Is ANYONE Losing Weight?

Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
If so, please tell us your stats, macros and workout schedule. Looking around this group, I'm having trouble finding success stories.

I finished stage 1 today, and in this month I've gained 5 lbs and inches around my middle. I need some inspiration to keep going!

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    There are success stories on here, and I'm sure some of the amazing NROL4W women will post!

    I'm almost done with stage 2 and I've lost around 6 pounds and gone down 1.5 inches in my hips, .5 in my waist, and .5 in my bust. I attribute these changes to my diet. Don't get me wrong, the lifting is AWESOME--it's hard work and I'm getting stronger, but I know the weight loss wouldn't be there without a tight diet. I have dropped cardio DRAMATICALLY (it's almost non existent--only 15-20min 3x a week) but this also helps me stick to a cut.

    I eat at a -30/-10 defecit (-30 rest days, -10 training days) This works out at a little bit more than -20 TDEE. I eat ~160g protein all days. Higher fat/low carb on rest days. Higher carb/low fat on training days. I also Intermittent fast.

    Definitely stick with it! Lifting will change your body. Cardio alone won't--it'll just make you a smaller version of yourself.

    Last year I was the same weight and a size bigger. This year thanks to lifting, I'm in my smallest jean size in years. :)
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Oh I'd love to hear some positive stories too. I just finished stage one, except haven't don't AMRAP yet, and I have continued to fluctuate between the same 3 pounds I was fluctuating when I plateaued with just cardio. I have not lost a single inch anywhere on my body, haven't gained any though. I can physically feel I have more muscle now, my thighs are a lot harder, my husband says he can feel muscles in my arms. I am getting bummed that I'm doing all this work and feel like I'm getting no where. I eat the calories the book says, I eat the no workout amount on my one rest day and on my only cardio days, and I eat the active workout amount on cardio plus weights days. It ranges from 1971 to 2217. I aim for the ratios the book sets, but I never hit the protein goal no matter how hard I try. I had been eating 1800 for the first few weeks of stage 1, except the calories from a protein bar extra on weight days. I was starting to feel too weak and hungry, so I upped to recommended cals about 2 weeks ago. I'm afraid I'm going to start gaining fat. I wish there was some black and white to this, it's ALL gray area! Edited to add my stats: 32 years old, 132-135 pounds, 5'7
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Higher fat/low carb on rest days. Higher carb/low fat on training days. I also Intermittent fast.

    This is interesting! I have been doing lower carb on non-lifting days per the NROL spreadsheet (I rarely truly rest), which usually results in higher fat. But the fat was more by accident than anything.

    Low carb/high fat is how I lost all my weight, so I've started to take it back in that direction in an attempt to break my plateau. Thankfully, I have never found carbs (or lack thereof) affect my energy level, so I don't miss them.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I did NROLFW for several months last year and lost the same 5 pounds, which was really frustrating. This year I realized I needed to be far tighter on my diet to achieve my goals, and now I'm lifting again while eating somewhat less than I was - it took a while to find my sweet spot - and losing about 2.5 pounds a month. It's not as fast as I'd like, but I figure the slow and steady is better in the long run. Good luck!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm halfway through stage 2, probably down about 5 lbs in 8-9 weeks. Im eating TDEE minus 20%, which works out to about 1550 cals. (41 years, about 140 lbs). This is only a projected loss of 0.5 lbs per week, and it doesn't seem to be steady. Many weeks I lose nothing and then drop a lb randomly. I don't fluctuate much at all though so the small losses are real. I try to get 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% carbs, but many days it ends up more like 25/30/45. Even though it will probably take me another 4 months to lose the last 10 lbs, I am okay with it. It's relatively easy to stay in my calorie range and I feel great.
  • Daniloveshockey94
    Daniloveshockey94 Posts: 348 Member
    Yes, it works!! Today when I use stepped on the scale, I thought I was at 133.4- but NO losses 1.6lbs which is 131.6!! It works give some time!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    In the past month, since starting NROL4W, I have lost:
    6 pounds(thought it was only 4 but went back and checked)
    1.5 inches from my bust
    2 inches from waist
    2 inches from hips
    various 1 or .5 inch measurements from my thighs, calves and arms.

    My assumed body fat has gone down by about 5% and my BMI is now hovering just between the obese and overweight mark.(meaning I can almost say overweight instead of obese.)

    I started NROL at 197 pounds at 5'6" tall. I am obviously overweight with at least 30 more pounds to lose. I often assume that is going to matter to my results. I follow the plan pretty closely only adding one cardio session into my week on the weekends with a long run. I walk a couple of laps before lifting but that is about it.

    I have my macros and calories set according to the recommendations and formulas in the book. I just changed things up for this month due to the weight loss I have had. I did not lower the cals at all. I decided to start with exactly what they recommend and see where that took me.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I've lost weight and I'm nearing the end of Stage 2. I think I've lost 7 or 8 lbs since starting. I had been steadily losing before starting New Rules just by changing my diet and walking. My calories are just like Heathers (my age too - lol). That said, I have a lot to lose -- like 30 more pounds. BUT, I look much smaller than my actual weight. Went to a party last night and everyone kept remarking about how small I looked. So like Megan was saying, same weight, but smaller clothes cuz muscles takes up less space than fat. I love lifting and can't wait to see my results after Stage 7. Keep at it!!!
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    I really needed this post. Am doing reset and man the temptation to start cutting is huge... feeling so SO squishy!!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    I haven't lost any weight in three weeks, but have in fact gained about six pounds. I had increased my daily calories to the recommended based on my calcs from the book (1806) and adjusted the macros to 40/30/30. I think it was too many calories for me. Anyway, just last week I decreased my calories to 1200, and I've always eaten back my exercise cals (per a HRM). I'm 5'7" and currently at 140 pounds. However, I started MFP at 144 pounds in January and ate the 1200 calories for three months doing cardio mainly and got down to 128. It's disheartening to say the least. I'm not giving up the NROL4W though. I think I just needed to make some tweaks. We'll see what happens now.
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    i think the results really do depend on your body, some routines work better for some people, i used to be a gym member and would cardio my little socks off, i never once lost a pound, but for some reason when i lift weight i shed inches quite fast, myabe my body likes and responds to this type of workout...i really dont know lol........

    ...i have lost 7lb and 11.5inches from stage 1, but i have another 2.5stone (35lb) to lose, so quite a lot to lose..i've followed the workout plan to the letter, only worked out mon/wed/fri....i started stage 1 on low weights, as its a long stage and upped them a few times to really feel pushed...i havent however followed the suggested eating plan or calorie amount, as im a Weight Watchers member, but my calorie intake is around 1600 per day...

    im 5ft 9in and a UK size 16 bottom, 14 top (not sure how that converts to US sizes, sorry)...also i have read in places that some people will take a few weeks to see any results from any workout, so i would highly suggest you take your measurements as the scales may not move but you could be losing lots of inches...
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I havent lost any..but then I attribute it to being so near goal weight..or at my goal weight. I will continue to lift..and just hope once I finish NROL4W..and move on to the Abs will help with my pooch of a stomach..cause in actuality..its my stomach area that bothers me most..
  • KaraGrr
    KaraGrr Posts: 75 Member
    Don't give up ladies! I gained when I first started the program but then I started losing like crazy! I admit I did add in more cardio than the program calls for but it worked for me! Here's my results...

    *Edited to add that I ate 1600-1800 on a typical day, shot for at least 100G of protein & usually lifted 3 times a week. I did intervals after almost every lifting session & threw in some longer runs as well. I'm 5'7", starting weight was 139, ended at 126.

  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Holy cow, Karagrr! You are rocking these New Rules!

    I have not lost a single pound since I started in May, but was already at an acceptable goal weight. I will say that people constantly ask me how much more weight that I've lost, and continue to comment on how much thinner I'm getting. I feel strong and confident and love my arms and legs.

    After the holidays, I should be doing Stage 7, and I'm going to ramp up my cardio and try to burn some fat around my middle.

    I'll take slow, steady progress at the point I'm at, but understand others' frustration if they have more to lose.
  • amgilman87
    amgilman87 Posts: 62 Member