
amyk3659 Posts: 1 Member
Hello! My name is Amy and I am relatively new to MFP and brand new to the message board. I am 37, from texas, a mother to 3 school aged kiddos and just started full time nursing school. I am struggling big time and think support from others is probably something that is desperately missing from my attempts at a healthier lifestyle. I am definitely an emotional/ compulsive eater and always have been (since childhood). I have struggled and managed to get down 20 pounds or so here or there, but lately with the stress and lack of time I find myself sneaking back up close to my all time high. So here I am! I have always known I am a compulsive eater but have never really delved into it much, but I think I really need to. So I look forward to supporting, being supported by and learning from you guys.

Now here is my question. I am also lacking in accountability. When I fill in my food journal, do others see it? Is there a way to post it somewhere? It really doesn't matter too much to me if anyone has the time to look at it, just knowing it is posted somewhere makes me feel like I am accountable for my actions.




  • MichelleOnWheels
    MichelleOnWheels Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Amy and welcome. I am a compulsive eater/ bulemic. I am in OA and so are 99% of my small group of friends on MFP. I use this program to be public about my food. You can set your diary to private, share with friends only, or share with everyone. I leave mine open because I believe I am only as sick as my secrets. Also because it is easier than calling and reporting my food to someone else, plus I don't have to listen to 'feedback' about it :smile: I am really trying not to get too hung up on the #s, but it is important to me to lose weight, so I am really trying to stay withing my suggested guideline. I do better some days than others. Right now I feel like I'm struggling a bit, but over all I am happy about how things are going. Hope to see you around!