Starting Day's and Healthy Competitions

I will be starting this on a Friday. My boyfriends works over nights and has a daughter who lives with him so I only see him on his nights off, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We go out to eat with his daughter or family and go out and do things; bowling, bars, wing nights, etc. So those days will not work for me. My mother cooks her food for the week on Sunday nights for the week. Friday, Saturday, Sunday turned out to be the best days for me. It will keep me out of the bars on the weekend and stop me from bad Sunday habits of football, beer, pizza, wings, chips, dips, ect. Plus, I will still get my mom's cooking Monday and Tuesday. WIN!

I have to go get the food still, which will probably be this weekend so I will be starting it next weekend which gives others time to see this and get the food to start with me next Friday. We can make it a competition of who can stick too it, and work out, and how much we lose and how many rounds we can handle! I know that will motivate me, but everyone is different.

Who is with me?!?!?!?! Anyone want to start Friday the 23rd? What day are you starting and why?


  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    Okay, I lied. I got most of the food today. Looks like I will be starting this Friday!
  • ready4fit
    Day 1 was not as bad as I expected!

    The night was kinda rough because I didnt have icecream or eat green beans, I had applesuace instead and cashews. Oh well. I am now off to the grocery store to buy everything else I need. :)
  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    If I were you I would stick to the diet more closely the next time you try it for better results. The diet is really just a chemistry experiment in your tummy which is why it says so substitutions. If you leave something out then you might not get a key ingredient to break down something else you ate. Let me know how it goes though! I am excited to start it Friday. I have everything but the apples and the caffeinated tea. I hate caffeine, I am wound enough with out it lol
  • ready4fit
    Yeah. I know but no sweat! next round I got it. Just wasnt able to get to the store.

    BUT today went great!
  • ready4fit
    The cottage cheese gave me bad gas and diarrhea! -__- NEVER AGAIN. idk what I was thinking eating it I havent had it in years I don't think. ugh. ANyways good day otherwise! didnt cheat and feel great.
  • AmberzHeartz
    AmberzHeartz Posts: 53 Member
    I am so glad that it is easy! I am a little nervous about wanting to cheat. I refuse to eat cottage cheese. I am a bit of a brat and a very picky eater. Not substituting is going to be what bugs me the most. Do you think you will get results?