Newbie Looking for NROL4W friends



  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I have ordered the book (but it is not meant to arrive till the end of the month) and have photocopied the Stage one workouts from the book (as I borrowed it from the library). I got brave and trotted down to the local gym that I belonged to a year ago and have signed up again and have my first personal training session (and measurements) tomorrow!!! So excited. Gave my trainer my photocopied sheets from the book for her to study for our workout tomorrow evening. I have struggled with regaining weight in the last 6 months after spending 6 months losing 24kg - I have never been a maintainer.

    I have about 10kg of weight to lose, but it is mainly my measurements that I want to go down. Currently a size 12 (NZ), wanting to get to a size 8. So as long as I get those measurements down, I am not really worried what the scales say. Looking forward to gaining some muscle and toning up.

    I figured I could restrict my calories again and spend a few months shedding the weight I had gained, but after reading NROL4W I decided I could lose fat and gain muscle to look great at the same time (while eating a bit more - but just good stuff!).

    Anyway, I am a newbie looking for NROL4W friends too! Will be doing Workout A1 tomorrow (Monday, 14th Jan, 2013).
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Hi all! I just got NRoLfW this past week, and I've read it through completely. I'm going to be starting on stage 1 on Tuesday. My workout schedule is:

    M: bridge to 10k (I'm planning on my first marathon in December)
    T: spin class and lifting
    W: b210k
    Th: Spin and lifting
    F: b210k
    S: Spin and lifting
    Sun: REST

    I've been doing the cardio aspects for a while now (since before Christmas after taking 4 months off due to a work related back injury) but my "New Year's Resolution" is to add weight training to my weekly workouts. I've been doing the weight machine circuit at my gym since the free weight section has scared the crap out of me. BUT I'm ready to put on my big girl panties and really start lifting. I've upped my calories to the recommended amount which is terrifying and changed my macros to 40/30/30.

    This past week, before reading the book, I had to take two days off due to sheer exhaustion. After reading New Rules, I think that was brought on by not eating enough for my workout level (even tho its what MFP recommends). I've struggled to get even one pound off with the site recommendations and the idea of upping my calories to 2336 a day is completely freaking me out. LOL Can a real person reassure me that this is the right thing to do?

    My stats are:

    Height: 5'8"
    CW: 225
    Current Size: US 20 pants / XL Shirt

    I don't so much as have a goal weight as a goal clothing size. I'd like to be a 14 pants and a M shirt eventually. Also, I'm getting married in July in a strapless gown and want to have (closer to) real arms, not stay-puff marshmallow arms.

    Please feel free to friend me if you're also following the New Rules plan. I'd love some encouragement and to encourage someone else on this journey for the next 6 months or so.
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    Yes add me.
    I'm just reading the book now and can't wait to get started.

    I've been down the gym a few times to get prepared. I know a lot of people are saying they feel anxious going into the men's area of the gym but it's not bothering me too much. I'm the only female there but I figure it would be worse being a boy lifting the barbie weights than being female. And at 53 I'm absolutely no threat or interest to them. No-one expects any different. I've also found a couple of the guys really helpful in showing me how to do the lifts.

    I'm in awe of some the very fit people on these forums. I've been struggling with what's been bordering on chronic fatigue for the past couple of years so for me just to work through the program at any level will be awesome.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just did my first workout yesterday. Is anyone else using fitocracy to track?