Anyone still here?

SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
Is anyone still doing this diet? How is it working for you?


  • remsquared
    Testing out Myfitnesspal and the site to see which one is better. I'm actually starting 4-hour body this week!
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    Yay! I dont know anything about fitbit, but I'm a fan of MFP.

    Let me know how you like 4HB! I'm thinking of starting in Jan. since all the holidays are coming up and i'm way to busy to focus on a diet right now. But I really cant wait to start i!
  • BrianW69
    I just recently started with 4HB and found this group. I will post my findings here.
  • kate_au
    I've done 4HB before and loved it. Went off it a bit during the summer but I'm trying to start up again. Started on Sunday.
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    I just started on Monday and so far I love it!
  • justin_m_foley
    justin_m_foley Posts: 4 Member
    Yes. I have been doing it for a month or so now. Its working very well, losing fat noticably as well as gaining some muscle.

    I'm not quite following it totally strictly as I didn't enjoy it when I did at first (I have a small bit of milk in tea, little bit of fast carbs rice in otherwise very healthy slow carb ready made lunch). With those small changes I can keep it up quite well and it is working.
  • followthisriver
    I've been doing 4HB for one week and have lost 3 pounds so far!
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    Today was my second cheat day! So far I have lost 6.4 pounds in 13 days. I love this diet so much.
  • jbailey95
    jbailey95 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been on the slow carb "diet" since June. I am now in maintenance, but still consider myself slow carb. For anyone new to the slow carb "diet" or interested in the other life experiments discussed within the 4 Hour Body and want discussion with a very active and helpful community, head over to
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I started on the Slow Carb diet back in August and made modifications over time. Now I am mainly doing low-carb Sun-Fri and cheat day on Saturday as in the 4HB. I had a hard time cutting out cheese from my diet and I knew without it, I wouldn't stick to the plan. However, now it's second nature to eliminate the food groups that he suggests in his book. I'm down 19 pounds and most of that was before I started exercising (as I just started working out a few weeks ago now that the eating part is a habit)

    Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    I've been keeping to the plan, with the one cheat day, but I'm starting to think i cant do the cheat day. I've gained 5 pounds since doing this diet. =(

    I'm still doing the lower carb thing, just doing it more how I did Atkins back in the day with maybe just a "cheat" snack or something on Saturday now..
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    My husband found that he can't do a cheat day. He does a cheat meal/evening. I lost 5 pounds in the first couple weeks on slow/low carb. Are you tracking your sugar intake on here? I found that to be the most eye opening part of this is how sugar is in everything and very sneaky. Now my sugar intake is less than 15gm most days.
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    Thats what I'm going to try now, just the one meal as a cheat.

    I just looked at my sugar and at most (during the week) its 25g, and that seems to come from tomatoes mostly.
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    I bought a Fitbit last night so it should be here some time next week and I'm really hoping that will help me in some way. I work a desk job and have to sit for 8 hours everyday. I cant even get up and do things every hour by my desk since its a land of cubicles.. =( Oh how I wish I had an office!
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I know that cube world all too well. I used to force myself to get up and walk every hour, but then work would happen and I wouldn't make it walking as often. At least you get steps walking to and from work/parking lots/to bathroom/etc. I'm at home with kids so I'm not walking as much, but the fitbit makes me more aware of it so I push myself.

    Here's my profile if you want to add me for step competition!
  • SammyKatt13
    SammyKatt13 Posts: 124 Member
    Today I was trying to get up and walk to the breakroom or bathroom once every hour and was counting my steps just to see how many. I so dont walk very much at all! it was only about 50 steps each way. =P

    I will add you once I get my account all set up! I wish it would hurry up and get here already.
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    My first post.
  • angelaanhela
    angelaanhela Posts: 111 Member
    Im on the slow carb diet too. In decemeber I tied it on and off but never stuck to it longer than a couple days with the holidays. So I restarted on Monday with Saturday being my cheat day. Yay cant wait for tomorrow! Im very interested to see my first two weeks. I weighed myself on Thursday morning and I had already lost 3 pounds so I want to see just how much the cheat day affects me. I definitely see that alot of my sugars are hiding in the vegetables which I try not to get too worked up over since vegetables are kind of the only thing we can eat besides meat. Hope we can all help each other on here!

    Anyone have any good recipes for eggplant that is slow carb friendly?
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    Im on the slow carb diet too. In decemeber I tied it on and off but never stuck to it longer than a couple days with the holidays. So I restarted on Monday with Saturday being my cheat day. Yay cant wait for tomorrow! Im very interested to see my first two weeks. I weighed myself on Thursday morning and I had already lost 3 pounds so I want to see just how much the cheat day affects me. I definitely see that alot of my sugars are hiding in the vegetables which I try not to get too worked up over since vegetables are kind of the only thing we can eat besides meat. Hope we can all help each other on here!

    Anyone have any good recipes for eggplant that is slow carb friendly?
    After the cheat day, I gain anywhere from 1-3 pounds. Usually by Wednesday it's gone and then I'm at the point now where I lose .5-1 pound a week. After 6ish months, I sometimes lose nothing one week and then a pound the next. It's also winter so harder to be as active, plus, your body is naturally going to want to eat and keep some of that padding on your body :)

    My husband goes through eggplant binges! He slices and grills it and slathers with with olive oil and seasonings (garlic, Montreal, etc). I have issues with the texture of it, but he loves it and will eat an entire one for a dinner.
  • angelaanhela
    angelaanhela Posts: 111 Member
    lol well I live in Orlando Florida so we dont really have the 'keep the padding' natural instincts. I have more of the 'omg that cookie looks delicious' instincts. With the slow carb diet I love to make mashed garlic cauliflower and would love to find some kind of side that I can use eggplant. Just roasting them like your husband does sounds good but I wonder if someone has any good Mediterranean dishes that use it :)

    Hmm going to post in the food forum and see what ideas they have!