Looking for success stories from men.

primal88 Posts: 16 Member
I am a male, and doing paleo. I seem to be seeing mostly women's stories. I like seeing their success, but I want to know the stories of men. Has it been difficult? What results have you gotten? Do you have any tips for me. I am 57, married (she has not changed to pale yet) I am trying pale, but find myself going to old habits. I weigh 295 lbs @ 6'1.
Thanks for any communications.


  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    I have been here 295 days and dowm 65 lbs. i feel great , i have more energy, and my blood work is awesome. My diary is open. Remember this is a lifestyle. You will reach a point when food is not that important. You eat for fuel. By the way, this is an awesome group with great people. Welcome and good luck.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm 27 and been on Paleo for a year.

    Not many men are on MFP and I wasn't surprised with it. Women are good at keeping everyone connected.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Two great examples above...
    I forgot to add, I switched to paleo 1/1.. lost most all the weight by 4/1. I have been maintaining since without much trouble. I eat for fuel also and some people are shocked at the amount of food I eat. I think men can be more successful at paleo because we often have our hormones more out of whack in our later years than they do. So don't just think about the scale, think about how good and energized you feel. (and how much healthier you will be)
    The fact that I hang out in this message group with a bunch of cool women is just a side benefit.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    The fact that I hang out in this message group with a bunch of cool women is just a side benefit.

    Hahaha, I agree with you and I have learned lots of thing from them. They do provide better information than men in general.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    We love our Paleo dudes.:heart:
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member

    In June 2010 I weighed ~325lbs (I'm ~6ft tall). At that time I had been transitioning my way into Primal/Paleo over the course of a month or so as I learned more and more about it. I lost, over the course of that first year, about 100lbs. I remember, I used to stand on my scale and shake my head and laugh and actually say aloud, "it's just not fair..." No, not becuase I wasn't getting anywhere but because I was shedding weight so damn fast and effortlessly. During this whole time, my only exercise was weightlifting ~30-40 minutes, twice a week (Which I've continued through to today). Summer 2011, I started sprinting once a week when my schedule allowed. During winter 2011/12 I did no cardio. In May of 2012, I started hiking and would have been sprinting at least once a week but, I broke my ankle in an unfortunate side-by-side ATV accident in mid-July. I've done a couple sprints since getting mobile again, but I still haven't found time to do it regularly and it's now getting cold, so I probably won't be sprinting again until next spring/summer. I do intend to continue hiking (perhaps I'll buy some snowshoes) throughout winter 2012/13 when I can. From the ~220lbs of summer 2011 to today, I've lost another 30-35lbs.

    So, from June 2010 to November 2012, I've gone from ~325lbs to ~185lbs. I've been weighing a bit heavy the last week or two - carb binge. I still have a little ways to go though. I have about 14.75% body fat and an annoyingly stubborn paunch get rid of.

    That's my story so far. I hope this helps.

  • primal88
    primal88 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for all of your stories and thoughts. Good to see other men here.
  • samand25
    samand25 Posts: 30 Member
    Mainly lurk here now - but thought Id pop up for a paleo bro.

    Ive done paleo for about 11 months now - and lost 52lbs - all whilst eating the best ive ever eaten.

    More than that I went from having a knee injury that caused me to limp for years to running 5k 3x a week. Not saying that that is wholly down to paleo - it maybe the weight loss - but it certainly didnt hurt!

    Good luck with the lifestyle.