Metrosexual Men (high maintenance men)



  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    My definition of high maintenance man: my ex husband. Whiny, "I need attention", "why can't we discuss how I feel?"~Ugh! I understand being there for your partner, but 24/7 discussions about him? No, thank you, as Toby Keith says, sometimes I wanna talk about ME! lol

    ^^^ and men who cry.... I dont mean something really bad happened and your upset so you cry. I mean were fighting and you decide to bust out with the water works like a girl. I will literally see red.

    Like the song and the movie.. boys don't cry. Or at least they aren't suppose to.

    Unless it's the death of someone special in your life or something absolutely horrific, men have no business crying in public.

    True and it is one of the biggest turn offs I have ever seen.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    My definition of high maintenance man: my ex husband. Whiny, "I need attention", "why can't we discuss how I feel?"~Ugh! I understand being there for your partner, but 24/7 discussions about him? No, thank you, as Toby Keith says, sometimes I wanna talk about ME! lol

    ^^^ and men who cry.... I dont mean something really bad happened and your upset so you cry. I mean were fighting and you decide to bust out with the water works like a girl. I will literally see red.

    I am so glad I am not the only one who feels this way! Seriously?? When did all the men become girls?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Considering that I keep my old clothes until they're too tight, fall off me, or fall to pieces and that given a choice between spending money on a manicure or a book I will always choose the book (I don't think I've ever even had a manicure, actually), and that my idea of taking extra time before going out somewhere involves blow drying my hair instead of letting it air dry, there is no way I could get along with most metrosexuals. We just wouldn't understand each other at all.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    Also exceptable is birth of your child
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    My first serious boyfriend was incredibly vain and high maintenance. He always had his hair "did", hated if I tried to run my fingers through it (even when things got hot and heavy!), god forbid he run into a reflective surface because he would at least pause to adjust his hair and clothes. He constantly lived outside of his means, buying things because they looked good and even going so far as to lose a condo (which he lost shortly after I left). He bought brand name clothes based on the image he wanted to represent, and would gladly pay out the nose rather than wait for a sale or a deal to come along.

    I remember one time we were in Pacsun and I found a cool looking Fox shirt that I told him he should try on. He said that he didn't think Fox was a good brand for him anymore. I asked him why and he said it's because he doesn't go offroading or dirt bike like he used to. So I asked him what brand does "represent" him and he said Hurley. I stared at him for a second confused as hell before I said "You've never been surfing in your LIFE." to which he said "Yeah, but I would like to."

    Which is funny too, because when we went to the beach he spent all his time laying out and tanning instead of playing in the water with me.

    Oh yeah, and he would go tanning at salons and stuff, despite the fact we live in San Diego.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Sorry i was like 4 months old lol so I'll take your word for it
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Sorry i was like 4 months old lol so I'll take your word for it

  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    My definition of high maintenance man: my ex husband. Whiny, "I need attention", "why can't we discuss how I feel?"~Ugh! I understand being there for your partner, but 24/7 discussions about him? No, thank you, as Toby Keith says, sometimes I wanna talk about ME! lol

    ^^^ and men who cry.... I dont mean something really bad happened and your upset so you cry. I mean were fighting and you decide to bust out with the water works like a girl. I will literally see red.

    Like the song and the movie.. boys don't cry. Or at least they aren't suppose to.

    Unless it's the death of someone special in your life or something absolutely horrific, men have no business crying in public.

    True and it is one of the biggest turn offs I have ever seen.

    Oh my God, yes! I don't mind sensitive to a certain degree, but no to the crying. I like a real man, not a whiny sissy boy who is wearing skinny jeans and putting mousse in his hair so it flips perfectly over one eye, and taking photos of himself on his cell phone in front of the mirror while Nickelback plays in the background.

    Metrosexual guys just make me really uncomfortable. It's one thing to look nice and put together and smell good, but some guys take it to extremes. And if it takes you longer than me to get ready, we have no hope at all.
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    I dated a high maintenance man once .. what made him seem high maintenance to me was .. he always had to iron his clothes .. even if we were just hanging out and he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts .. they were ironed. He ironed his boxers. He had to have his hair cut every 2 weeks, had more clothes than I did. Would never sit on the ground .. ever .. he once pulled out MY sweatshirt and sat on it! WTF. He would never do anything that would get him dirty. He wouldn't even pour in windshield washer fluid into my car at the gas station .. he made me get out and do it .. "its your car" . Yeh .. we didn't last very long.

    Sorry I have to ask if you dated my son!! he did this so that when he walked or sat down the creases in his boxer and pants matched and didnt want lumps
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    I dated a high maintenance man once .. what made him seem high maintenance to me was .. he always had to iron his clothes .. even if we were just hanging out and he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts .. they were ironed. He ironed his boxers. He had to have his hair cut every 2 weeks, had more clothes than I did. Would never sit on the ground .. ever .. he once pulled out MY sweatshirt and sat on it! WTF. He would never do anything that would get him dirty. He wouldn't even pour in windshield washer fluid into my car at the gas station .. he made me get out and do it .. "its your car" . Yeh .. we didn't last very long.

    Sorry I have to ask if you dated my son!! he did this so that when he walked or sat down the creases in his boxer and pants matched and didnt want lumps

    hahahaahhaah! I don't think so. I was in my 20's and I am 40 now
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    Phew I thought I was gonna has to hang my head and slink away.

    As far as I know he still does this, completely anal about his clothes, use to tease him that he should of been born a girl
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Huh. I kinda feel that saying so adamantly no to the crying is painting men into a bit of a corner here and upholding traditional and perhaps unfair stereotypes of masculinity. We want men to help around the house and be good with kids..but they had better not cry.

    As unique and special individuals, we women don't want to be subject to all the same traditional stereotypes of femininity, so is it really fair of us to do it to men?

    Future man of mine - if by any twist of fate he should ever read this - go ahead and cry. And be strong and unashamed. I won't think less of you as a man, or my friend or my partner. Maybe just don't cry more than me. That shouldn't be hard. I cry a fair bit. Usually when laughing, mind you..but still.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Huh. I kinda feel that saying so adamantly no to the crying is painting men into a bit of a corner here and upholding traditional and perhaps unfair stereotypes of masculinity. We want men to help around the house and be good with kids..but they had better not cry.

    As unique and special individuals, we women don't want to be subject to all the same traditional stereotypes of femininity, so is it really fair of us to do it to men?

    Future man of mine - if by any twist of fate he should ever read this - go ahead and cry. And be strong and unashamed. I won't think less of you as a man, or my friend or my partner. Maybe just don't cry more than me. That shouldn't be hard. I cry a fair bit. Usually when laughing, mind you..but still.

    Well said! :flowerforyou: A man who allows me to see that he too is vulnerable is likely to take up eternal residence in my heart, if I like him to start with. I think of it as one of the ultimate expressions of trust for a man to let a woman see him cry - trust that she will not hold it against him, or mock him as 'unmanly'.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Sorry i was like 4 months old lol so I'll take your word for it


    I think favorite sports team winning world series/super bowl/world cup/ etc etc should be added to list.
    son/daughter getting married
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    Im sensitive and dont really care what someone thinks! Im a bit high maintenance but it s all about doing the best with what I got. I love cooking but dont mistake meekness for weakness. Chivalry is not dead with me. I wont impose my grooming habits on you or make you late. I was pretty sensitive before a lot of the crap I went thru over the last 2yrs but man I find myself being touched very easily. I still like the country and 4wheeling. I own an old jeep for crying out loud. I wont whin if you wont lol! I wont a bit of high maintenance but flexible like me!
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    1980 winter Olympics when the USA hockey team beat the Russians to win the gold medal.

    Carl wins!! I don't know which was better Michaels call or the miracle itself.... either way cry away fellas!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Huh. I kinda feel that saying so adamantly no to the crying is painting men into a bit of a corner here and upholding traditional and perhaps unfair stereotypes of masculinity. We want men to help around the house and be good with kids..but they had better not cry.

    Crying in general makes me very uncomfortable - not just men. I don't like it when my man cries, when my best friend cries, when my sister cries or even when I cry. Crying makes everything awkward. If I'm at the point where I have to cry it means I withdraw from the situation until I can get a hold of myself and come at it with fresh perspective and logic.

    That isn't to say there aren't perfectly good reasons to cry - I feel like that list was pretty accurate (we also have to add those damn commercials for the ASPCA that Sarah Mclachlan does). Even in those instances I am very awkward (I never know what to say), it makes sense for that to be a reason to cry so it's not quite as bad.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Here is my list of reasonable moments for a guy to cry for emotional reasons:

    Death of a child of your own or someone close to you
    Dog dies
    immediate family member dies
    best friend dies
    Anytime you hear Al Michaels say "Do you believe in miracles... YES" <----name that moment for bonus points!!
    You sell your dream car
    Hearing the National Anthem for the first time after 9/11

    That's all I got.

    Also exceptable is birth of your child

    I have to disagree... I thought about putting that on my list but then thought.... a child's first memory of their dad should not be one of him sobbing like a school girl. I think it's acceptable to turn your head and wipe your eyes if they tear a bit.... but anything more and your kid will be a crier. I will of coarse will be out in the lobby smoking cigars like the men used to.