What's your plan?



  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I'm going to lose 10lbs by Christmas by:

    * Sticking to a meal plan that let's me have food I enjoy and that is good for me and keeps me full. I've woked this out as it keeps my blood sugar steady and stops me "needing" mountains of pasta/bread/chocolate!

    * Drinking two litres of water every day. Spaced throughout the day rather than all in the evening!

    * Taking my dog for a long walk every day. A slow to moderate pace but I'll incorporate some hill walking.

    * Doing 2 gym classes a week. I'm trying Body Combat and Body Pump this week.

    * Never doing nothing! Squats while waiting for the bath to run/kettle to boil. Pelvic floor exercises while watching TV. etc.

    *Thinking positive! I've done really well so far. I've set myself realistic goals and I know I'm capable of meeting them.

    * Spa treatments! Body brushing/ good exfoliation/ nourishing hair and skin masks etc.

    Breakfast - 2 Poached eggs on 2 toast
    Morning Snack - Satsuma and small handful almonds.
    Lunch - CupaSoup and 2 slices of seeded bread.
    Afternoon Snack - Fat free yogurt and banana
    Dinner - Homemade curry (quorn, passata, garlic, onion, tumeric, herbs, chilli flakes, curry powder) & small handful of brown rice.
    Evening snack - Sugar-free jelly or Options hot chocolate.

    So... what's your plan?

    I love this! Especially your never do nothing!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    My plan:
    1. Log all foods in a timely manner so I can adjust my next meal accordingly
    2. Drink my 8 glasses of water a day (this is really hard for me for some reason)
    3. Eat more fiber to help keep me full
    4. An apple a day :)
    5. Started a new 5k training plan to increase my speed - involves 15-25 miles a week of running
    6. Use my fitbit to get 12,000+ steps in a day

    Good luck all!
  • Stella2070
    Stella2070 Posts: 38 Member
    I AM going to lose 10lbs by Christmas by:
    *Logging my food. Even the bad days when I currently tend to "start over" everytime I mess up.
    *Getting my butt out of bed every morning in time to do my morning workout.
    *Revamping my schedule so I can get in a 20- 30 minute cardio session in the early evenings 5 out of 7 days.
    *Eating a proper diet.
    *Getting the proper amount of sleep - always tired so I oversleep in the morning instead of work out.
    *Try to eliminate, or drastically cut my sugar intake.
    *NOT EATING BACK THE CALORIES I BURN IN A WORKOUT!!!!!!! I'm fat for a reason and missing a few extra calories will probably not hurt me one bit.
    *Doing 500 jumping jacks and 10 push-ups every single day (this one is fun).