Friday 11/09/12 Weigh In



  • @Jenn11411 Great Job ! Keep it up, you are killing it!

    @jennacorrales it could be your exercise, just taking a stab in the dark here, you may be doing a lot of cardio. Cardio is great for a lot of reasons, but it will slow your weight loss when combined with low calorie plans (at or under 1200 calories per day). Try to ease of the cardio for a day or two before your next weigh in, and if you have the option try to add a bit of weight training. Muscle weighs more than fat, but muscle attacks fat 24/7, so if you add a bit of muscle training then you will burn fat a lot quicker. If I am way off base, maybe you can tell me what exercise you are doing and open your diary so I can take a look, I am not an expert by any means but I have read a lot on the topic over my lifetime and especially over the last few months.

    @no1belongs Holy Cow! Ok so cow is not a good choice of words, lol. 4 pounds in a week is Fantastic! Keep it up!

    @tinacuso Great Job! Another 1.5 bites the Dust!

    @flpmomi Fantastic! You are almost to onederland!

    @rnhoppe Trick or Treat! Way to Go.

    @ilovemybuggy I think weight training is your answer, I am looking forward to seeing how the next few weeks shape up, especially because I think I am going to start (weight training) in January.

    @RocksFlower Every loss is a Good Loss! Good Job!

    @healthlady88 1 pound is Great! I keep saying that it is better to lose 1 pound permanently than 3 pounds temporarily. If you keep on the path, you will get to where you want to be.

    @Idesomer I completely feel ya. Don’t let it get you down, you know that you are going to lose, fewer calories in than what is burned = weight loss, sometimes we just have to be patient and let our bodies catch up with our efforts. We certainly did not get here quickly, so we aren’t going to get where we want to be quickly. On a rather TMI note, I lost .8 this morning just by going to the bathroom so really .7 is probably only one bathroom visit 

    @jeleclekat Woo Hoo! Way to Go! Keep up the effort, it is paying off.

    @abzbargs Not too bad? That is Great Girl! Lost 1.5 and had a good weekend, that is a combination we would all love to have. Keep it up.

    @katy0987 Wowzers! Down 2.4! That is great. Way to go.

    Thanks for everyone standing up and being accountable for how their week has gone! Remember you are not in this alone and if you need, or want, support, all you have to do is post and let us know. We love helping, listening, and trying to offer whatever help we can!
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    sw: 255
    cw: 254



    congrats to all those who lost, and chin up to those who may not have :)
  • NOt thrilled but 156 this left over Halloween candy is killing me. Time to start labeling things with no and my name on it
  • SW: 230
    LW: 218
    CW: 214

    Lost 4 pounds since the 11/2/12 weigh in for a total of 16 pounds lost overall since 9/11/12.
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Everyone who lost weight GOOD JOB!!
    And everyone who didn't we just have to keep going!!

    SW; 203
    GW: 148

    Gainded this week i have a bit of a motivation problem it's just not happening the good eating and the water intake. I know it's my own fault but i have a hard time getting back on track! I would love to see a loss of 1 pound a week but it's not happening.

    It's a new week so i will try again en hope for the best!
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    My weigh in was 198...still in the 100's but would of really liked to be down...still fighting with my healthy eating but it's all me and it's mental...I have to just stay strong...on a side note...I started jogging along with my regular cardio routine on the elliptical and weights and walking...5K next Saturday!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Forgot to post Friday but I did weigh myself. Another bad week for me. Down a little from last week but I am sure that this weeks is going to be even worse again. I just cannot find my willpower these days and it's starting to get me depressed which we all know can make trying to lose weight even more challenging. I keep thinking back to this same time last year and how super excited I was as the lbs were dropping off like crazy! I so desperately want to get back to that.

    10/05 - 171.2 starting weight
    10/12 - 168.8 down 2.4 this week. Thats probably just normal fluctuation though.
    10/19 - very sick, didnt get on scale :-(
    10/26 - 167 Great weigh in!!
    11/02 - 173 Terrible weigh in after a full week of eating bad and not exercising :-(
    11/09 - 171.8 Another bad week
  • Forgot to post Friday but I did weigh myself. Another bad week for me. Down a little from last week but I am sure that this weeks is going to be even worse again. I just cannot find my willpower these days and it's starting to get me depressed which we all know can make trying to lose weight even more challenging. I keep thinking back to this same time last year and how super excited I was as the lbs were dropping off like crazy! I so desperately want to get back to that.

    10/05 - 171.2 starting weight
    10/12 - 168.8 down 2.4 this week. Thats probably just normal fluctuation though.
    10/19 - very sick, didnt get on scale :-(
    10/26 - 167 Great weigh in!!
    11/02 - 173 Terrible weigh in after a full week of eating bad and not exercising :-(
    11/09 - 171.8 Another bad week

    I would say hold on to the feeling and everytime you go to eat something good bad or otherwise think about how good you felt when you were losing weight. a lot of hungry is old habits, being bored or actually thirsty and your body gets a better response from you by saying its hungry. hang in there instead of beating yourself up over the bad find the good. that can be the light to put you back on the track you liked before ^_^
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