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July 2013 Babies



  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    We don't have names picked out either! I am pretty sure the baby is coming today, I have been having contractions every 10 minutes for the past hour but this has happened before so I don't want to get too excited. And why is it that labor always happens in the middle of the night???

    Good luck Dawn!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    We don't have names picked out either! I am pretty sure the baby is coming today, I have been having contractions every 10 minutes for the past hour but this has happened before so I don't want to get too excited. And why is it that labor always happens in the middle of the night???

    Yay! Good luck Dawn! I'm due today; we have a few names that we like for both boy or girl, but nothing nailed down. I'm sure you'll come up with something great.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    well so much for baby today. I had contractions every 7-10 minutes from 245-7am, and since then maybe one or 2 cx. WTF :angry: :explode: :grumble: :mad: :angry: :explode:

    Needless to say, I am not happy and absolutely exhausted. Looks like I will just have to wait to be induced tomorrow. :sad:
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Aww, I'm so sorry Dawn :( That is so annoying that those contractions are only happening at night and you can't even get any rest :( I'm hoping that maybe you will start again later in the day today so that it's finally over for you :(

    As for us, we also don't have any names picked yet.. It's so hard to think of anything! We usually wait until we're in labor before we seriously buckle down to find a name lol!
    well so much for baby today. I had contractions every 7-10 minutes from 245-7am, and since then maybe one or 2 cx. WTF :angry: :explode: :grumble: :mad: :angry: :explode:

    Needless to say, I am not happy and absolutely exhausted. Looks like I will just have to wait to be induced tomorrow. :sad:
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Dawn I really hope you get some rest before tomorrow or that baby cooperates and comes on it's own today. It's hard enough to labour without being exhausted on top of it.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    well so much for baby today. I had contractions every 7-10 minutes from 245-7am, and since then maybe one or 2 cx. WTF :angry: :explode: :grumble: :mad: :angry: :explode:

    Needless to say, I am not happy and absolutely exhausted. Looks like I will just have to wait to be induced tomorrow. :sad:

    Sorry to hear this, Dawn. :(
    Good luck tomorrow! Sending you positive, happy, baby-coming-out-on-its-own thoughts.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Finn Thomas came yesterday after all!!!!!!!! He was born at 832 pm. 7lbs12oz, 20 inches.

    I was not expecting that! As I had complained about earlier yesterday in the day, my cx that woke me up stopped around 7am so I figured I would just wait for the induction. Then around 1pm I started getting painful cx, much more painful then the others, but they were irregular, coming every 30-60minutes. At around 330 or so, they started getting more regular, but still only every 10-15 minutes. At about 430 I knew I would be heading to the hospital soon, I was just waiting to get my daughter settled at my cousins house.. I arrived at the hospital around 545, and they checked to see how far dilated I was at 6pm, and I was 5cm. YAY!!!!! I knew then that I wasn't going home. I got admitted and at 630 I got a pain shot.... at about 730pm I was super uncomfortable and they checked me and I was 8-9 cm, but I still wanted the epidural.. the babys heartbeat was dropping, so they out on those scalp monitors and broke my water. By the time the anesthesiologist got there it was too late and I pushed 3 times and out he came!
    I am so glad that it is all over with, and so in love with this little guy!

    I cant wait to hear all about everyone elses stories as they come!!!! aND thank you all for the nice words!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Oh Dawn, I'm so happy to hear your wonderful news! Congratulations! Welcome to the world, little Finn!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    What a great story! I'm so please he came on his own for you and that you had a quick labour and delivery. Love the name too! Take care of yourself. :)
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I'm so happy for you Dawn, so glad it all went well and that you are doing great! I'm glad you didn't have to be induced or wait any longer for your baby :)
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    How's everyone doing? Any twinges (gosh, I hate when people ask me that!)? I'm 2 days past my due date now and feeling a bit stressed. I saw the midwife yesterday morning and the baby's heart rate was quite low so I rushed to the hospital for a CTG and of course everything was fine! They even said the baby was extremely active. But I feel like movements have slowed down and it's a source of constant worry. I'm not uncomfortable being pregnant, but the anxiety is getting to me! My daughter's placenta was in really bad shape when she was born at 39 + 3, and I then went on to have 5 miscarriages due to a blood clotting disorder to I'm stressing over the placenta. I just feel like a ticking time bomb. :( All the false labour and Braxton Hicks seem to have gone now. Anyway, how is everyone else?
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Hey Kelly,

    Wow, I'm glad that the baby is fine after that low heart rate scare. I hope that you go into labor soon so you don't have to worry anymore! I'm also glad that your baby is active, just keep track of its movements and call the midwife if you are in any doubt. Maybe try to relax, watch some nice movies and get your mind off it so you don't feel so anxious?

    I've been feeling pretty well although tired and kind of more emotional then usual, I just felt sad for no reason the other day and couldn't stop crying. And just feel low mood generally in the last few days. I hope it improves soon. I'm 39 weeks tomorrow so almost done too.. I keep thinking it could be any day now and I'm sure if I were overdue I'd be all anxious too. Take care and I hope it happens for you soon!!!

    How's everyone doing? Any twinges (gosh, I hate when people ask me that!)? I'm 2 days past my due date now and feeling a bit stressed. I saw the midwife yesterday morning and the baby's heart rate was quite low so I rushed to the hospital for a CTG and of course everything was fine! They even said the baby was extremely active. But I feel like movements have slowed down and it's a source of constant worry. I'm not uncomfortable being pregnant, but the anxiety is getting to me! My daughter's placenta was in really bad shape when she was born at 39 + 3, and I then went on to have 5 miscarriages due to a blood clotting disorder to I'm stressing over the placenta. I just feel like a ticking time bomb. :( All the false labour and Braxton Hicks seem to have gone now. Anyway, how is everyone else?
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Here is my birth story:

    Rowena Elaine was born on Saturday July 13th at 39 weeks exactly! She was 7 lbs even and 19.5 inches long. From about 37 weeks I had a huge increase in braxton hicks contractions, and on Wednesday of last week I lost my mucus plug and had loose stools all day. I didn't think much of it since I knew that it could still be weeks and didn't mean much. Friday night the braxton hicks started to feel gently crampy right before I went to bed. Throughout the night when I woke up to go to the bathroom I would be having a crampy gentle contraction- but could easily go back to sleep. 8am Saturday morning I woke up to thinking I was wetting the bed! Sure enough it didn't stop and we were pretty sure my water had broken. I got up and had a big breakfast and watched some tv. Contractions started becoming more obvious. We went to panera for lunch and then to the grocery store and Target. At the store things started to change and I had to stop walking during contractions. My husband was timing them and the contractions were about 4-6 minutes apart and 45 seconds long for an hour. At home I read a book on the birth ball while my husband cooked some dinner for later to take to the birth center.

    Contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart so we called the midwife, she said we should meet there at 5:15. I took a warm shower and we headed out. The 40 minutes of contractions in the car were definitely different in intensity and I just tried to concentrate on the music, and did some deep breaths, and some low moans. At the birth center Linda the midwife checked me (my first cervical check) and I was 5 centimeters and 90% effaced. She said "We arent giong anywhere, you are definitely in active labor!" Within two hours I was feeling pushy. I labored in the tub mostly, but also some on the toilet. My husband was so good, pouring warm water on my back, stroking my arm. Linda checked me again and I was definitely ready to push. I pushed for over two hours. Hands and Knees, on the birth stool, on the bed, and Linda did midwives forceps as well-where she tried to help open up my pubic bones with her hands while I pushed. Unfortunately Rowena never rotated from posterior and was stuck behind my pubic bone. The relief of pushing became taxing and overly painful, I was shaking. Linda suggested we transfer to the hospital and that maybe with an epidural my body would be able to relax and allow her to turn. My husband and I discussed, I had a few tears and we agreed. Driving to the hospital while trying not to push was awful- I know that my husband was very stressed about it too. Once we got to the hospital time moved really fast. The second midwife arrived, she checked me and said that she could feel the baby's head was really starting to swell being pushed against my pubic bone. Once they got the monitors on me it was clear that Rowena's heart rate was going way down during contractions and taking a very long time to come up. They had me move into different positions and it didn't help her. Joanne the midwife talked to the OB, and they told me that I was going to need a c-section. I couldn't believe this was happening but I really wanted my baby to be ok. Within 10 minutes the baby was out, and Rowena was born at 11:34pm. She needed some suction but had Apgars of 9 and was doing wonderful.

    The hospital was really great. The nurses were so nice and took such good care of me. After I was in recovery I did skin to skin, and breast fed her. She roomed in with us and they allowed us to skip the bath in the hospital. I also don't seem to be having any side effects from the spinal.

    I am having lots of conflicting feelings. I am so so happy that she and I are safe and healthy, but my heart hurts about how things went. I can't believe I ended up with a c-section, but I know that I did everything I could to get her here. I experienced a natural labor and pushing, and also experienced a hospital birth. The postpartum emotions I have are so extreme, both happy and sad- but each day I am coming more to terms with Rowena's birth story, and feeling more at peace. The midwives said I would be a good candidate for a vbac if I decide to have another baby since I was able to labor to 10 centimeters and was a great pusher.

    Being a Mom is amazing. I never knew I could love someone that I just met so much. Breastfeeding is going well, and so is cloth diapering! My husband is really enjoying baby wearing, it is so sweet.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Congrats Dawn! What a beautiful birth story. How nice that he came on his own :)
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    Here's baby Hadlie's Birth Story!

    My birth plan went out the window!. No matter how much you can try and prepare and hope things go a certain way they don't always pan out.
    I went in on Thursday for a follow up ultrasound to check on the abnormal Doppler from the previous scan. (There was a concern with blood flow to the baby's brain...the reading had come back at a 1.3 where normal was a 1.4 - my midwives were consulting with a high risk OB at the hospital) I had it done and expected to meet with the OB my midwives were partnering with for a consult much like I had two days before. Instead I got sent to triage, hooked up for a NST and was told I'm being admitted for induction.
    Wait a minute, this wasn't discussed, where's my midwife? My husband's not here! ( he was doing his G2 test FINALLY, and passed!)
    I broke out and told them I'd come back at 4pm. (My midwife met me there first and did a stretch & sweep) I got a 2hr nap and we loaded up the car and off we went.
    I reslly didn't want the transfer of care...the OB was all business and I did t like it...in fact all 3 of them were very pushy!
    The OB agreed to stretch me first to see if he could get things moving and avoid the gel. I was 2cm and finally got a room around 8pm. Just afterwards it appears my waters broke! Hurrah, no medical intervention...except I was wrong....it was just my hind water. By the time they actually ruptured my membranes it was midnight. I pleaded with the OB to let me postpone the pitocin for 2hrs and let me walk around to see if I could get things started. They obliged but it didn't work. They tried for 3hrs to get my IV in and after 5 failed attempts and black and blue arms they succeeded.
    At this point I was tired, having pains but being told they we're mild or just menstrual like cramps....I wasn't allowed to move with the pain and was stuck on my back because of monitoring. I was quite upset by this and thought if they're telling me this is mild what is the spicy version going to feel like?
    My birth plan was to do a lot of walking, use water like the shower/bath to help cope and of course be in different positions....well being hooked up for monitoring had me stuck on my back and it was awful...I couldn't move with the pain so all I could do was breath. The OB was very quick and to the point, they only have one OB on per shift so you don't see them much - they're always in a c-section. Get in good with your nurses!
    The cute anesthetisologist came back, and I gave up....my birth plan was already out the window.
    (I will say next time I'd reaaaally consider birthing at home, everything was a fight, I had no choice in a lot of matters and they kept threatening the "risk" to my baby. )
    Getting the epi hurt less than the IV. I could still feel and move my legs, though tingling but the cramping was gone. I managed to get 2hrs of rest.
    On shift change that morning at 8am The nurse came to have my catheter put in and checked. I was only 5cm and she checked during a contraction to see if she could make it 6 but was unsuccessful. Over the next half hour I started to get some discomfort and began to think this epi didn't work, i told the nurse I feel pressure like I could push out my catheter...her response was th epi won't do nothing for pressure...!
    Great, I'm only 5cm and this isn't even close to the worst of it...yikes!
    My midwife called and the pressure was so bad I couldn't speak! I was using my yoga breathing techniques that were very helpful...the midwife told my husband to have me checked again...low and behold I was fully dilated and ready to push! In only a half hour! The nurse was rushing to set the table, my husband ran off to get mom and the midwife was on her way. I had to wait about 3 contractions before the show could begin. After 4 or 5 good contractions with about 4 pushes each baby Hadlie arrived...a whole 18minutes of pushing, uncommon for a first time mom....and I attribute it all to yoga!
    I ended up with a small internal tear which is lucky! I did end up with terrible hemeroids ( tmi, sorry!) from the pushing but I'm using a sitz bath, tucks and HmR cream to help with that.

    She is perfect in every way! All these scares (they thought she could have IUGR at one point as well) for a beautiful little girl! A brief overnighter in NICU to elevate her blood sugars and a follow up jaundice test and we got to take our baby home! ( I had diet controlled gestational diabetes during pregnancy...because she wouldnt latch right away after birth she tested very low for sugar and they thought she'd need an IV....turns out i had to supplement with formula to help get ger well) We are so in love! Every minute of my pregnancy journey was worth it for this beautiful prize at the end.

    Nursing started off difficult which I didn't expect, my advice is don't give up...you will get multiple opinions on what to do and what's "right" and wrong...try everything and figure it out with your baby....there's no rule book....once I grasped that we're doing much better!

    And though she be but little, she is fierce - Shakespeare
    Hadlie Davids Pennie
    July 12th 2013 9:36am
    7lbs 6oz
    20 inches
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Beautiful stories ladies, thanks so much for sharing!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your stories!! I'm so glad that you have healthy little babies to hug and take care of now!!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I just had a full night of contractions and don't feel too good.. They have stopped now but I really thought baby was coming at some points last night. I was also feeling very nauseous and had bloddy show (I lost my mucus plug 3 days ago too). I think it's getting closer for me.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I just had a full night of contractions and don't feel too good.. They have stopped now but I really thought baby was coming at some points last night. I was also feeling very nauseous and had bloddy show (I lost my mucus plug 3 days ago too). I think it's getting closer for me.

    that is exactly what happened to me the day I delivered! my cx stopped at 7am then caMe back gradually after 2pm and at 832 Finn was born! I hope this is it for you!

    Its great to hear all these stories!!!!!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats ladies, on your new arrivals!

    I'm four days overdue now. Had myself a little pity party after my doctor's appointment the other day -- doesn't appear that baby is any closer to coming than he/she was at last week's appointment. I know these things can turn around very quickly, but trying to keep busy to ignore the fact that the little nerd is super stubborn.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you for sharing your birth stories ladies. Things don't always go to plan but it sounds like you both did a great job advocating for what you wanted and exploring your options before moving on to the next step. They were lovely stories and congratulations on your beautiful babies!

    Igottaworkout- really hope something happens for you soon. The waiting is the worst!

    freckledleann- Day 4 overdue for me too. I've got the doctor on Tuesday and the midwife on Wednesday. Would love to not make it to either but nothing happening!!!!! Everyday is essentially a pity party. :(
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member

    Tomorrow's my birthday and induction starts Tuesday. I'd like to have this happen pre-induction too. Sigh.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Kelly and FreckledLeann I hope that you guys go into labor before induction.. hopefully not on your birthday though! I've been having contractions on and off during the last few days.. not as bad as the night two nights ago though. With my other three kids I only had contractions once at birth so this is really weird for me and annoying lol.. I never went to the hospital though so at least I didn't waste my time going in.

    Are you guys having any contractions?
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I think I've been having contractions since late yesterday afternoonish. Clearly very early. It feels like cramping under my belly. Some bouts of pain in my lower back on and off too. Nothing very consistent.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Freckledleann, hope you're in labour as I type.

    Tobias Conrad (Toby) was born yesterday 22/7/2013, at 5:54 am in a birthing pool in our conservatory with hubby and 2 midwives in attendance. I had a bloody show on Sunday morning so we spent the day getting sorted, did the grocery shopping, cleaned, etc. I had very mild contractions all day but nothing exciting. After dinner we decided to go for a walk and as we were leaving the house I felt a gush and realised my waters had broken. It was a very small amount of fluid and never leaked anymore so I'm guessing it was just the forewaters and his head sealed it off after that. I decided not to call anyone as I knew they would push for induction at 24 hours after waters breaking and I knew it was safe to monitor my own temperature etc. for up to 96 hours according to WHO guidelines. The waters were clear. We went for our walk. Around 10 the contractions started picking up. I went to bed to try to rest and listened to my hypnobirthing cds until 2 a.m when I became too uncomfortable to sleep. I spent the next 1.5 hours walking around the house, eating and drinking, listening to my cds and in the shower. At 3:30 I woke up hubby and said we should fill the pool and call the midwives. The first midwife showed up at 4:15 and low and behold it was my aquanatal teacher (wasn't expecting that!) who is also a midwife. I stayed on my feet through the labour and rocked back and forth on all fours through contractions and focused on breathing. The midwives stayed very quiet and did their thing while hubby rushed to fill the pool with pans of boiling water as the hot water had run out by that point. I asked not to have any cervical checks as I knew I would know when it was time. I got to transition by 5:30 but felt very calm and none of the panic I had with my first. I was eager to get in the pool and told hubby he better hurry up. He didn't realise how far along I was as I apparently made no noise during contractions and talked normally between them. I got in the pool at this point and with the next contraction felt the need to push. I let the midwives know and they took their places. With 2 pushes the head was born and despite pushing for 2 more contractions the body wasn't born. The midwives said I needed to stand as the shoulder was caught so I did and as I hooked my leg over the pool the shoulder was born and baby was caught by the midwife. We relaxed back in the pool and I saw it was a boy! A big surprise. I had to have an injection for the placenta due to a blood clotting disorder I have and with the homebirth didn't want to risk hemorrage and having to go to hospital but still got lots of skin to skin. I got out to deliver the placenta which took longer than expected and was mid that when our daughter came downstairs and met her brother. I had no tears (hooray!). I got cleaned up and had toast on the sofa watching the news and saw the royal baby was on the way and knew Toby would get a silver penny. :) The midwives cleaned everything up and left at 8am. It was a wonderful experience and the midwives assured me they thought the hypnobirthing was a success.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh Kelly, beautiful story! I am so thankful to have your positive story in mind as we head into our home birth. So glad to hear you were able to remain calm and relaxed, that is amazing! So happy for you!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    @freckledLeann I hope that you went into labor! It looks like your body was getting ready!!

    @kelly wow what a beautiful story! I'm so glad you had your little baby boy and that his shoulder got unstuck so easily too! How much did your little Toby weigh? It sounds like a really beautiful experience and much better then going to the hospital! Too bad I can't do that.. the nearest hospital is almost an hour away so I don't feel safe doing it at home in case of an emergency.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Did any of you guys that are almost at due date loose your appetite? Well actually I am hungry but as soon as I eat my stomach feels so full and like in pain and I'm nauseous. I've not had my protein requirement/calorie goal met in almost 1 week I think. The on/off contractions are also so uncomfortable.. I hope baby will arrive soon.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats Kelly! What an awesome story. Still no baby for me. Was supposed to get cervidil put in this morning to get things going, but there was a problem with the paperwork between the clinic and the hospital. Went in for a non-stress test this afternoon and thankfully baby is still healthy and looking good. Maybe cervidil tomorrow now... sigh.

    IGottaWorkout: I definitely have lost my appetite. Eat now because I know that I'll need the fuel, and not because I want to.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Kelly what a beautiful story. I am very happy for you ;) dealing with shoulder distocia like a champ.

    I definitely had less appetite. I felt full so easily! Thinking of you gals.
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