How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??

Post one questions:

How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??

Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, and television series -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines?


  • Hello everyone, My name is Dee! I am from San Antonio, Texas, but living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I pledge to lose 15 pounds by NYE!

    My favorite color is orange and green.
    My favorite season is fall -- because I get to wear a variety of scarves, beanies, and hats.
    My favorite food is hot dogs.
    My favorite television series are Doctor Who, Revenge, and Once Upon a Time.
    I love yoga and walking. I also like cycling.
  • fabby58
    fabby58 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey. Would love to lose 10lbs by NYE.
    Yesterday marked 6 weeks before I fly to Thailand so beach bod by then would be amazing.
    Getting into my weights at the moment. Started going to body pump classes and got myself a PT to really push me in the right direction. Also I recommend the 30DS if people really want to see some results by new year :)
  • Avason
    Avason Posts: 37
    Hi everyone, I'm Alex, 24 years old and living in the netherlands.
    My goal is to be 90 kg around newyears, so I pledge to lose 15 pounds by NYE (15 pounds would but me under 89 kilo actually but I'm counting on gaining some weight around christmas)!

    I don't really have a favorite color but I love working with cyan and dark grey.
    My favorite season is winter, just because snow is the best thign ever and I don't like heat.
    My favorite food is steak (no idea how to explain in english what kind of steak, it's a local thing)
    My favorite tv shows are Game of Thrones, Bones and Family Guy
    Other hobbies inculde graphic design, board- and videogames, and going for a walk.
  • HaylzNZ
    HaylzNZ Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am Hayley, from New Zealand.
    I would like to lose 15lbs by NYE - to prove to (remind) myself I can do it.

    My favourite colour is purple
    My favourite season is autumn - such a pretty time of year
    My favourite food is Chicken breast marinated with ginger and honey, stir fried with bok choy.. mmm...
    My favourite tv series is Firefly
    My workout routine is walking - it gives me freedom, I can do it anywhere, with someone or alone, with music or without, and I get to explore some stunning locations and call it exercise.
  • Hiya! I'm from the UK - home is up north but I'm currently at uni in the south.

    My favourite colours are purple and green (though not together!)
    I don't have a favourite season, but I intensely dislike being cold and wet at once, so the autumn-winter changeover isn't great.
    I can't choose a favourite food!
    Favourite TV series has to be Doctor Who, along with Walking With Dinosaurs and Great British Bake Off.
    I love walking, and going swimming.

    I'm looking to lose 7lbs by NYE - not a lot, but I also know I've got a lot of social weekends coming up where eating perfectly isn't going to be my main priority!
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to myfitnesspal and only joined this week!

    I live in France and am 43 years old - ooh arr!!!!

    My main reason/goal for joining was to lose a stone (14lb) for new year - that would be the best thing ever!
    Long, long, long way to go after that, but a starts a start, and this time I feel I'm approaching this with the right frame of mind.

    I always start diets but end up giving up after a week or so, so would appreciate any advice or motivation to keep me going.

    My favourite colours are lilac and turqoise
    I like to do cross-stitching, knitting and crochet
    I LOVE food - all food, any kind, you name - thats the problem!

    looking forward to being intouch with new people and take on board and appreciate any advice.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Hello All!

    Thanks for sharing your journey with me.

    I would like to lose 7 pounds by New Year's Eve.

    I am from Montana. My favorite colors are turquoise and lime green. My favorite season is spring because winter is harsh here and springtime in the Rockies is beautiful. I love blueberries, cherries, and other seasonal produce that I can't have year-round. I grow a huge garden, so pretty much anything fresh is a real delight as well. I have not had television in about 3 or 4 years by choice, so I don't have a favorite TV show per se. I'd rather be outdoors than watching TV!

    I enjoy hiking, walking on an aggressive incline (indoors or out), swimming laps, walking for fun, and lifting weights. Functional fitness is huge for me and I work out for LIFE, not necessarily for weight loss. I'm going to get back into jogging this spring with the Couch to 5K program for a trail run in May. I'm also doing 30 Day Shred.
  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    Hello! My name is Diana and I'm currently living in Western Massachusetts.

    My weight loss has stalled in the past month (I've started lifting weights, so I'm hoping this has something to do with it) and I'd like to be down another 5 pounds by NYE.

    I like most colors but I don't wear much yellow or yellow tones. The fall is pretty great and I love summer. Can't pin down one kind of food. Hmmmm.....I make my own spinach and garlic pizza. It's darn tasty! As for TV, I mainly stick to British mystery series.

    I try to work out every day but lately it's been 5-6 days a week. I lift 2 days a week and jog (5-6 mph) for 3-4 miles OR walk (4 mph) for 3-4 miles. I like to give my knees a bit of a break.

    Good luck to all!
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    Hey Everyone.

    I would like to lose at the min. 5 pounds so I will pledge to lose 7 pounds. That seems realistic for me.

    I am from olympia WA, currently residing in Jacksonville FL.
    I don't have a favorite color but I guess if I have to put an answer down it would be blue since I wear it litterally every day of the week. (it is the color of my uniform).
    My favorite season? Well from where I am from I love the fall, it is so pretty there, but where I am currently living, the winter. It is really the only cool time and comfortable to run in.
    My favorite food...hhmmmmm there so many. Lets keep it really general, italian foods. YUMMY! It is my heritage and I keep to it a lot. Terrible for weight loss.
    My favorite TV series would have to be The Big Bang Theory, and anything with Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen, and some Bravo shows.
    My favorite workout routines are spin class, wieghts and I do like the cross ramp trainer thing that they have at the gym. Running is one of my least favorites but I have to do it because of my job. I get tested twice a year on it.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member

    How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve??
    9 pounds

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from?
    Originally from PA, now in FL

    What is your favorite color



    television series -- and why?
    The Walking Dead, because I love zombies!

    What are your favorite workout routines?
    I love weight training and kickboxing.
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    Hello! My goal already was to lose 15 lbs by Christmas. I'm at 12 now, so I will plan on that as my New Years goal as well!

    I'm living in Reno, NV, but I'm originally from So. California.

    My favorite color is blue, hands down!

    Definitely love Fall best. The colors, the smells, the coziness, the baking!

    My favorite food is sushi.

    My favorite TV shows are British period dramas, Game of Thrones, House Hunters International on HGTV, and No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain. I just started getting into Dr. Who, so that's becoming a favorite, too!

    My favorite workout is walking or hiking outside. It always lifts my mood! Luckily I have Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevadas right here!
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Hi, everyone! My name is Kara, I am a 20-year-old student from NYC, & I want to lose 2 inches off of my stomach by New Year's!

    My favorite color is red & it always has been. It's never changed for my whole life!
    My favorite season is Autumn because it's beautiful outside while remaining a nice temperature. It always gives nostalgic feelings!
    My favorite food . . . is seafood! :laugh: But, I love all food & can't really choose! I love fruit very much. I love a lot of things!
    I don't watch TV so I can't answer the last one :laugh:

    I don't really have any favorite workout routines because I do a bit of everything. I just want to be strong! My goal is to have a lot of lean muscle. I also hope to be >115 pounds, because I'm underweight (trying very hard to tone everything up :cry: ). I'm currently doing the 30DS & plan on moving to RI30 afterward!

    I belly dance & want to perform & teach actively in the future, I'm working to be a clinical neuropsychologist, & I want to learn many languages. I'm a big Lady Gaga fan & am a moderator on the Gaga forum (message boards). Although I'm a newbie, I also love to cook! Especially using all healthy ingredients. I can't wait to move out & have a kitchen all to myself! :laugh:

    Can't wait to get to know you all better & see how we all accomplish our goals! :heart:
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi all!! very excited for this challenge! please add me for encouragement (just make sure to mention the challenge so I accept :-) )

    So, I've tried to set high goals and haven't reached them so I'm going to set a modest 1lb a week loss + 1lb.

    How much would you like to lose by New Years Eve?? 7lbs (I weigh in each Friday so the goal will be set based on my weight Friday)

    Where are you from? New Jersey!
    What is your favorite color: pink... some say I'm obsessed haha
    season: summer... i love the beach... although, since i've gained weight i haven't gone to the beach very often.
    food: i love food haha... my top 2 favorites s probably 1: lobster and 2: pizza
    and television series: well, I watch a lot of tv thanks to DVR. I like reality like Jersey Shore & Duck Dynasty. I like both CSIs, Criminal Minds, Gossip Girl, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, New Girl, Modern Family... i could go on and on but I won't bore you anymore :-p
    What are your favorite workout routines? i'm currently doing insanity. i love it. i'm on the 1st week of month 2 and i will probably do another round once i finish this round.

    this is exciting! stay motivated all! we can do this!
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    Hello. My name is Nichole and I'm 42 and live in Maryland.

    I'd like to lose my last 3 pounds by New Year's Eve (and make it to 100 lost from my all-time high weight). Half a pound per week. I'm going to try! It's been very slow coming off lately, so this might be the extra push that I need.

    Favorite color-pink
    Favorite season-summer (I'm a teacher and well as much as I love my job I also love my long vacations)
    Favorite food-anything Mexican!
    Favorite television series-Glee and Modern Family-they make me laugh and I see some truth from my life in every episode

    Favorite workout routines-Zumba, lifting weights, running (HIIT on the treadmill and outside when I can)
  • Hi everyone! I'm from Muncie Indiana. I would like to lose 15lbs by NYE. I had lost a lot of weight and have sadly let some of it return to my waist. :( I'm so upset with myself, but determined to get it back off!

    My favorite color is, well, I like so many colors its hard to choose just one........
    My favorite season is........I like all of them for just a bit....then I'm ready for the next. Winter is my LEAST favorite. I like it until Christmas, then I'm over it!
    My favorite food is good southern home cookin.
    My favorite television series are Revenge, 90210, Hart of Dixie, Switched at Birth...
    I love shopping, watching movies and being with my family, especially my baby girl. :)
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
  • VikkiJL
    VikkiJL Posts: 28 Member
    Hola everyone :) I'm Vik and I live in England! I hope to lose 12 pounds by New Year, as that would take me into ONEderland!!!

    My favorite colour is pink
    My favorite season is winter as I love the holidays
    My favorite food is sushi
    My favorite television series are Downton Abbey, Lost and Scrubs
    I love doing boot camp and the cross trainer (whilst I'm reading my kindle)
  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey everybody!

    I'm Beth, originally from Bowling Green, KY but currently living in Clarksville, TN. I'm wanting to lose 10lbs by NYE!

    My favorite color is green
    My favorite season is autumn. The leaves changing, bonfires, the fall scents..mmm!
    My favorite food is anything bakery related. I am a pastry junkie. Cream horns, eclairs, and canolis are my weakness!
    Favorite television series are American Horror Story, Grey's Anatomy, and NCIS

    My favorite things to do for exercise are walking and dancing, and I'm looking to throw some more strength training in starting next week.
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    hey hey...I'm Jessica and live in FL. I'm pushing to drop 8 lbs by NYE.

    -not a fan of the color orange
    -fav season is winter (of course i never see it b/c i live in south florida)
    -i like most foods equally
    -fav tv shows are Revenge and Law/Order SVU
    -fav workout is playing soccer
  • lizapettit
    lizapettit Posts: 166 Member
    I'm Liza from Mississippi :)

    My favorite color is coral
    My favorite season is fall, I love running the trail when the leaves turn
    My favorite food is STEAK, yum!
    My favorite television series are Dexter, The Walking Dead, and I'm actually watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix
    I love Zumba, running, and all water activities

    I'm shooting for 17.2 pounds, and the reason is because I need to lose another 7.2 for the November challenge, and I'd like to see 10 gone in December. I realize I probably won't meet my goal, but it's worth a shot :D

    I keep an open diary for my friends and log daily, so feel free to add me if you like!