If you are so insecure, jealous or dependant that you need my CONSTANT attention... go away... get help!!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.

    Wahahahah!!! I live in SoCal too and I also had a salon tanner. Before him, I'd never met a white boy darker than I am. My friends nicknamed him FnB for fake n bake. He also shaved his entire body and had a pair of pink tweezers he claimed he stole from his sister.

    LOL, we may have dated the same guy XD

    Hahah! Who knows?! He was a Marine and stationed in SD lol

    Haha, nope, mine wasn't/isn't a marine. Too much of this going around! It's an epidemic!
    Crying in general pisses me off (excepting small children) I find that most people use it as emotional blackmail with me it just backfires... I had a Boyfriend in high school who would cry like a 3 yr old every time we argued. We would get especially wheepy because I wouldn't sleep with him (I was a virgin) . Best part is when I finally got fed up and broke up with him he had his MOTHER call me and try to get me to go back out with him.:noway: :huh: Mind you he was a senior and I was a sophmore.

    My high school boyfriend did the same exact thing, I hated it. He scared the crap out of me talking about love and marriage and kids. I was fifteen and horrified. Then when the crying "It makes me think you don't love me" thing didn't work he tried other forms of persuasion. I ended up breaking up with him two days after valentines day D8
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Not sure which direction this thread has gone,

    didn't read too many previous posts.

    The only thing I can POSSIBLY say that may or may not make me

    "high maintenance" is clothing. I like a certain fit, I like being clean and groomed, unless

    I am doing something purposely to get dirty.

    That is about it, so I doubt I am high maintenance.

    I am not needy, and if (in the rare case that I do) I ever get overly emotional about things I am smart

    enough not to be open about them.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    none of this makes me think " high maintenance" or metro sexual.
    if you take longer than 45 min to get ready, then in my book you would be.. but gel in your hair is pretty normal i think.

    and talking to people, is being outgoing and confident and social. all good things!

    MY opinion of metro sexual/ high maintenance guys is NO THANK YOU! i am not interested in a guy that shaves his arms and legs and arm pits. and i don't want a guy that is bare, down there ;-) i don't want a guy that gets manicures..... pedicures are ok as long as he's a runner and skips the polish, LOL! i would rather date a guy that wears steel toed boots than Italian leather loafers.

    ideally, i'd like a guy that can shower, shave, and go, kinda like me. so we're talking 45 min or less. and of course the ability to look presentable is expected, but that doesn't mean a suit and tie.

    if he acts like my definition of a high maintenance woman, then in my book, he's high maintenance....... end of story :-)
    If we learned anything from the last thread, the term high maintenance is an extremely relative and everyone has a different interpretation.

    I'd consider myself fairly high maintenance. If I go out in public, I try to look my best. I enjoy talking to people and always want to put my best foot forward.

    In fact, I insist upon making small talk everytime I go out. Heck, I even make a game out of it. Everytime I go to grocery store, I make myself talk to at least 2 people there. Yesterday, I saw a relatively attractive girl and I asked her where the Greek yogurt was. I could tell from her response (an emotionless "in the back" respond) that she wasn't interested. Doesn't matter if she's hot or not.. it doesn't even need to be a girl, I'd make small talk with anyone. The grocery bagger was wearing a University of Miami shirt, I talked to him for a minute about their football team.

    This take a certain amount of confidence. For me, the better your appearance the more confident you are. That is why I always viewed being high maintenance as a very positive trait.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Huh. I kinda feel that saying so adamantly no to the crying is painting men into a bit of a corner here and upholding traditional and perhaps unfair stereotypes of masculinity. We want men to help around the house and be good with kids..but they had better not cry.

    As unique and special individuals, we women don't want to be subject to all the same traditional stereotypes of femininity, so is it really fair of us to do it to men?

    Future man of mine - if by any twist of fate he should ever read this - go ahead and cry. And be strong and unashamed. I won't think less of you as a man, or my friend or my partner. Maybe just don't cry more than me. That shouldn't be hard. I cry a fair bit. Usually when laughing, mind you..but still.

    I'm with you here SB. I have no problem with a guy who is emotional and expressive. I'm also a bit of a cryer myself, so can relate.

    I've seen plenty men cry at football - when England lose to Germany on penalties usually :cry:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    Also exceptable is birth of your child

    Or this...


    Can hardly bare to look at it. :cry:

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    My first serious boyfriend was incredibly vain and high maintenance. He always had his hair "did", hated if I tried to run my fingers through it (even when things got hot and heavy!), god forbid he run into a reflective surface because he would at least pause to adjust his hair and clothes. He constantly lived outside of his means, buying things because they looked good and even going so far as to lose a condo (which he lost shortly after I left). He bought brand name clothes based on the image he wanted to represent, and would gladly pay out the nose rather than wait for a sale or a deal to come along.

    I remember one time we were in Pacsun and I found a cool looking Fox shirt that I told him he should try on. He said that he didn't think Fox was a good brand for him anymore. I asked him why and he said it's because he doesn't go offroading or dirt bike like he used to. So I asked him what brand does "represent" him and he said Hurley. I stared at him for a second confused as hell before I said "You've never been surfing in your LIFE." to which he said "Yeah, but I would like to."

    Which is funny too, because when we went to the beach he spent all his time laying out and tanning instead of playing in the water with me.

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.

    So your ex is a teenage girl in a man's body? :laugh:
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I've seen plenty men cry at football - when England lose to Germany on penalties usually :cry:

    I would think you'd all be quite use to it by now, it's such a regular occurrence. I mean, nobody cries at the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, do they? That's also fairly regular...


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    My first serious boyfriend was incredibly vain and high maintenance. He always had his hair "did", hated if I tried to run my fingers through it (even when things got hot and heavy!), god forbid he run into a reflective surface because he would at least pause to adjust his hair and clothes. He constantly lived outside of his means, buying things because they looked good and even going so far as to lose a condo (which he lost shortly after I left). He bought brand name clothes based on the image he wanted to represent, and would gladly pay out the nose rather than wait for a sale or a deal to come along.

    I remember one time we were in Pacsun and I found a cool looking Fox shirt that I told him he should try on. He said that he didn't think Fox was a good brand for him anymore. I asked him why and he said it's because he doesn't go offroading or dirt bike like he used to. So I asked him what brand does "represent" him and he said Hurley. I stared at him for a second confused as hell before I said "You've never been surfing in your LIFE." to which he said "Yeah, but I would like to."

    Which is funny too, because when we went to the beach he spent all his time laying out and tanning instead of playing in the water with me.

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.

    So your ex is a teenage girl in a man's body? :laugh:

    Yeah. I was young and duuuumb! Well hey, you live you learn amirite? My next boyfriend was a far better catch :smokin:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I've seen plenty men cry at football - when England lose to Germany on penalties usually :cry:

    I would think you'd all be quite use to it by now, it's such a regular occurrence. I mean, nobody cries at the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, do they? That's also fairly regular...



    haha!! Good one! We live in hope!! :wink:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    high maintenance men to me are the ones who demand constant attention and who need to know what you're doing at all times of the day.

    as for crying, i dont mind it depending on the situation.

    i've never dated a metrosexual. it seems those guys go for the girly girls so i'm never on their radar
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    wrong. they did not win the gold medal when they beat the Russians. they won it against Finland.